View Full Version : The best French flight magazine

16th May 2002, 13:41
hi everybody

you may have read my post in wannabees but here's my question

what is the best ( or most popular) flight magazine in France?

I need one that advertises schools who do the ATPL courses as thats what i want to do in the future.


16th May 2002, 15:16
Try : Aviation & Pilote, Aviasport, Info-Pilote, Air & Cosmos.

All of them are advertising about ATPL Carreers. Aviation & Pilote publish each year a special edition about professionnal licences.

Be advised all of those magazines are in French.

Hope it helps

19th May 2002, 15:09
Blue Boy
The best french aviation magazine is by far.............Flight International !
Just think of what the TV is like and you'll get a ( scary ) picture of what the press is, be it aviation.

19th May 2002, 22:24
Read Flight then one of the french mag and then you can play at spot the difference ;) Flight is the international reference even if not always perfect. For francophone jobs, Air&Cosmos is probably the best one.

French TV, humm let me remember.....
Oh yes, Tournez manege, le bebette show, I had forgotten about those master piece :D :D Can anyone send me the best of video please.... Good money paid