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View Full Version : A-10 spotted in Dorset 1 March 2014

2nd Mar 2014, 20:04
On another forum this was posted (2 March 2014 at ~0300 MST/-800 London):
Throd wrote:I'm sure I saw one of these fly over my house in Dorset, UK yesterday. Are there any in this country?

Can anyone provide more info for him?

A10 Warthog in The Air Forces Forum (http://warships1discussionboards.yuku.com/topic/25119/A10-Warthog)

2nd Mar 2014, 20:07
I can. He was mistaken...

USAF retires A-10 from European theatre - IHS Jane's 360 (http://www.janes.com/article/23496/usaf-retires-a-10-from-european-theatre)

2nd Mar 2014, 20:23

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

2nd Mar 2014, 23:20
I can. He was mistaken...

USAF retires A-10 from European theatre - IHS Jane's 360 (http://www.janes.com/article/23496/usaf-retires-a-10-from-european-theatre)

Doesn't mean there wasn't one passing through from, say, Afghanistan. Or an air show somewhere.

He was pretty specific - Perhaps I was in error but it had the long straight wings and the two fat engines in the tail.

Rhino power
3rd Mar 2014, 00:04
No A-10's over the UK even remotely recently, if there had been, the Fightercontrol Forum would've gone mental! And it hasn't...


3rd Mar 2014, 01:14
Probably a Citation

3rd Mar 2014, 09:01
It was the first of a delivery of 120 for the Welsh Free Air Force. The St David's Day celebration navex didn't, er... go too well!


3rd Mar 2014, 09:19

No, surely, on the way to Jockistan to give big Alex a taste of what he might be able to afford?

3rd Mar 2014, 09:33
Not sure about an A10, but that was the day I saw a small straight wing jet heading to the northeast along the edge of Salisbury plain, having come up from the southwest. It was too high to get a clear ID, and didn't have binoculars to hand. I assumed that it probably was the Seahawk from Yeovilton, although I don't know its current flight status.
May be unconnected of course.

3rd Mar 2014, 09:39
Last time I saw the A10, it was going through Hertfordshire. Perhaps it was the A31 that you saw in Dorset?:ouch:

3rd Mar 2014, 11:26

Hat, coat . . . leave !!! :D

3rd Mar 2014, 11:32
Could it have been a Falcon 20 operated by Cobham (nee FRA) ?


3rd Mar 2014, 13:25
Nice pic GR4

3rd Mar 2014, 13:44
Bring back the ROC!

3rd Mar 2014, 15:19
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbLDYhGf8ud-NhJ5ysaa_um9_x50CuH6tj_9rL2CHT7G-njYYO (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=citation+aircraft&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=SzkYqYAvnrZMCM&tbnid=jkK_OUdvuHDPZM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpmm.nasa.gov%2Fnode%2F373&ei=KqsUU6iII9LxhQelqIG4Aw&bvm=bv.61965928,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNHI3HFeUzzM2LzQo6qE1d6U0jLZbA&ust=1393949848708391) Tashengurt and Mike 51 are spot on?
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm_DDoJVOPfswOe8pbf-Dt4Ww3SBoRVAskD_0ERlK-CNHjbJHq (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=A10%20aircraft&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=Si2e7ovUNWlrfM&tbnid=LH9vGeEpZLLH_M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aircraftinformation.info%2Fgallery_mili tary_attack.htm&ei=RawUU4mrJoiAhQfkt4HoBg&bvm=bv.61965928,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNGHpSycHi_G7BAzhZie6CzHJGsGiw&ust=1393950127930017)

3rd Mar 2014, 15:30
Be an easy mistake to make I would imagine.

I think not:rolleyes:

As AR1 said, bring back the ROC!

3rd Mar 2014, 18:56
I assumed that it probably was the Seahawk from Yeovilton, although I don't know its current flight status.

Definately not the Sea Hawk, as it's grounded in storage, pending a refurb back to flying condition with a hopeful view of getting it back in the air for the 2015 display season.

3rd Mar 2014, 20:28
What's he seen then? I've seen straight wing jet aircraft in them there parts and had to look twice....quick glance from the ground.....Citation fits the size I guess, and maybe more..
Right, while we are on, what do you look for in a military fast jet, helicopter to make a positive ID?
If I was looking up and saw an A10, or was told to look for an A10, I'd be looking for size, wing shape, engine position, speed the aircrafts flying, colour, maybe height its flying.....? what do you look for?
I can only imagine of course but if you are combat manoeuvre, dogfighting or whatever it must incredibly difficult to make out a positive ID?
Hangarshuffle is of course proud he once worked the runway caravan and had a superb, 100% record of spotting the....whatever with his Barr and Strouds!! But then I was being told what to look for, where to look etc etc.
Much more difficult when you ain't told the info isnt it...?

3rd Mar 2014, 20:33
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9wP2eQ_paE5xxSHF8E5wPEDt6l4SrV90Lnu7C1bF L51eiAuzj (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=Drone%20aircraft&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=9r8yIZDicswnsM&tbnid=bzem_gyupi1iSM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saraya.ps%2Findex.php%3Fact%3DShow%26id %3D33470&ei=9fQUU7DRKsGAhAenzYDYAw&bvm=bv.62286460,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNFWJIhJtOmbM0HmQGMPXjqaPWhNDw&ust=1393968703657295)

3rd Mar 2014, 20:35
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwrxJdxxlNC_qzgdbNXporumsSvdihVNBJzNix2Q6 cweof0oud (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=Drone%20aircraft&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=3AVG3AojwOZRHM&tbnid=mmMPDOvKmhvlvM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fairpigz.com%2Fblog%2F2010%2F9%2F2%2Fcoolpix-uav-general-atomics-unmanned-aircraft-triple-play.html&ei=f_UUU7KaEsyShQfajoCoDA&bvm=bv.62286460,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNFWJIhJtOmbM0HmQGMPXjqaPWhNDw&ust=1393968703657295)

3rd Mar 2014, 20:37

3rd Mar 2014, 20:41
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2_uSd_dkMVtPRFtOzefrTpp3C_FaIzakAfSOkQ70 X50mG0eCPCwAll these are from 2 minute google.

3rd Mar 2014, 20:46
http://cdn-static.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/fireflash.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=Thunderbirds.&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=fOt1XcOvwL0LpM&tbnid=11PbM6xxlw42HM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.denofgeek.com%2Ftv%2Fthunderbirds%2F243 56%2F10-things-wed-like-to-see-in-the-new-thunderbirds-series&ei=2fcUU-3cGc2rhAeFyYGABQ&bvm=bv.62286460,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNGs2vzijc-wfMcWJmMPatOM20Yz5Q&ust=1393969443353564)

3rd Mar 2014, 21:11
http://evworld.com/press/eads_efan_parisVLFQ480x320.jpgI sweat to God a couple of years ago I was in Dorset and looked over and saw some sort of odd flying straight wing aircraft, couldn't identify it at all. Who knows what's flying about at times? (okay, some of you on here have a better idea than most)!! A few years ago I gave a lift to a couple of kids hitching back to Cornwall, they told me they'd been having a beach party at midnight somewhere down North Somerset when they looked up a saw a "silent Stealth plane" go right over them...described it totally. They had no reason to lie. Who knows what's flying about..? not me, that's for sure. Goodnight.

3rd Mar 2014, 22:27
shame no mention of specific noise mentioned - both the suspect aircraft sound v different...

3rd Mar 2014, 22:58
Don't know about the OPs plane, but the one I heard was a jet, sounded not unlike a Hawk.

A possibility that occurred to me was a Jet Provost/Strikemaster. Not sure if there are any flying in the UK. I got the impression it was slightly larger than that though, but the straight square tipped wings would be correct.

4th Mar 2014, 07:20
L39? I believe there's a few around.

4th Mar 2014, 08:31
Theres a few JP's about and I think 1 strikemaster but they look nothing like an A10 lol

Union Jack
4th Mar 2014, 09:36
More grist for the (rumour) mill here:

A-10 Thunderbolt II Gets New Wings, Ensures the Sound of Freedom into 2035 | Topic A: DefenseTopic A: Defense (http://boeing.rollcall.com/topic-a/sponsored-post/10-thunderbolt-ii-gets-new-wings-ensures-sound-freedom-2035/)


5th Mar 2014, 00:11
Ok, I suggested to the poster the Citation 500 and he replied:

Throd wrote: That looks a good match to my ignorant eye.
Perhaps the US should buy a few secondhand ones, camouflage paint them and use them to confuse

5th Mar 2014, 00:19
Union Jack - the first A-10 to get the new wing was rolled out from rework on 15 February 2012 at Hill AFB, Utah (~15 miles from where I am).

Boeing is making the wings (first contract awarded June 2007), but Hill AFB is actually making the swap, along with other upgrades.

However, if the A-10 is retired, Hill won't be impacted much - they just got more F-22 work. Depot-level maintenance on F-22s had been split about 50:50 between Hill & Lockheed, but Hill was recently awarded 100% of the depot maintenance (an average of 24 aircraft per year).

Additionally, Hill is to get much of the F-35 workload once that program settles into "normal" status.

The F-16s being modernized for Pakistan are also having all the work done at Hill.

5th Mar 2014, 04:05
Ok, I suggested to the poster the Citation 500 and he replied:

Throd wrote: That looks a good match to my ignorant eye.
Perhaps the US should buy a few secondhand ones, camouflage paint them and use them to confuse

I claim my prize, a new anorak!

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

5th Mar 2014, 07:12
Might have been one of these

Thye tend to fly quite low.;)