View Full Version : JAA/EASA PPL Pilot Studies

20th Apr 2014, 19:29
I am currently churning my way through my PPL(H) and hope to be done by the start of July, I am having a few issues with Phil Crouchers PPL questions and answers book as it seems to contain errors. I am finding it quite frustrating as a book that is supposed to be a learning aid due to these mistakes, nothing like thinking you have the correct answer and it is telling you otherwise!! I have shown my instructor a few of the examples to check whether I was going mad or not and he confirmed that it has got boo boos in and that the school is no longer selling it. Has anyone one here come across the same issue? and is there a list of errors that have been found that can be noted to be left out of any study?

20th Apr 2014, 20:17
Personally I'd be surprised if there are mistakes - that said some things change I'm sure Phil will be along on here very shortly to put it and your instructor right!

20th Apr 2014, 20:44
Interesting, indeed.

FYI, Josh, but Phil posts on here. Like MOSTAFA said, I'm sure that he's going to be along soon.


20th Apr 2014, 21:36
Have never had any issues with any of Phil's books over the years....:)

21st Apr 2014, 04:56
Yes, I would be interested to know what the alleged boo boos are. Let's not forget that we are dealing with EASA questions...... :)

In any case, it's better than the confuser


21st Apr 2014, 19:56
Don't panic it's EASA ! It will all have changed again by next week