View Full Version : UPS 757 vs. cleaning truck

Ian Corrigible
2nd May 2014, 18:10
Already covered over at APC (http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/cargo/81219-ups-757-v-truck.html), but reposted here just for giggles.

Box Hauler versus Box Van
Av Week (http://aviationweek.com/blog/box-hauler-versus-box-van) Apr 28, 2014

Video has emerged on YouTube of a March 23 incident where a cleaning truck run amok slams into an unmanned UPS Boeing 757-200 (N462UP) on Spot 90 at the Miami International Airport. Sources tell Aviation Week that no crew members were aboard the 757 when the truck, driven by a cleaning vendor employee, hit the left side of the aircraft, causing punctures and other damage. An investigation is ongoing as to why the truck did what it did, but it appears the driver is relatively unhurt, based on the video. The aircraft was taken out of service that day, fixed by AAR Aircraft Services in Miami and returned to flight status on April 13. Hat tip to Joe Pries for sending along the clip.

A UPS spokesman says it appears that the driver "hit the gas instead of the brake pedal" when maneuvering near the 757.


Tray Surfer
2nd May 2014, 23:33
Bluming heck… :eek:

That was quite some impact…

Poor old bird, just sitting there minding her own business.

3rd May 2014, 00:47
Might be an idea to install integrated dash cams that can't be tampered with into some ground vehicles :hmm:.Won't prevent the accident but may improve subsequent 'training'.

Geezers of Nazareth
3rd May 2014, 17:42
What happened to 'test the brakes by coming to a complete halt before approaching the aircraft', and 'speed limit on the ramp/stand area is 5mph' ?

4th May 2014, 00:36
There's a thread below in 'Spectators Balcony (Spotters Corner)'


It was mentioned that the crash driver was not authorised to drive that vehicle.