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View Full Version : Jet Airways Basing

28th Mar 2014, 06:26

I just received a call from Jet Airways HR and was told that my JFK B777 basing has been delayed until 2015 at the earliest, and that my family and I would have to reside in Abu Dhabi. I asked if this projected 2015 date could be potentially pushed back, and they said yes, thats possible. I'm pi$$ed to say the least!! :mad: This is not what i signed up for. Has anyone else received the same call?

I'm really thinking this may not be the contract they are portraying it to be. Could be smoke and mirrors. I'm really debating leaving my current job.

Can anyone in this similar situation shed some light. Any EK, EY or QR drivers out there experiencing this same problem. PM me if you want.

Rum Runner

Alconguin Crusader
28th Mar 2014, 09:25
It is because of the FAA Downgrade. You were suppose to fly the AUH-JFK route but since Indian carriers can not expand to the US that route will not happen now.
Makes you wonder how the UAE GCAA passed their audit. FACTORING!
Buying all those Boeings probably helped their cause.

28th Mar 2014, 14:24

You are correct. It has to do with the FAA Downgrade thus preventing the Indian carriers from expansion. No expansion = no basing. As for my contract, it appears to be worthless.

I'm just wondering if this will be a quick fix or a long term issue. My guess is the later of the two which spells trouble for me and my family. Especially with them living stateside and me living in AD. :ugh:

Panther 88
28th Mar 2014, 17:49
AC, you are correct sir. Talked to one of their major recruiting companies, and was told EVERYTHING is up in the air because of the downgrade. They can't get any straight answers from Jet. But they did mention they would be happy to set me up with Ethiopian.

28th Mar 2014, 18:43
Is anyone surprised ? Really!