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View Full Version : Helicopter down in Dubai...

Desert Dawg
22nd Jan 2014, 14:01
Just heard on the radio... Helicopter down on Atlantis.. Nasimi Beach.

Gulf News article here Helicopter crash on Palm Jumeirah in Dubai | GulfNews.com (http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/emergencies/helicopter-crash-on-palm-jumeirah-in-dubai-1.1280810)

Hope everyone is ok..? No other news as yet....

22nd Jan 2014, 15:00
Hey mate, my good friend might have been flying, I still can't reach her, she was on all day today in that machine. I can't get any info either, I was on a tour and overhead the Atlantis minutes after the incident and saw the machine sitting upright at the end of the helipad facing south. I was at 2000 so couldn't make out much detail, looked like no rotors or tail rotor. Inbound medivac was landing to pick up injured as I turned. Another company chopper came across from the Burj Al Arab to see if it could help but he was waved off and low on fuel but he said the crew where injured amongst others... He could say who the PIC was!

I am praying for her and the others if this is true, she's a good mate!

Desert Dawg
23rd Jan 2014, 04:28
Damn!! Not a good situation at the moment.

Heard on the radio this morning that one person is still critical in ICU... Let's all hope and pray for a good recovery....

24th Jan 2014, 07:10
Looks like T/R failure

November Mike
24th Jan 2014, 22:50
Strongs to Lee Anne and fellow crew member :sad: Thoughts and prayers

richard PC
29th Jan 2014, 06:41
A local airline pilot contacted me via Avcom. He managed to find her for me and reports back that she is quite badly injured, has had surgery, but is recovering well.

Great to hear that Lee-Anne !! Thoughts are with you.

Thank you to the pilot who was kind enough to bring back news of my old friend - I am indebted to you.:D:D

29th Jan 2014, 09:18
Richard can you please also keep me up to date . I got the news on the weekend and was worried sick about her . Luckily my wife got hold of her sister that is in Dubai now , but now we are unable to get hold of her as well .

11th Feb 2014, 02:46
Looks like a torque turn take off that got out of control. Last words to dispatcher were "watch this"

11th Feb 2014, 04:40
There's always one out there ... just can't help blaming the pilot. Whilst she's still in hospital for crying out loud!

13th Feb 2014, 19:45
Was at the Nasimi Beach bar chilling out with friends, witnessed the whole thing. Was absolutely awful. I'm not a rotary pilot but it did indeed look like tail rotor failure after lift off. I'm sure you guys know more but a very good chopper buddy of mine informs me that this is one of the worst things that can happen to a helicopter pilot?, in which case she did an excellent job of keeping the thing away from the rest of the car park and people on the ground. Not nice, my thoughts are with her. Great to hear that a recovery is on the cards.

17th Mar 2014, 07:51
Accident / Incident Investigation Report (http://www.gcaa.gov.ae/en/ePublication/Pages/InvestigationReport.aspx)

17th Mar 2014, 12:31
Interesting. No apparent control failure but a loss of tail rotor effectiveness.

There's some debate as to whether a fenestron is a tail rotor. Notwithstanding that, there have been a number of cases where something similar has happened on Gazelles. IIRC, there was more wind involved with those (TBC).

Kudos to the designers, 20g and the cabin remained intact is great news.

Wishing a speedy recovery to the 2.