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2nd Apr 2014, 16:30
Hi, I am using a local dispatch company and feel like we are not getting value for money. We operate an XRS and 2 604s based in Europe (well technically). What are you roughly paying and are you happy with your provider?

We pay 275 Euro per flight for dispatch and 75 change fee.


3rd Apr 2014, 07:44
Hi Global

We are charging something more or less equivalent to our third party customers.
They receive same Dispatch service as our own aircraft (very large fleet).
PM if you need more details

3rd Apr 2014, 09:40
What does a dispatch service provide? What do you get for your €275 that the crew cannot do for them themselves?

3rd Apr 2014, 10:06
Provide a computerized EROPS flight plan, obtain an Indian landing permit at short term notice, a Geneva PPR on a busy week-end, benefit of a robust network of ops contacts everywhere to solve unforseen problems...this is what a professional Dispatch can provide to pilots.
If pilots have sufficient available time and experience to do all this, then I guess, indeed, no need to have a Dispatch, you can save the money.

3rd Apr 2014, 10:38
Maybe hawker never tried to plan by himself a busy international trip...

deefer dog
3rd Apr 2014, 17:13
We pay fixed monthly charge cica €1250 for everything. Includes permit and overflight applications, but not said cost of these which are third party expense. Absolutely everything else included and NEVER has this company let us down in 10 years. Pm me for contact details.

4th Apr 2014, 11:55
Wise up, we have a world wide AOC so I do it all the time.

4th Apr 2014, 11:58
I am not talking about a company like Jetex that obtains O/F and ldg permits etc, I am querying what a dispatch provider does. When we use Jetex they do not dispatch the aircraft.

4th Apr 2014, 13:40
Hello Global Global,

Welcome to the crowd.

I sent you a PM...


4th Apr 2014, 16:00
Hello Global Global

You have a PM from me.


4th Apr 2014, 16:04
we have a world wide AOC so I do it all the time
Therefore you have a dispatch service - it's called operations and probably costs a lot more than 275 per flight!

5th Apr 2014, 08:00
275.00EUR per flight is very expensive too....

5th Apr 2014, 17:42
Call Signum Aviation on +44 1244 347117 and speak to Jonathan Gill

I guarantee you will be shocked how reasonable they are cost-wise, yet how amazing the service is. You will not regret it.

We operate several aircraft including a very busy F2TH which goes everywhere.

I could not recommend them more highly.

Please feel free to PM with any questions.


6th Apr 2014, 07:32
There are other very cost effective and highly professional despatch companies, and ones that do not rip off it's customers. The smaller the company, the more likely you will get lower costs and more personalised service.

PM me for information if of interest.

6th Apr 2014, 11:07
Hi guys,

You all have valid points but so many companies offer their own services and can fall short when it comes down to listening to the customer who is actually the guys on the flight deck. The boss is their customer and that gets forgotten.

Onjet - built up of a team that want to do a great job every time and always consider the worst to get you the best.

Fly @ onjet. Co. Uk

Enough said.

7th Apr 2014, 07:19
Thanks for all the feedback and PM's so far. Will check them in a few days. :ok: