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View Full Version : B200 King Air crashed shortly after takeoff

27th Mar 2014, 17:15
A B200 King Air (call sign VTHRA) crashed shortly after takeoff in Chandigarh, India on 27th March.



29th Mar 2014, 14:59
BB-1906 (2005), belongs to the Government of Haryana.

29th Mar 2014, 19:09
Poor aeroplane, but at least it looks like everyone would have survived.

1st Apr 2014, 02:27
Very odd...you can see the significant rudder deflection which results in a left yaw. But why?


1st Apr 2014, 13:49
Wrong pedal in response to a failure of No. 1?

deefer dog
2nd Apr 2014, 02:08
Or below vmcg, then lifted off before vmca? Difficult to tell much from the video.

2nd Apr 2014, 14:55
One report said the pilot said the rudder jammed.
So, wondering if the rudder boost system malfunctioned right at rotation, what would happen? A pilot should be able to overpower the boost with leg muscle, but, it might be hard to get it done quick enough right at V1.
All speculation, it'll be interesting to see if they can make any real determinations.

Miles Magister
2nd Apr 2014, 19:09
Rudder boost will not malfunction when both engines are operating as it is controlled by a rubber diaphragm and will have equal pressure on both sides. Any leak in the diaphragm will not have any affect until one engine fails. I once had the rudder boost operate the wrong way on an air test when I shut down the right engine because there was a small puncture in the diaphram but it was completely manageable and should not ever result in the situation shown in the video.