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1st Feb 2014, 22:52
Hello, i dont know if i'm in the right forum so if its not im sorry and can you please tall me whats the right forum i can ask...

i would like to know what's the average cust to go to aviation school? it will by really nice if any one knows and can share the info with me...
i have a family member that life in the us and he's checking the topic for me, but i'll by able to speak with him only in a few months, so antil then i hope you can help me ;)
btw the school im really interested in is embrt-riddle

thank you very much.

2nd Feb 2014, 14:27
I assume you mean Embry-Riddle? Aviation Degrees at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (http://www.erau.edu/explore/fly.html)

3rd Feb 2014, 04:05
If you want to just get your Commercial Pilot License/Certificate, you can spend anywhere between $40,000 and $100,000, depending where you go to school. If you want to go to an aviation University, prices can increase and they vary dramatically as there is a wide choice of universities available across the globe with aviation degree programs.

3rd Feb 2014, 07:07
Welcome to the Wannabee Forums - you did get the right forum!

You will find there a lots of people here willing to help but they do expect that you will do a little research before you post. The question of cost has been asked - and answered - many times before and may I respectfully suggest you spend a couple of hours going through this forum using the Search Function in the Thread toolbar above. You will find not only the cost of training but also lots of advice about how to start a career as a professional pilot. You can even find more about the Embry-Riddle scheme.
In the meantime I am closing the thread.