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View Full Version : MERGED: Aircraft on fire - Perth - photo of it in the air

29th Apr 2014, 03:19
Reports of an aircraft on fire after take off from Perth

- photo of it in the air with a glow or flames from one of the engines,
I'll leave it for others to decide how to describe it.

Said to now be safely on the ground again and it was "well under control"


29th Apr 2014, 03:24
A cargo plane, 500N - and those blokes are going to get a right bollocking for using full thrust with afterburners. All's well that ends well.

29th Apr 2014, 03:35
A cargo plane,

Not sure where you're getting cargo plane from, it was a Cobham RJ100 full of passengers.

29th Apr 2014, 03:39
Surprised the hair dryer burnt so well.....

29th Apr 2014, 03:40
A 146QT or an RJ-100? The media says the former.

Plane makes emergency landing in Perth (http://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2014/04/29/plane-makes-emergency-landing-in-perth.html)

29th Apr 2014, 03:55
A 146QT or an RJ-100? The media says the former.

VH-NJI operating NC1994 to Barrow Island. It was a passenger flight. Cobham doesn't operate freighters out of Perth.

29th Apr 2014, 04:07
Good job to the crew.

29th Apr 2014, 04:10
Self loading cargo :ok:

Seen a few ALFs go bang over the years but that's a speccy one.

Pinky the pilot
29th Apr 2014, 04:15
Stand by for the usual hysterical reaction from the media, especially with quotes from some of the pax.:rolleyes:

And what Blueskymine said!:ok:

29th Apr 2014, 04:41
Sir Edmond Halley is rather miffed.

It looks like Hayley's Comet

29th Apr 2014, 04:46
VH-NJI dep Perth, check out the Webtrak. Eng #2 on fire.

Nicely handled

Plane catches fire at Perth Airport (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2014/04/29/13/29/plane-catches-fire-at-perth-airport)

29th Apr 2014, 04:59
W.A?? Oh no, where is Geoffrey 'John' Thomas take on this? Maybe he will reenact this in the SIM?

29th Apr 2014, 05:25
Witnesses have reported seeing the flames coming from the right engine
Looks a lot like the left engine to me.

Cobham operates aircraft on behalf of Qantas regional subsidiary QantasLink
And the BAe 146 ain't one of them.

Top notch reporting! :yuk:

29th Apr 2014, 05:30
Dancing Dog - Are you sure about that BAE146 fact? :)

Cobham - Freight Services (http://www.nationaljet.com.au/freight.htm)

29th Apr 2014, 05:33
At least the ABC got it right.

Plane engine catches fire after take-off from Perth Airport - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-04-29/plane-engine-fire-in-perth/5418328)

29th Apr 2014, 05:34
I'm looking forward to the experts detailed analysis on this one.

29th Apr 2014, 05:35
Correct me if I'm wrong, but freight services don't fall under the QantasLink brand.

29th Apr 2014, 05:43
The media really do take the cake.

Video of interview with a passenger out the front of the airport,
asking all the hyped up questions trying to get a good quote etc.

The guy was quite cool even though he said he was a bit scared
but I thought didn't get caught up in the hoopla that the media
was trying to generate.

The heading on the video says it all
"cobham passenger terrified to see flames"

Capt Claret
29th Apr 2014, 05:49
Fancy that. According to one media report "the aircraft managed to turn back". Terribly tricky manoeuvre an asymmetric three engined turn!:ugh:

29th Apr 2014, 05:51
Well, it's all a big company play, isn't it? - with a dozen companies and subsidiaries that are still all owned by Qantas, when it comes to the crunch?
Cobham (formerly National Jet, to those who came in late, as the Phantom says) talk of "providing services" to QantasLink and Australian Air Express - but Qantas still owns them all.
Technically, you're correct, but it's all a big paperwork exercise designed to minimise tax and gain other financial "arms length" advantages.

29th Apr 2014, 05:52
For those with Facebook you should be able to see this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10204034004316961

Ignore his stupid "crash" title.

29th Apr 2014, 05:56
Cobham aren't owned by Qantas dude...

Capt Claret
29th Apr 2014, 05:56
Correct me if I'm wrong, but freight services don't fall under the QantasLink brand.

Nor do any 146s operate on the Q/Link contract. The company operates both freight & pax variants of the 146/RJ family.

29th Apr 2014, 06:01
The ABC reported pieces of melting metal falling from the back of the wing before the aircraft landed on the tarmac. It's so refreshing to hear such accurate reporting.

29th Apr 2014, 06:10
Dash8capt - Apologies for my error. Yes, you're correct, Cobham Aviation Services are owned by Cobham PLC, a British company.

Cobham do operate only 4 RJ100's - as compared to operating 10 BAE146 variants.


29th Apr 2014, 06:26
It's 5 RJ100s actually, best not to rely too much on Wikipedia.

29th Apr 2014, 06:31
If its going to Barrow Island you won't get any "we feared for our lives" comments... Just a bunch of pissed off rig workers who missed making it to the wet mess tonight.

29th Apr 2014, 06:32
Nor do any 146s operate on the Q/Link contract.
That's exactly what I said in the first place. Does anyone here read?
Now we have a big pprune argument when what I said to start with is correct.
Back on topic (engine fire).

Miss F
29th Apr 2014, 06:49
I just hope all the crew are OK.

We always called NJI "interesting"... I was on the first flight of NJI (well, this incarnation of it) and it took us a few go's to get going.

Going Boeing
29th Apr 2014, 07:38
Channel 10 (Bris) ended their report on this incident with: "Damage to the aircraft is being assessed by firefighters".

Journalism setting new low standards. :ugh:

29th Apr 2014, 07:52
Just a bunch of pissed off rig workers who missed making it to the wet mess tonight.

What for their 4 mid strength beers?

If I hadn't of been made redundant that may very well have been me.

I was due to fly back today after some leave.

Now I miss out on claiming stress leave for nearly being killed! :ok:

Sorry about the quality as its a screen grab from a mobile phone video

29th Apr 2014, 08:45

If they served dinner you get a free show

Everyone loves fireworks

And those jiggers have about 60 engines so no need to worry about falling out of the sky

bazza stub
29th Apr 2014, 08:46
Now I miss out on claiming stress leave for nearly being killed! :ok:

The closest any of those passengers came to being killed was when they got on their cars to do battle with Perth hooligans, or just being bogans themselves. An engine fire is most certainly not a death sentence in this country in a transport category aircraft, even a 146.

The press are a bunch of uninformed twats!

29th Apr 2014, 08:54
I liked the comment made by the union rep from the CFMEU, what a tower of knowledge that FWIT was.

29th Apr 2014, 08:56
Had to love the pax responding to the reporter fishing for a 'we wuz gunna die' quote

"And did they tell you there was a fire?"

Pax: "Would you? :hmm:

Gold :D

29th Apr 2014, 09:03
More likely the number 4 bearing or the power turbine letting go. The sparklers are the secondary effect.

The droppit dunnies would have had a workout...l:eek:

The crew would be ill prepared because in the sim the b&st&&ds always fail No.1 or 4 !!

29th Apr 2014, 09:15
"Power turbine" ? Seriously?

Dangly Bits
29th Apr 2014, 10:27
Dontcha love it! Big Bang! Look left engine is spitting fire, and the first thing you do is.....Turn on your phone and film it!

29th Apr 2014, 10:31
Some photos on https://www.facebook.com/SecondHandPilot?ref=hl

29th Apr 2014, 10:39
Dancingdog, hahaha, talk about reading! Where does you cut & paste say that the a/c concerned was one it operates for QF, all's it is, is a statement that Cobham op a/c on behalf of Qantaslink (as an aside I guess)?

29th Apr 2014, 11:29
So what was the fire response like? PER fire rescue seem to me to be a very professional bunch….how did they tackle the problem? after all evacuated did they douse the lot with more jet fuel and remove one more quadrapuff from existence?

29th Apr 2014, 11:31
You're a troll, but I'll answer your question nonetheless.

In short, it doesn't say that, but that's intentional.
We're talking journalists here. Through tricky wording, he/she is trying to make the travelling public feel like the incident has something to do with them, even though it actually doesn't. They just want to cause a stir.

29th Apr 2014, 11:52

I just happened to read this which might answer your question.

"The plane landed safely at 10.55am and all on board are OK," the spokeswoman said.

"As a precaution, aviation rescue firefighters turned out to the tarmac and followed the plane as they taxied into position."

Read more: Reports of plane on fire at Perth Airport (http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/reports-of-plane-on-fire-at-perth-airport-20140429-37f58.html#ixzz30H7vi93L)

Capn Bloggs
29th Apr 2014, 12:02
"Power turbine" ? Seriously?
Yes, seriously. Do a google search and report back... :cool:

29th Apr 2014, 12:17

Yes Journalists, those no nothings whereas us Pilots know everything about anything; flying a/c, airline management etc.:eek:

29th Apr 2014, 12:50
Does this airline play the "we're all gonna die" music over the PA prior to landing? :}

Glad it turned out to be no big drama.

29th Apr 2014, 13:03
Oh.... Maybe you're right. It's a helicopter engine, isn't it, so ........
My bad
As you were, sorry

29th Apr 2014, 13:07
Well, you would hope that pilots know their left and rights :p

29th Apr 2014, 13:18
Ah... the dreaded 3-engine approach.

29th Apr 2014, 14:08

Sorry about the :mad: quality is is a screen grab from a video.

Could somebody that know more than I tell me why it looks like a sparkler?
I may have watched too many movies but i would have expected some flame

29th Apr 2014, 19:14
All turbines in jet engines are power turbines are they not?

They extract energy from the expansion of gases to turn the compresser. Generally though you hear it used more when describing a free power turbine engine like a PT6.

I suppose though a modern high bypass twin spool engine has a free power turbine called 'N1' turning the fan....

29th Apr 2014, 20:22
Thread-drift, but no, it's called LP (N1) HP (N2) in jet engines.
'Power Turbine' is for turboprop or helicopter things (which is where Lycombing put this thing first.....so they stuck with it I guess, even though the term is as redundant as the component it drove )
Still, much caution should be taken if using the word 'Power' and '146' in the same sentence

Capt Claret
29th Apr 2014, 21:52

I've only seen one bit of footage, showing sparks not fire, as such. My impression is that a bearing or bearings failed causing metal on metal grinding of the spinning parts, and the result was what one sees with an angle grinder, a shower of sparks.

Time will tell.

29th Apr 2014, 22:48
A still picture on the TV news last night showed the rear section of the engine missing large bits of the upper section. That section is only fairly thin and if melting away would cause that "sparkler' effect. Loved the comment on the news from one of the pax "Just like a sparkler ...bit a BIG one"
There also looked like a big hole in the nacelle at around the 2 o'clock position where something appears to have come out!
Edit ..found the picture on Incident: Cobham RJ1H at Perth on Apr 29th 2014, uncontained engine failure (http://www.avherald.com/h?article=4739fcc8&opt=0)

30th Apr 2014, 03:08
Definitely a "bring-me-my-dark-brown-corduroy-trousers" moment for the pax sitting next to the failed engine - and I must say, after reading the comments on turbine blades letting go on the AvHerald site, it surprises me that there doesn't appear to be a containment shield on these engines, against any stray blades that could easily penetrate the fuselage.

Capn Bloggs
30th Apr 2014, 04:06
there doesn't appear to be a containment shield on these engines
That depends on how you look at it. The containment shield may well have worked well, only letting out a small amount of stuff. After all, even state-of-the-art donks don't do a perfect job of containment, the No 2 roller on QF 32 being a good example.

I was impressed by the captain's voice; the lowest in the business didn't even lift an octave. Nothing scares an old-timer! :ok:

30th Apr 2014, 09:41
Yeah, good job to the crew!
This stuff is never fun, so well handled!
Must have been tough for the cabin staff too, so again well done

30th Apr 2014, 10:57
Just had Kevin F$%#ing Reynolds ranting and raving about their fleet and engines don't just catch fire and he doesn't want it to happen again.

30th Apr 2014, 12:10
Kevin Reynolds is nothing more than a union thug who represents the dinosaurs of the union movement. Very little that comes out of his foul mouth is worth listening to. :yuk:

1st May 2014, 03:51
Folks... How about we just wait for the report to be published..My "Guess" is that the Bleed band actuator and or associated plumbing or linkages have broken..

1st May 2014, 14:35
and that would lead to the known damage - how?

1st May 2014, 15:42
It's all 20 weight ball bearings now..... c'mon

Yup, wait for the report

1st May 2014, 22:53
Similar to the incident in 08 when a National Jets 146 enroute to West Angeles on A Rio charter had a catastrophic failure. I have the phone video showing bits coming out of the outlet in flight. Photographer sitting closest didn't catch the fiery bit, bit shocked initially, but you can hear the boys laughing about it in the background. Won't get any "thought we we going to die" quotes from us.:cool:

2nd May 2014, 11:19
Won't get any "thought we we going to die" quotes from us.:cool:

Exactly why we liked you blokes to be onboard. I bet there was at least one who asked when the bar was going to be open again though... ;) j/k

16th May 2014, 07:16
No rotating parts failed. Speculation can be so wrong.

16th May 2014, 07:29
As a matter of interest to those mine workers who might be thinking of taking pics or vids of the next exciting event and sending them to the media - the mine site employee who took the pics of the flameout, and sent them to the media, was immediately fired on the spot. :ooh:
I might add, the TV station paid him just $2000 for the vid. Miserable pack of bastards. They probably made $10M out of the vid.
So, if you're working for a big company - just remember to keep in mind the employment termination conditions.
The managements need to keep control of a corporations public image, takes priority over anything else - including your job, and your many years of loyal service to them. :suspect:

16th May 2014, 07:44
One track

That doesn't surprise me.

16th May 2014, 10:14
Our particular large , multi-national mining complany also has very strict rules on social media and unauthorised dissemination of any incidents via public media--a few people have found themselves with "window seats" after such ill-advised acts. Which could be classed as unutterable stupidity. And, as to the incident I mentioned earlier, it was circulated privately, not publicly:ok:

16th May 2014, 10:22
Exactly why we liked you blokes to be onboard. I bet there was at least one who asked when the bar was going to be open again though... j/k

Probably---but no bar at the National Jets terminal.:) Probably more along the lines of cheering for a paid day off. We tend to be very forgiving of issues which require a return to base--remarkably different to the attitude of a tech failure on Fly Home day;)