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View Full Version : What to study BEFORE MCC/JOC

25th Jan 2014, 21:49
Im going to do MCC/JOC in the near future. I want to repeat some of theory, because it been a while.
Any tips what I should look at?


26th Jan 2014, 08:16
The MCC is one of those courses you should enjoy. Personally, I wouldnt worry too much about studying for anything.

I am sure you are aware, that the course is designed for you to enter the world of the multi crew environment and you will be primed with all the skills necessary to complete the course, with no real pre study required.

If you do it in a full motion SIM, its a lot of fun.

Enjoy it and all the best.

26th Jan 2014, 11:21
@cefey: What type are you training on?

As CAT3C has mentioned above, it is a course to be enjoyed and doesn't necessarily require prior knowledge of the aircraft because it is not a Type Rating.

You could read up on the sections of Principles of Flight, Engines, Navigation and Meteorology that would be pertinent to Commercial Jet flight?

Perhaps also improve your scan relevant to the type, and improve Memory Capacity skills - I'm aware of a few websites online that can help you out, PM me if you wish.

If you really wanted to get ahead of the game, you could obtain the 'Cardboard Cut-outs" for the aircraft and practise in those but that is essentially unnecessary, given your MCC partner is most probably going to know as little as you.

Good luck, and enjoy it!

26th Jan 2014, 13:42
I have finished my EASA conversion 5-6 month ago (CPL IR ME).

I just want to prepare my self as much as possible, so I can solely focus, and enjoy, the "multi-crew" part.

Thanks for the replies!