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View Full Version : YPPH, Perth Airport spotting locations

7th Mar 2014, 07:50
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had any special plane spotting areas at YPPH other the than the International and domestic airport and the area off dunreath drive. Also, does anyone know any good spots for 21 approaches/landings?
Scott Morgan:)

dubbleyew eight
7th Mar 2014, 07:59
I don't know how they'd react to spotters but the sales centre for a nearby brick makers has excellent views of close by aircraft when the wind is right.

7th Mar 2014, 10:44
A look at G.E, reveals an easily accessible area in Guilford cemetery off Kalamunda Rd to the S. = about 480 m to the flight path, and possibly closer access with a short walk...

Or, the racing track, probably private property and the assoc permission req'd adjacent to the above = 40m to flight path

Probably better locations as well...

Capn Bloggs
7th Mar 2014, 22:32
I've seen people here:


It would be a fantastic spot for arvo ops onto 21: sun behind you. Don't know how to get there though...

8th Mar 2014, 09:17
how about the dedicated viewing platform?