View Full Version : Hip Hip Hooray for the CAA!

17th May 2002, 22:14
Recently lined up my initial Class 1 medical examination to find out if my body is up to the job of being a commercial stick and rudder fumbler. From first 'phone call to receipt of that all important piece of paper took just 9 days!! Fantastic job by the Aeromedical Section. The CAA sometimes comes in for a lot of bashing. I want to redress the balance and say a planet sized thankyou to them for such top class service.

Now all I have to do is find out if my brain is up to the task, and my pockets are deep enough. Roll-on the ATPL writtens.

If at first you don't succeed - lower your standards.

Pub User
17th May 2002, 22:26
Just 9 days to type your full name on a standard piece of paper? That's incredible!

Maybe if they charged a token fee they could do it in even less than that, perhaps even let you walk out of the building with it (save the postage).

Non Iron Chippy
18th May 2002, 02:11
My class one was the first thing that I done before I spent a penny on anything else like the rest of us!

I had never experienced private medical care before and wanted to take my bath robe home with me!

If I only I could have sneaked it passed the front desk!, but I reckon that it was good ground based online training for the night stops that await me!!!!!!!

Initial class one will be the most expensive slap in the knees that you will ever experience but trust me there will be more slaps to come, and they will hurt you not only in your face but in your wallet, but when you are wearing sunglasses in the sun at Fl350 life will be pretty cool and the pain will gradually subside!

18th May 2002, 09:52
Where the hell did you get the idea that 9 days wait, 400 quid and having to attend Gatwick is "...top class service."? :rolleyes:

18th May 2002, 12:28
It took me 9...weeks to get my Class I medical. How's that for a delay?

Gin Slinger
18th May 2002, 13:31
hey phd, don't worry, there will be many other opportunities to pay the CAA for a 'top class service' in your pursuit of that allusive fATPL ;)

20th May 2002, 09:16
Sorry for breathing. I am clearly far too enthusiastic and positive to be a proper pilot.

20th May 2002, 12:02
That's PPRune for you phd,

Say the least thing positive or up-beat about anything in the world of aviation and you'll usually get at least two or three bozo's all over your case.

Personally I had an experience similar to yours with the CAA - friendly and efficient and as someone well used to private medicine (I live in Ireland, private medicine is probably the best option if you fancy staying alive - public medicine here is appalling), I can tell you the CAA medical is actually quite good value.

20th May 2002, 12:15
Thanks BillyFish2.

20th May 2002, 17:02
Thought I'd add my bit to make you laugh. During my initial Class 1 Medical at Gatwick, I was asked to remove my 'top items' and slip into the robe. I duly did just that; removing both my 'top top' item (t-shirt) and 'top bottom' item (jeans). I was then informed by the rather sheepish (and not unattractive nurse) that I was welcome to put my trousers back on. Suffice it to say, I haven't got a flying job yet!:eek:

20th May 2002, 21:22
9 days - sadly I feel you are in the minority. I attended mine after waiting a month for an appointment and was then told I would have to see the respiratory specialist (who was only available on Thursday afternoons). Turning up a month later, I was made to run around the car park for a bit (do the CAA really decide who is medicallay fit to fly on this!), in a dressing gown, and was then examined, only to be told there was nothing wrong with me other than my lungs had slightly lower capacity than the average person for my age and size. I paid another £115 and became the the proud owner of a JAA Class One medical. Total cost, excluding petrol, around £600.

20th May 2002, 22:40
The CAA's medical team is pretty good. I had no complaints with them.
The rest of them aren't bad so long as you know exactly what to ask and have all the info you need already. (seems strange I know....)
When you find a CAA person that is "on the ball" note their name and use them again! Worth their weight in gold.

21st May 2002, 23:24
Ok lets face it - gatwick is not the most salubrious place in the world, the cost of the medical is high and I have actually seen nicer robes.


After sending lots of "to the point" letters to the medical dept for promising one thing and then not following it through the guys who do the work actually went out of their way to help me get a class 1 JAR having had laser surgery.

They could have done loads of things to stop me - but they didn't so I'm happy ('ish)