View Full Version : Embeding Facebook video clips

2nd Feb 2014, 12:08
Hi, guys. I don't normally frequent this area of Pprune, but I wondered if I may ask a question?

I'm not a great fan of the Book of Faces, but there is a video there of the flooding on the Somerset levels that I thought may be of interest to the JB thread.
There is a facility to embed Youtube vids, is it possible to embed FB vids.
It is a public vid and I have the ID number (1415256742054749) but can't seem to get it to display.

Any ideas?

Many thanks.

2nd Feb 2014, 12:22

I suspect the eweToob embed feature is merely an alias to a template code snippet made specifically for that purpose.

So unless the powers that be create a separate button that sorts out the template code for the Book then I think you might just have to post a good old fashioned link.

I may be wrong... but that's my guess.

2nd Feb 2014, 12:33
Thanks, mixture, I suspected it may be something like that. T'internet offers various BBcode blocks that claim to do the job, but don't seem to be supported Pprunes version of vbulletin . It may just be me though.:uhoh: