View Full Version : Air2000 BALLOT - can we trust management today?

20th May 2002, 15:00
Air2000 proposal:
2.5% pay rise
salary review Apr 03, rather than the threatened 18 month pay freeze.
5% pay deferral paid in lump sum rather than over 5 months.
Temporary Scheduling Agreement until Nov 02
Block Window Protection 2 days per month
Day off payment
Early start payment after day off.
Negotiations "will begin immediately with a view to agreeing a new scheduling agreement by Nov02"

Doesn't this last comment sound like they are stalling for time; ie get this summer out of the way.

I do not trust our management to come up with a suitable solution at the beginning of our next winter season.
We should make a stand now whilst the "BUSY" summer season is ahead of us and on our side.
If we don't make a stand now, we'll lose the advantage, and our career prospects will be affected for the rest of ours days.
Look forward to temporary contracts for our First Officers, temporary Captains, early starts after days off, 'Block Window Protection'. "What the h*ll is a 'Block Window Protection'?" I hear next year's new starters saying.
A 'work -to-rule' now will put the fear of god into the board at FC House. Any risk of the media publishing 'Industrial Action within Air2000' and the bookings won't recover this season.
All I am asking for is fair treatment.
Stop the practice of temporary positions, as per Peter Long's statement: "It doesn't work" - this will go some way in keeping the middle and junior pilots on side simply by giving them a career path forward.
Honour the pay award agreed of 3.5%. If the managemnet cannot keep their word, what trust can they expect in the future?
As a result of bad management we find ourselves short of crew! One too many knee jerk reactions has put us in this position. Due to this we are unable to operate the summer program under the "Old Scheduling Agreement". - Should we not be insisting on a signed agreement NOW for the "Old Scheduling Agreement" to be made contractual in Nov 2002.
The Board should stop thinking of us as a bunch of "over paid London cabbies or bus drivers", who don't (quote)"have the balls to do anything". It is insulting and embarrassing; insulting to our profession and embarrassing to all of us who have "Directors" on the Board who seem to be wollowing in jealousy. GROW UP!

Do you trust management today?
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