View Full Version : Correct use of Altitude Constraints B737CL

4th Jan 2014, 16:57
At my airline, everyone is new to the 737 Classic. Still a bit of growing going on with the FMS and CDU entry. The use of the altitude data entry for waypoint crossing is not clearly spelled out in the FCOM with only one page speaking to it. I personally believe that is because the A or B suffix should be self explanatory when applied to waypoint altitude constraints, however, I am seeing a lot of crews wrongly applying the suffix to EVERY waypoint they are cleared to descend and level off at.

The logic employed, which I think is incorrect application of the FMC feature, is that it will recalculate all the altitudes behind the waypoint, aiding in descent. This may be correct IF there is continued descent, but not when one is leveling off at the fix specified.


"Boeing 123 cross LUCKY at FL130 at 250knots" I am thinking the entry should simply be LUCKY 250/130 and not 250/130B because there is no constant descent to increase the descent gradient since there is a level flight segment.

Looking at the computed numbers for the waypoints after doesn't show any change to backup the B suffix entry logic.

Trying to substantiate my logic against the inappropriate use of the at or below entry.

4th Jan 2014, 18:45
The FMC entry should be the same as the clearance. To put FL130B is not the same clearance as at FL130. There's little written on this because there should be no need for further explanation.

Is English not the primary language at your airline? When I worked in Asia, I noticed some little issues caused by the nuances of prepositions.

Stamp out this "tribalism" as it is not correct and could be unsafe.

5th Jan 2014, 04:50
Thanks for the clarity. I'm trying my best to seek answers from outside and keep the lights on so to speak.

5th Jan 2014, 12:49
You want to try to learn to operate a 737 by a forum?

5th Jan 2014, 12:58
FL130A = At or above
Fl130B = At or below

If your cleared to a waypoint with an altitude/FL , as you said LUCKY FL130 then putting /130 in the box will be suffice as the FMC will calculate a path to reach it if not a CDU message will say unable next altitude.