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View Full Version : Please read this about qatar airways. Its sick.

4th Feb 2014, 11:54
The truth about the luxury of Qatar Airways | Nyheter | Expressen | Senaste nytt - Nyheter Sport Nöje TV (http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/the-truth-about-the-luxury-of-qatar-airways/)

4th Feb 2014, 12:04
g-string are you on a crusade?

4th Feb 2014, 13:27
how long before this company joins the list of middle east unmentionables?

4th Feb 2014, 14:59
I doubt if QR is any worse than my 'favourite', or the unmentionable.

4th Feb 2014, 15:36
I doubt if QR is any worse than my 'favourite', or the unmentionable.

Then that shows how little you know.

4th Feb 2014, 15:48
About which one? They all appear to treat their most important asset with contempt, it's only a question of manner and extent.

And your comment is based on what?

4th Feb 2014, 15:53
By saying "Not any worse", you are saying EK and "the other" have the SAME manner and extent- and you are wrong.

There are aspects of staff treatment at both of those that fall below what would be expected in a Western country, and I am not excusing or condoning that.

That isn't what you said- you said you doubted QR was worse.

It is, you're wrong.

My comment is based on first hand knowledge- what was yours based on?

4th Feb 2014, 17:15
First hand, Wiz? Did you work at QR?

4th Feb 2014, 18:09
Best time to meet a QR flight attendant? Right after she quits!!! She'll be ready to party!

In all seriousness, the article is illuminating and disturbing. I bet most FAs are never told what to expect when joining. Sounds awful! No way I would recommend that job to anyone.

Does QR employ any female pilots? If so, are they treated similarly?

Emma Royds
4th Feb 2014, 22:44
I would be more worried if male crew are invited to his room for the same reason!

4th Feb 2014, 22:51
God....im shortlisted for interview there, on the verge of withdrawing my application. Doha is beginning to sound like hell on earth for a single 30 year old guy :(

5th Feb 2014, 01:16
That has got to be one of the worst things I have ever read....... :ugh:

Anders Nilsson
5th Feb 2014, 02:26

5th Feb 2014, 04:22

I don't work in Qatar, never have, never will. Neither do I need to experience their draconian ethics to make informed comment. There is more than sufficient evidence out there to justify my views.

No matter how much you think you 'want or need a job there', be loyal to yourself and desist from having anything to do with this airline or country.

You will be a better person for it.

5th Feb 2014, 06:00
McNulty what you joining as?

5th Feb 2014, 10:36
Just shortlisted for interview....777/787 FO.

5th Feb 2014, 14:42
This is simply appalling! :ugh:

5th Feb 2014, 15:51
People only go to Middle Eastern/Asian airlines if they can't find proper employment in their home countries. bottom line. EK,EY,QR etc are not first choice airlines when deciding were to work.

They are and will always be your second option.

6th Feb 2014, 04:06
Posted By Ghost_Rider737
QR have the best looking B777s in the world !
Great livery.
If I were single I would not think twice about applying. Ghost Rider, it wasn't always a second choice for you. A bit worrying that you also base your choice on how shiny the aircraft is!

6th Feb 2014, 10:00
as i said if i had nothing to lose i would. at the time i didnt know that i would have to give up my freedom. it seems like a give and take scenario.... you give up your freedom and they give you a decent wage😄

6th Feb 2014, 10:40
GR - Dead wrong. I had a job with a European legacy and moved here out of choice. My old airline makes a healthy profit and is not in danger of shutting down.

I moved out here for myriad different reasons, I don't regret doing it having lived out here for a few years now and I would make the move again without hesitation.

There are plenty of people here in the UAE who are the same, while I think you have a point about Qatar, many people also want to broaden their horizons - I couldn't stand the thought of spending the entirety of my working life flying A320's around Europe.

You can't broaden your horizons much more than working out this way...

6th Feb 2014, 18:16
I work for QA and I'm happy believe it or not my suggestion try to find another job and leave for a greener place or if you can make it better just step out but coming here and moaning won't change anything.

I'm aware about the real picture and it really bother me in a way but I'm powerless, at one point you have your priority in my case I do what my OM says finish my job go home enjoy my family which is the most important for me I can take care of them and it's my duty I didn't come here to change AAB or QA but I'm sure it will change the question is when ?

Just relax take it easy try to make positif as much as you can knowing that it's not perfect.

Wish you all the best.

7th Feb 2014, 16:14
Well said. I have been in the GCC for nearly 18 years and the past few years in Asia. Do I want to go back to Europe. The answer is simply NO. Ok I agree Qatar or Saudi have not been my first choice but I lived in nicer GCC countries and I would not like to be back in Europe. Ghost Rider 737, its a personal choice of LIFESTYLE. You obviously never heard about it in your 50sqm backyard wherever you come from. Keep your stupid remarks to yourselve!

Captain Partzee
7th Feb 2014, 17:03
Some people like to eat caviar, others like to eat S@&! :}

The Dominican
7th Feb 2014, 17:07
One thing that I consider to be pretty bad about this new age of freeflow of so called "information" is that anybody can post anything without any checks and balances, I'm not saying that this is true or not...! What I'm saying is that all of us have heard horror stories about pretty much every job available out there, but we also hear stories about people that are pleased with the gig, I recently had dinner with a couple of Qatar Spanish cabin attendants in an overnight and they were pleased with the gig, one of them have been there for many years and horror stories didn't come up during the course of the evening. The fact remains that whenever they do an open house to look for cabin crews, hundreds show up. I tend to take all these disgruntled employee stories with a grain of salt.

7th Feb 2014, 18:29
I'm convinced ( but maybe I'm wrong)that AAB is very sensitive about the image of Q.A. Worldwide ( and about his image ..off course!).
I don't think he can remain insensitive for a long time against all the remarks and ( true)critics that have been raised by former or actual crew against him and the airline.(newspaper,articles,pprune.....)
We all known the truth.I do not believe one second that those courageous people who contacted The press just did it for " Fun", sure they have a serious issue to share.
But Unless he is willing to tarnish further more the image of Qatar Airways ,AAB has to change his attitude soon or later.( blaming the crew won't change anything).

If the article is true, I am sure a @#$%storm will brew with OneWorld partner American Airlines and it's Flight Attendants. I can't see QR remaining in the alliance if this is what goes on.

He can't hide from scrutiny like the old days.

8th Feb 2014, 11:50
If anybody thinks any other carrier or codeshare is going to give a rat's hiney about any of this you are delusional..call Greenpeace...unfortunately nobody cares.....

T O G A Boy
8th Feb 2014, 20:56
Well said Linerider. :D

Today is not that day but remember the saying, " Every dog has his day"

9th Feb 2014, 04:09
In some people's eyes the rules are justifiable....in a previous employment post this person saw first hand what treating some cabin crew like adults turned into...out in the clubs until wee hours,many dragging their boyfriends back to the flat to live with them...others conducting "business" ..and the list goes on...

9th Feb 2014, 04:51
Think you have been in the Middle ages much too long IB .

If they are having a problem , maybe it's because they hire immature individuals , but not surprising with a reported turnover of 300+ ccrew per month .

One's social life is not the concern of the Company ! What is wrong with clubs till the wee hours , as long as they have their rest and turn up for their duty . And if they don't , deal with the individuals who f**k up . Not try to control adults' lives .
Is it reasonable also to be imprisoned in the hotel 12 hours prior to pickup ??
To be confined to accommodation for up to 4 consecutive days while on SBY ?
To not be able to leave the country without permission , oops , neither can the pilots !
, but hey , this is why even western management love the atmosphere ..They can "manage"with impunity .

9th Feb 2014, 05:07
many dragging their boyfriends back to the flat to live with them

Sorry but how old are these people you are talking about? What is wrong with living with your boyfriend? Ah OK, it's their country so have to abide by their rules. Maybe we should start following their lead in the UK.

9th Feb 2014, 08:06
hi everyone...please no bashing as i am posting a matured content.

every company has its individual rules and regulations..following that QR has its own sets of rules. in fact QR RULES AND REGULATION is the most posted in pprune and the web.
NO BODY IS FORCED TO JOIN QR..but ALL does it free will...SO..WHY COMPLAIN AS u know what to aspect and what to do....
AND once u join THAT MEANS u are FREE WILLING to follow the company rules and regulations...
i for one dont see any basis for any more discussions on this issue. AND FOR SURE THE CEO OF THIS COMPANY DOESNT have to justify his company rules and regulations to anyone in this world......REMEMBER QA IS STILL A PRIVATE COMPANY....
happy flying everyone..and before anyone bashes me..i accepted to join QA free will based on all rules and regulations laid down....and i for once never complaint as i am willing to be subjected to those company rules....

Captain Partzee
9th Feb 2014, 08:28

I can't believe. I can say only. What to do? What to do? :mad:

9th Feb 2014, 08:35
Indianace! If we all have that attitude. We would still be living in a cave and eating with our hands. Seeing, admitting and correcting what is wrong, is moving forward. Don't you think?

9th Feb 2014, 09:07

do you have a curfew telling you to be home at a certain time? No

do you have to ask permission to invite someone to stay over? No

do you have to ask a psychopath if you want to marry? No

9th Feb 2014, 13:36

Indeed we all hope thinks will change...

But with an attitude like yours ( "I'm powerless, I didn't come here to change Q.a.,moaning won't change anything.....".)thinks will never change.

Why did you come to QA ?

I'm convinced ( but maybe I'm wrong)that AAB is very sensitive about the image of Q.A. Worldwide ( and about his image ..off course!).
I don't think he can remain insensitive for a long time against all the remarks and ( true)critics that have been raised by former or actual crew against him and the airline.(newspaper,articles,pprune.....)

Will see.

We all known the truth.I do not believe one second that those courageous people who contacted The press just did it for " Fun", sure they have a serious issue to share.

You maybe right.

But Unless he is willing to tarnish further more the image of Qatar Airways ,AAB has to change his attitude soon or later.( blaming the crew won't change anything).

100% true.

Well this is just my 2 cents feeling..

Like I said when I joined QA my point was to have a job it's far to be perfect but as long as I can take care of my family it's fine.

I totally agree with you that many things has to be changed but complaining is not the right way I don't think if you work for QA that your first intention was to change the company that why I'm saying I'm powerless you and me we are on a ejector seat (Under RP) so it's really difficult to use the means like union or whatever it has to be in another way.

Hopefully I'm sure it's going to change for the benefit of everyone on this company :ok:

9th Feb 2014, 19:33
And it's amazing how people misunderstood what has been said about QA, I challenge you to find one word coming from my mouth justifying such a treatment.

In the other hand as I'm a very nice person ;) I'll say that's because english is not my mother language so maybe my way of express myself is not that good to make you believe what I never said and will never say.

Take care :ok:

10th Feb 2014, 11:04
I think that the CEO just need some counseling.I have seen strict airline regulations but this one just takes the cake! I do believe that employees should abide to certain rules and conditions but locking them up...Well that's another story.You would expect that to happen in Saudia thou.Regulations there are much more decent for CC compared ! inside the compound that is :rolleyes:

P.S Emirates is hiring :ok:

11th Feb 2014, 04:45
how is it till yesterday it shows 55 post and today its 44???????????

11th Feb 2014, 06:13
Morning Folks,

Just had a quick look on the middle threats, haven't been logged in since long

Still the same discussions, about blablabla

What changed and what will change in qr? Nothing, especially with some people like indianace, the name alone stands already for everything - I don't care what r u thinking now indianace

Nothing will change here, it's all about money, despite more and more is leaking out, yes, they might start caring about their image, again, money talks and still they have enough applications, enough pilots are willing to come

And guys it's not all about the CEO, he cant be blamed for everything, I know, now some are thinking, is he drunk?, no am not, it's about the whole system being at the edge of collapsing, way too much paper work (hmmm, from which part of the world this might come???) u need for almost everything a letter, reports here, reports there, a multi million dollar bidding system, which doesn't work, because somebody is working behind and so on and so on

It's getting more and more crazy every day, no parking space, dangerous traffic, Doha very very very expensive ( didn't c the salary increasing accordingly) what else to mention?

So like indianace would say what to do what to do :ugh::ugh:

Cheers to all:ok:

11th Feb 2014, 13:02
g-string are you on a crusade?

Are you saying that none of this happens in Qatar?

It doesn't make good reading and, if true, goes to show what a backward organisation Qatar is. If it's not true, then the journo and newspaper who printed it should be ran out of town.

16th Feb 2014, 03:23
Just incredible that they still have applicants...

18th Feb 2014, 03:25
well, they will always have, thats the fact, many people were (like me) and are blinded by their shiny shiny big aircrafts, 5 star non sense and so on

just look in other forums, some are already dreaming about direct entry 350!! (and this will happen, because caring for the own people - not existing):mad::mad:

so what do you expect?


18th Feb 2014, 16:56
Well someone somewhere must be doing something right as they are about to launch their Business Class only A319 flight to LHR.

[UPDATE 4] QATAR Airways Launches London Heathrow A319 Premium Service from mid-May 2014 | Airline Route (http://airlineroute.net/2014/02/18/qr-lhr-may14/)

Who in QR would have sorted that one out?

8th Mar 2014, 12:41
I worked for only eleven months of a three year contract in Doha and, if I could have escaped earlier, I would have done so! If you're desperate for a job, and QA is your only job offer/choice, then you must abide by their archaic rules and regulation. Otherwise, butt-out... don't try and inflict your short-sighted opinions of how great QA might be as your employer onto other people! QA cabin service might well be perceived as being a World Class product, however, the professional standard of the majority of the flight-crew community falls well short of what the travelling public perceive to be a quality international airline.

I have personally witnessed how senior Arabic management conduct their lifestyles and, for a nation which has so many restrictions upon the consumption of alcohol, they are the very people who flaunt their own rules/regulations. One only had to sit at the bar of the top floor bar of the Radisson Blu Hotel to witness 'pissed-up' local senior management trying to ply drink upon young girls (and boys) in an attempt to persuade them into acts of indecency.

Qatar is, in my humble opinion, a two-faced nation which is corrupt in so many ways that can only be expected of a nation with so much wealth.

Whilst that many cabin crew might perceive that their salary is acceptable, one must accept that the majority of the cabin crew come from much poorer nations where their equivalent income would be regarded as being quite wealthy.

For any Westerners who might be considering a 'career' with QA... think very carefully before making any commitment to being imprisoned within Qatar. You've been warned!


27th Nov 2014, 16:18
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27th Nov 2014, 16:31
I have personally witnessed how senior Arabic management conduct their lifestyles and, for a nation which has so many restrictions upon the consumption of alcohol, they are the very people who flaunt their own rules/regulations. .......... 'pissed-up' local senior management trying to ply drink upon young girls (and boys) in an attempt to persuade them into acts of indecency.

Qatar is, in my humble opinion, a two-faced nation which is corrupt in so many ways that can only be expected of a nation with so much wealth.Dubai, arguably, is worse. I have for some years boycotted the region and its airlines. They are all tarred with the same brush, perhaps the tar stinks worse in some than others.