View Full Version : Urgent Q for GA pilot in NZ (Part135/125)

10th Apr 2014, 12:13
I really need kiwi pilots help!

There are many Part135/125 operators in NZ and I would like to know
how much salary the pilots get?

For myself:
Part135, VFR, single engine, Non turbine,
just joined the new company, full time, start off 29K.

Is this average?
How about your place?


10th Apr 2014, 16:14
Do you consider that pay fair????

10th Apr 2014, 20:57
Full time in NZ is about 40 hours a week x 52 weeks = about 2000 hours and the legal minimum wage is $13.75 per hour..round it up to $14 then $28000 is your answer..

..sorry but that's about all you can expect for vfr single engine!
We live in a low wage economy and there's probably guys out there reading this that would do it for nothing..

10th Apr 2014, 21:59

We are on the skilled job but I understand
NZ GA is poor pay... Maybe it's not fair but we have to take
the job somehow to get hours.


Yes, my few friends are flying for nothing.
They just get FLT hours...

11th Apr 2014, 01:07
Sad as it is, be thankful your employer recognises the fact you are a full time employee and actually pays minimum wage. Many employers would call you 'part-time', 'casual' or a 'contractor', but expect you to be available 24/7 and only pay flight hours, if that.

11th Apr 2014, 01:51

Don't be thankful to them. Do your time and move on to better jobs. GA in NZ is beyond saving.

11th Apr 2014, 02:12
Not just NZ judging by the comments on this site :ooh:

11th Apr 2014, 08:15

It seems to be same problem through out NZ.
24/7... that's good way to express.


Kind of mixed emotions.
1. Thank you for hiring me as a pilot!
2. I do things a lot for the company more than FLT, and
getting this amount...


I think NZ is one of the not great country for working as a pilot in GA.

12th Apr 2014, 02:30
From my experience i have heard of wages ranging from 35k up to 52k for 135/125 work out side of air nz (multi/single turbine IFR/VFR pa31 etc size), air ambulance work seems to get a bit more.

12th Apr 2014, 03:03
After Tax, I am banking 55K and not paying for food or accommodation while on base. 40 on 20 off.
That is shortly going to go up to 68k after tax, and then eventually 81k. I've figured that living package is around 100k give or take.

Thats on a Part 135 job.

Get a little bit of experience then get the hell out of NZ for a few years.
Your bank account, flight hours, life experience and career will thank you for it.

15th Apr 2014, 21:50
I find it hard to comprehend that someone has their presumably first job and is now only finding out what a fresh CPL gets paid. Worse still they need to come to PPRUNE to find out.

Come on now, are you telling me this person hasn't even bothered to educate themselves about the GA job market? How long have they been in the industry, in other words how long from starting training till their first job? Have they not made any industry contacts?

I would expect any person starting out in any industry to have some basic idea on the usual starting salary.

I agree GA pay is generally below average. To some extent driven by guys and girls wiling to work for nothing to get some hours. These operators can then cut their costs to the detriment of operators that do pay their new guys. Also to be fair the GA market in New Zealand is miniscule and the operating margins are very small with not insignificant compliance costs.

However for new starts they need to realise even though they have a CPL they are still completing their apprenticeship. The company needs to invest time and money developing that pilot into a fully productive pilot.

I'd say having a full time VFR, SE job with a starting salary of $29,000, isn't too bad. You could do a lot worse.

Some people work for nothing, something I have real issues with. First the fact someone places so little value on their training that they will work for nothing and then employers who are prepared to exploit that situation.

17th Apr 2014, 06:34
I agree with the above.

SEVFR for 29k isn't too bad if you don't live in Auckland or Welly.

17th Apr 2014, 10:18
I would imagine it would be difficult for them to attract anyone at the moment with the links hiring like they are.

It will only get worse for those companies in the future which hopefully will drive up the terms and conditions.

3rd Jul 2014, 05:25
Where do I sign!

3rd Jul 2014, 10:26
Hiring boom is over, back to the status quo..winter has returned..wrap up..