View Full Version : Landing with a Crab in Birmingham Feb 17

Green Guard
19th Feb 2014, 04:48
What about this landing technique day before yesterday? Good only to land on carriers where there is hardly any crosswind ? Why after touch down this pilot still corrects the wind by crab ONLY, what about those poor tires... Strong Crosswinds Cause Bumpy Landing - Video Dailymotion (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1cgc6b_strong-crosswinds-cause-bumpy-landing_fun)

Capn Bloggs
19th Feb 2014, 06:16
I assume this is the one...


Good job. Right on the spot and cleaned the oleos as well. :D

19th Feb 2014, 07:01
When I were an F/O I used to fly with ex RN and Army Captains who complained about it too.:)

19th Feb 2014, 07:26
From Boeing FCTM:

Touchdown in Crab

The airplane can land using crab only (zero sideslip) up to the landing crosswind guideline speeds. (See the landing crosswind guidelines table)

On dry runways, upon touchdown the airplane tracks toward the upwind edge of the runway while de-crabbing to align with the runway. Immediate upwind aileron is needed to ensure the wings remain level while rudder is needed to track the runway centerline. The greater the amount of crab at touchdown, the larger the lateral deviation from the point of touchdown. For this reason, touchdown in a crab only condition is not recommended when landing on a dry runway in strong crosswinds. On very slippery runways, landing the airplane using crab only reduces drift toward the downwind side at touchdown, permits rapid operation of spoilers and autobrakes because all main gears touchdown simultaneously, and may reduce pilot workload since the airplane does not have to be de-crabbed before touchdown. However, proper rudder and upwind aileron must be applied after touchdown to ensure directional control is maintained.

19th Feb 2014, 07:38
Discussed here;


19th Feb 2014, 08:38
It LOOKS bad but, without the data or loading counts it is hard to be specific. Speculating on the video, they look to encounter a strong gust at about 0.24, and very variable conditions through to the first touchdown(s), the bounced landing and the final, almost 3-point landing (which may have been the firmest).
They were about 100' when they encountered the gust, worth a G/A?:ok:

19th Feb 2014, 17:03
I wouldn't recommend that on a 6. Side braces are their for a reason.

19th Feb 2014, 17:10
Boeing 777 Flight Test Crosswind Landing - YouTube (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CC8QtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_z2LtHrn9Jw&ei=xPIEU-fYGcrkyAHJ2QE&usg=AFQjCNHMNJ1Sby7WsbD7TNJVwSrnvr8dyg&bvm=bv.61535280,d.aWc)

http://www.pprune.org/ CAcHCg0KCgsMDAwMBwkODw0MDgsMDAwBAgICAwMDBgMDBgwIBwgMDAwMDAwM DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDP/AABEIAFoAeAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAeAAABBAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQMEBgIHCAkACv/EAEEQAAIBAgUBBQUGAgYLAAAAAAECAwQRAAUGEiExBwgTQWEUIlFxgRUjMpG hsQliM7LR4fDxFhcYJUJSU2NyksH/xAAbAQADAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQBAAUGCP/EAC0RAAEEAAQDBwQDAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMRBBIhMRMiQUJRYYGxwfAFkdHhBjJ x/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD2G1BWVEFw1vDIFr+fOI+V6ienVg8gQcAWBwur68KiA gDi/X1wKpgtQt96r0x+bw1pZ4L6iNxBtWmk1QViuHvf0OH0zhi3IUD5YrcMqQxBd ym3rh6Ks2yA+Jv9N3XCXRDoncdysi5nDYXaxPXg4cSsikHDC3yOA9My1FveU E28+mJsGXRvw0u4ddoNsJNNTmyPI0UqsN6dh58fvgU/ibjuUAX923ngpDEosPD4P82M2ijS141+uMGJaifDmNndBsSKGNo6pGI4H9mJ M2VrK5fxBGD5W6YypaJY3BMniH4XthnGaQlCJ1p1nDN88ORuqryRfHyxIARs v8+cYtDCDyij9ML4qqs0vvGQdTYYQzofwm/x64+lEcsRAKKThlYli/41N8dxbFIMzs1KQJAU5OFxHMqgW3D88fYYwR1zLcyqmq2jcJvUs3/zAqeojpo4/DDLcc+eCep5lZyoPIN8CF97pimPVtKcx1yp2lnMxvfi2JGVsZJlvzyf2wPkh ZnJAxLy2R1lCkAAk/thhqkDYjYRWCvWKYqoYG9umJa18iSElj9BiA0ktOV2qpV+t/hiVETJGDbriMt1sqtrK2Rf2+3m+FFcWB5a/lfAhkJHTGVMpje545GEmEUuDTaJmoJW9zv8z5Y+jqWVwSTb0xBlnO87QCMRg JVN2UBfPHCMI6RqOpAf3dwLHn1w4eWuSST64E0biz8/DD6yKB1wJYO9ZkU+A3lGHmjV+o6YHgNCd1umMzUsPIYHJ3FEGVosqp0ilIsc Lhl2MjE4xxQxpA2tdkCqmramM1LxrJaTg8eeBVLUtT7r3e/xPTGeo5kavZlBD36+mBsla0Vrk8+mKo/60ENAooc4KcWjHzsTgkkMYb3ahL+hH9uKo1YGNze+CkNYGkAW4OBkBGywo7N XinRBuD8W/Fh6mzJWhU7gPTdgE8hfqb2xnGshj91gB5YSb2XBysIq1Y2VwzHoA1ycJS5jH ObCRTu6Wa+BVLL4NQr2uF5Py88Buz2pBoN8hYuoAve/OBLSAU5lkq6yDYLh92HZGV0I3AX9cBJNQRxOVO8kegxKhzKOYXW5HT0wstcd StAskBEIgsV/fBvh5FDqDuGA9Vmfhbdqg39cLFnoWMAhgfQC2BI6kLMwBoo08xnUpyt/O+PnQkD7wi3rgbVZp4SFk3C3oMRXz536sxt/KMFGw1YRB7eqLTyeAP6S/wBcLgK+bBx724/QYyx6cD+TmS3OF6LVXal25ad7Oc7hXO6yoovaELJL7BUSQAXP4pUQoh9GYXw GyzvVdnebzLFT620q8r2tGcyiRxf4qzA4tucZqk72WcNJa+0PctzgBnmXZdq Skkpsxo6Wvp5RaSKpiWRX+jDnDoY8MdHX88kLRJ2UYyrtRyHNq2GkpM8ySpq 6j+igjrI2ll9VUNcj5DF50VkFNLUqZxvlU3C2BHw5xy1qruK9jusJY5avRuU 0EiuX3ZXEcveQ8izGEqSPlbpiuZ7/AAwtJ5fHLNobWnaHoHNZ9p8fLc9mYcNyWDEuxte3vjm2KTgMI7QSkX4ftYXS 3q0aeK7vzHTtHWr95DGDa1+hGK5mPZ/VrMzRPG0ZPu/Hpjxr76neZ7Xu4D3gKTRh7Rtcdo2n62kgqzJn88rsysxDJEHeRd62sGIPJF1 t1puve993leyqshq80y3O8kos1mPsklXpZcsmqQV3geKtOu87Bf3WPS9hj0I v4xTQ4SBJfjmnlLdl3N2mfxN8zyzvk03Z7R5DBUaehzEZXVVKMvjzyB9rsjP IqIAwYC/PxPljt2XR8GkYI/s5jPSSoG3swY358xxj88Par2adrHaDqaq15mOjtU5fQavc5vRVdNl9RPR1Bm kuAs7bib3PLOzXFjycbq0V3qu3Pu492t8nzXRme5f9uV/+7s7zI1tPMwiQF4Vp7hJkAYcsjWLHn4V476FHKGtgIHukw4gtcS4WvamfNRT AmRokA6km2Foc6Ws2vHZkIuCPeBHxuMeFGpu+R256a0lHq+spKyhoKl4o4a7 7DNJTTlhuVfGCKWuoBAVhfrfHa3dR7t+pe/D2B5T2gZh2w9pGncqz4BFyCDMHlhpNjBJgJJGJdG2sUutxdblrXPlT/QGQDNLJQ/y1XHiy801q9A01RRPNNGK6g30675V8dAY1+J54HrgPlnbTpXOqKSpotTadrK aJijzQZhFJGrC1wWDEX5H540Npz+Fh2LZKjCqodR6gqZifEqK7P6hHJ45IhM an6jGx9C9zrs37JqCiOW6C01LJSIEjrqyhjqapzbli8ik3PPIt1x58sWDbs8 nyr3VLTIdwPnkrFV95XQlAPvdaaXiNyLHMotwPy3YP6R7QMu19lftuS5nTZn R7injU8geO46i44wJpqCLK9sdJltFSRqOBBTrGo+gAxJfN6k2DySHaLAbiLY jkMezFuYo+2Y7G2u3vfI4XAGPNdzKGBZ7X5bk4xwAe4aBFZXnXnPeWzWWrLR dpUkvu7bigkBI5/wCyMQP9pXPxKV/1jeGL9fYpOfXiHHN0On8zjhYP9oSy9QPFpyP6p/bGdN7fRNvkizBHjPCxvCWP5xcfTH1gEQGnoPwo+GflroOTvQahWq3DX+ZSsn QpR3X6Btv7YeqO95qap3Rza8zwo3B2UQUEfMNxjnqPUE9XVuJKPUHik33e0k Lf1YR8nEloa7MKdgYc5WRTZYvaeCPmwGCMkY7PouERW9sy7baTOpqKpr8xkz 6somLU01flEVVJTN8Yy+8ofVbYp3aX3ndX6i7YNGZ2mvcwgodM16Vz091SWR r7X6gjmFpU8vx41jAlYYXppsmzCSImxUVCMW/Qi/zwtFR0kMTF6HMacKdpV3iuP/VT+uCGMrcLDhQ5dg94r+INovt10Tl2US5fmjnLa2PMIHerWJYZ4wdrqEIAIJ J5vjT/AGn963PtX6cnp4dZZ9RVFVG0MdQjEGJXI32ZRbkfMdL3xqA06wyBkWvECG6l jAv9ax/TEk6j9pcx+HUyIvFlEZLD5qcTtnETaYPdMMWc2SrroztNGR9nMWn82zeXOsv SIwtFLMj+MgJ2BgyBTtXaL28sW/IO9FVZJksNDlma6roqKlASGngzZIool+CqFsB8sabTVcGWAn2N1v1MnP8Afi XQ6/pa43aoCw7b3WJiP06/TAvxr3btRNw0fet0x95/O5Y9325rBt3VftkcfkvOJr973Uq0KUsOa6kWOP8A6mbOxP12evrjQ76s9mkY 2o5YutwoU2/Prh+o1xCFC7VhtawB4/S+J3yvd2UxsDR1W4a3vMazq0CxZ9qSFet/b5GGIEfbjrETBk1hqiNma7bayQ8/njVVHryORztnkV91ls25WHx5GCEGfbZVFRVwPG4vaTbGP3F/pgRM4OHKPsjdFH0TuQ953VkXfEqsuqNa6m9ofJLwnx3EoiDI1t1um/d/jnCYqmW6bql7V6nUApjUgqYw0MJd4oiiKF4J43KW567sJijFOaXDIOiVFGKN qIKiiaJ5WytIZluEjleRb+vBItgdT5y0texocuy/xgpJkilcj5G9v3wNo3MmoYNxLWDdefI4t2SUsX2nAPDT34dze6PePxOGhoDS UpjiTSCZlVakmh++jhoYnXduVxtYeXmT+WBWXHNMvsyz75ZAVAEpL/kDjHtLY0+Z7YyY1K3svAvgbkv3sFSX94qQATzbjD2sGVY5xtWCh1PXZXUKlR VfiH4ZSyhT9Cfj54mVnagsQ8KWkp8xsbFvEPA+IH+WKLmtBBUMWkgidgOrIC fLBDTtVLQ6erHgkeF/GRdyMVNtp44wJjba7iOVgh7U6GSo8GPKJpnYC5KDYn/j94D+/wAsYVOtKqLNRLFlfhyMxbcGc7gPPaDfp9cUynzSqmrKYvUTuWbkmQm/GLLX1k1BlZeCWSF9ttyMVP6YN2HaFgkNI7mGfz5h94+XtKeAV3iK1/jdCf2w9T5RmM1dG2X6eRXl43Xvsv8A8xsQMVXJc/rpJWVq2rZQL2MzEdPnhdfZ3W02T0Jjq6qM+IeVlYefzwlsYBpFmNK9/wCjmaRSNFWZSQ0YFwGjksT0tZOOfK2JdX2d1k1Wsop5pJwoKosjxmw/lIA/LGv4NU5mdJLIcxrzJGxCt7Q+5fdHQ3wd7KNTZlXVdKs+YV0ylCSHnZgTf1OM kaRqEwOVhzjQzLVqZ4jTVtxa1Uil/qUI/TCyUuZUuWBIpy5J5U5hBYfC947ftjOWpkbXM6GRygMfu7jboMZpVyxVdeiyS KqP7oDEBflhTttURoHRRJMpzqk8P2ianUyKTEVqo5CAfMBI7k/PC4s+jKeOs1hP4yJLakBG9d1unxwuBLgOiWv/2Q==► 1:39► 1:39

Not a problem. But Ouch!!!!

YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v)

19th Feb 2014, 19:05
I thought someone else would say it but: Landing with a Crab?
Well, the only way to go - we ARE the experts :ok:

19th Feb 2014, 19:23
Once upon a time many pilots claimed their goal was to retire and leave with the Chief pilot saying "who?" .

Nowadays I guess the aim is retire without appearing on YouTube and having a landing dissected on social media......

I've got away with it so far.....:} :)

19th Feb 2014, 19:25
What's that little dingle berry hanging off the 777 fin?

19th Feb 2014, 20:02
A static pressure sensor?

19th Feb 2014, 20:10
I believe it is indeed a trailing cone pressure sensor - the parachute/cone pulls the sensor well away from the aircraft.


Max Angle
19th Feb 2014, 20:34
Lovely stuff, they build 'em good and strong in Seattle.

19th Feb 2014, 20:38
Thanks. Learn something everyday. :)

19th Feb 2014, 21:09
many years ago, while reading "stick and rudder" WL gives a good reason not to have rudders on planes and that landing in a crab will work out fine in a nosewheel plane.

crab, take some out near the end if you can, and if you can't, you probably won't get too hurt if you have tricycle gear.

19th Feb 2014, 21:18
Quote Glendagoon.."
crab, take some out near the end if you can, and if you can't, you probably won't get too hurt if you have tricycle gear."

Unless you land on the nosewheel! See the ANA!:\

No disrespect to the DC10 crew.

20th Feb 2014, 04:12
I dunno - I'd rate that videoed landing at least a 7 out of 10. :D

Looks like gusty conditions - a gust can drop you faster than your can respond, and the crew handled the bounce gracefully (mains touch down second time about 1 second before the nosewheel - which is better than vice versa).

I'd actually give the crew high marks for not horsing the controls around in pitch to "correct" the bounce, and ending up with a nose-plant or a second bounce or a tailstrike. A gentle touch was enough.

The "crab" after landing looks more like a little weathervaning by the aircraft in another gust, rather than pilot input.

20th Feb 2014, 04:32
This is the kind of task that separates the men from the boys...5 Stars Landing in such windy WX. :ok:

20th Feb 2014, 22:44
73NG fail-passive autoland impacts with up to 15kts X-wind without drift being removed, so the 'frame copes with the first 15 knots without distress. Tell that to your F/Os and then they hopefully won't get so sweaty when the actual weather report is received on the approach?

The video looks like a lot more than 15kts and I suspect the poor driver was thinking of squeezing off the crab before touchdown when it happened.

Could happen to Boeing or 'Bus but most of the time the company can use the plane again immediately so it would then be defined as a "great" landing!

21st Feb 2014, 13:29
Check rudder inputs just prior to touchdown. Seven movements, left, neutral, left, neutral, etc, etc, in 7 seconds. Gusts aren't that rapid.

21st Feb 2014, 13:47
73NG fail-passive autoland impacts with up to 15kts X-wind without drift being removed, so the 'frame copes with the first 15 knots without distress. Tell that to your F/Os and then they hopefully won't get so sweaty when the actual weather report is received on the approach?

20 kts now even.. I think it changed a year or two ago in our limitation section.