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3rd Jan 2014, 21:13
Blimey, he topped a General by having a mortar zeroed in on the spot and then made him stand on it...

But this

Kim Jong-Un had uncle stripped naked, thrown into a cage and eaten alive by dogs | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2533088/How-Kim-Jong-Un-killed-scum-uncle-Dictator-stripped-naked-thrown-cage-eaten-alive-pack-dogs.html)

Makes your eyes water.

His supposed crimes against the regime included having ‘improper relations with several women’ and having ‘wined and dined at back parlours of deluxe restaurants’.
In addition, Jang was said to have ‘squandered foreign currency at casinos while he was receiving medical treatment in a foreign country under the care of the party’.
Worst of all perhaps, in the twisted logic of this supposed workers’ paradise, was that Jang was guilty of ‘such factional acts as dreaming different dreams’.

Heck I've probably done all of those too.... Battersea Dogs home here I come. :p

3rd Jan 2014, 21:24
That kind of explains why all the people who are asked if they support the new leader can't seem to praise him enough. I think I would too if I lived there.

3rd Jan 2014, 21:31
...and what happened to these numerous and quite plump dogs afterwards?

Did KJU buy everyone a celebratory Dinner?

3rd Jan 2014, 21:36
And you will be glad to know Britain sends £756,000 a year to the country in aid..

So we probably bought the dogs..

Britain's aid millions help the most corrupt regimes in the world it is revealed as Cameron's target is finally hit | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2532009/Britains-aid-millions-help-corrupt-regimes-world-revealed-Camerons-target-finally-hit.html)

3rd Jan 2014, 22:18
North Korean feasted on by dogs.

Now there is irony!! :}

3rd Jan 2014, 22:47
A delicious irony?

Agaricus bisporus
3rd Jan 2014, 23:22
NK govt security spokesmen Poo Chi Ful and Mut Lee Stuft were unavailable for comment.

Sadly this story is just too good to be true - penny to a pinch of digested uncle it's ben made up to discredit Wun Fat Brat and his happy bunch of dog-scoffers.

3rd Jan 2014, 23:34
It makes Lavrenti Beria's (much deserved) end seem peaceful.

3rd Jan 2014, 23:48
If there's truth in it, it is hard to imagine the pain and terror for the victim. It would also suggest the fat kid is totally insane.
Imagine being paraded for him and having to show dedication and love with cameras trained on you.
I bet you'd clap...go on admit it. :}

4th Jan 2014, 00:03
I suppose it was done to make a point, hence the large viewing audience of officials, it wasn't so much a these guys have done anything wrong, more a dare to stand against me and this is your fate.....

Like all Dictators, life at the top has to be a constant fear that someone somewhere wants what you have. It's power through fear and suppression of the masses through force and constant brainwashing to make them see you as a God and why his predecessor travelled everywhere in an armoured train.

4th Jan 2014, 03:16
Sounds a bit like El Presidente Bliar

4th Jan 2014, 03:37

Who did Blair have arbitrarily executed in front of UK government officials?

4th Jan 2014, 04:10

Get real!!


West Coast
4th Jan 2014, 05:32
Interesting to see if the article and other links contained below it regarding an allegedly worsening relationship with China continue. Not to use a pun given the uncles method of execution, but talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Seems like China pulls the strings that keeps the fat ones country afloat, a sane man would remember that. Goes to show...

4th Jan 2014, 06:32
Dictators kill to stay in power, because that's how far they can get away with. Dictators carry out election fraud, because that's how far they can get away with. Politicians lie to the public, because that's how far they can get away with.
Its all down to how much they can get away with. Mugabe, Hussain, Gaddaffi, Idi Amin and many others are on the list. I have no doubt that Mugabe would copy N Korea if he could.
Interestingly, DC10 man has a point. Labour/Bliar lied lied lied to hold on to power. When Gordon Brown took over, witnesses say he went power crazy. It is my belief that he would have done a hell of a lot more if he could have gotten away with it. We had a lucky escape from that man (in my opinion of course)

Sun Who
4th Jan 2014, 07:22
While I'm sure North Korea is not a nice place to live, I suspect this story may be largely (or entirely) fabricated.

BBC News - Did Kim Jong Un feed his uncle to dogs? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-echochambers-25597324)


4th Jan 2014, 11:29
This was his previous style, making them stand where a mortar had been zeroed onto

North Korean army minister 'executed with mortar round' - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/9630509/North-Korean-army-minister-executed-with-mortar-round.html)

Lima Juliet
4th Jan 2014, 13:54
I don't know why anyone is shocked at this from N Korea. The dreaded Camp 22 has been doing all sorts of horrendous executions through human experimentation. Here is a quote from one of the former staff of the camp:

'I witnessed a whole family being tested on suffocating gas and dying in the gas chamber,' he said. 'The parents, son and and a daughter. The parents were vomiting and dying, but till the very last moment they tried to save kids by doing mouth-to-mouth breathing.'


4th Jan 2014, 14:15
Mind you, the idea that some senior politicians could end up as tomorrow's dogsh1t IS quite appealing . . . :cool:

4th Jan 2014, 15:24
You should find a new title for this thread 'cos you haven't attracted the venom of John Hill, yet. :E
Regards, Den.

4th Jan 2014, 16:33
Dictators kill to stay in power, because that's how far they can get away with. Dictators carry out election fraud, because that's how far they can get away with. Politicians lie to the public, because that's how far they can get away with.
Its all down to how much they can get away with. Mugabe, Hussain, Gaddaffi, Idi Amin and many others are on the list. I have no doubt that Mugabe would copy N Korea if he could.
Interestingly, DC10 man has a point. Labour/Bliar lied lied lied to hold on to power. When Gordon Brown took over, witnesses say he went power crazy. It is my belief that he would have done a hell of a lot more if he could have gotten away with it. We had a lucky escape from that man (in my opinion of course)

Cor blimey ! That's a real stretch,ever thought of writing a column for the 'Fail':}
Just to be on the safeside I was clapping while reading about the 'dear' leader.

air pig
4th Jan 2014, 18:24
Greenknight 121 and SOSL:


Who did Blair have arbitrarily executed in front of UK government officials?

I will always wonder what really happened to Dr David Kelly, a weapons inspector of the highest calibre. We have still not had a proper Coroners inquest, just the so called Hutton enquiry whitewash. How many died or were executed following extraordinary rendition authorised by Blair, Straw et al.

They may not have actually witnessed it but they were aware of it. One case has just been thrown out of the high court because of security considerations about someone rendered back to Libya just before that, I can't put what I feel as it would be or could construed as libellous about that man Blair.

4th Jan 2014, 18:46
air pig hits the nail squarely on the head.

Mr B Liar can try to cling on to his Teflon Tony persona all he likes but there's a shed-load of evidence emerging to suggest he knew just what was going on..:=


4th Jan 2014, 18:57
I'm with Air Pig on this one. Bliar has to be worthy of extradition to The Hague and a war crimes/ crimes against humanity trial. I don't give a stuff for Bush, he's a problem for American conscience. Bliar is though a blight on Britain, its politics and its reputation.


air pig
4th Jan 2014, 19:26
In 1946, many of the German High command both civil and military, were executed for various offences, mainly, Crimes against Humanity and Waging Aggressive War.

What has happened in the recent past in my view could be considered these crimes. Blair has misled Parliament and the people of the UK into waging wars which have still not ended, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, committing British forces into a conflict without end. Some people of a left ward political leaning claim the Conservative Party also approved of the invasion of Iraq, yes this is true but they will have received briefings under Privy Council rules and what were they told or misled into believing is the most important part.

The Chillcot enquirey maybe muzzled due to the civil servants stopping evidence about the conversations between Blair and Bush being revealed.

One day I hope he and others involved will be arrested and tried as a war criminals at the Hague and receive a due sentence.

4th Jan 2014, 19:40
And you're not alone, and all those MP's that know the truth should also be arrested as accessories

5th Jan 2014, 08:31
'Twould appear we have our first candidate for tomorrow's K9 pooh . . .

5th Jan 2014, 08:46
Koreans do seem to have a penchant for cruelty. In WWII, many were used by the Japanese as guards for allied POW's. They seemed to relish cruelty more so than the Japs, which is saying something!

As for Blair...an utter fraud.

5th Jan 2014, 10:32
Woptb, you think that was a 'stretch'???
In my opinion, Mr Brown was an unstable leader, who believed it was his 'right' to be prime minister because TeflonTony promised him. He wasn't arsed about the people electing him, it was his position to take. He aggressively smeared other party members and lied (x1000000) to the British public. What proof have I??? Absolutely zero. But it is my belief that he showed the character traits of a good old dictator.
I loved being in the RAF for my 24 years, but I felt I had to leave on principal because I didn't trust Tony and co with my life and my country.
Politicians are there to serve the people and do what is right, long term, for their country. None of them do that of course, but some are far more destructive than others, killing British people to serve their own needs.

5th Jan 2014, 11:30
The oleaginous Bliar, whose personal wealth increased by £13M last year, knew full well that his nuLabor nonsense had ruined the nation and that he wasn't going to win another election. So he dropped Brown into the leadership - and Brown was simply out of his depth and couldn't cope.

Perhaps one of these days Bliar will be held to account - and his interference with the SFO probe into allegations of BWoS bribery put under the microscope, as well as the truth regarding Dr. Kelly's death.

air pig
5th Jan 2014, 11:41
That a certain company it is alleged to be involved in bribery is a question that could be levelled at at least one certain American company and I'm sure some European ones as well.

I do hope Blair and his cabal one day face justice in a court of law. Blair is very careful where he travels, only places it would be difficult to arrest him for war crimes, Spain comes to mind. Maybe the British public should flood Crimestoppers or report his alleged crimes through the Met Police on line with the allegation of war crimes under the law that Blair pushed through Parliament.

5th Jan 2014, 12:20
OLEAGINOUS, adj. Oily, smooth, sleek.
Disraeli once described the manner of Bishop Wilberforce as
"unctuous, oleaginous, saponaceous." And the good prelate was ever
afterward known as Soapy Sam. For every man there is something in the
vocabulary that would stick to him like a second skin. His enemies
have only to find it.

Perfect word BEags, but DO desist . . .

Agaricus bisporus
5th Jan 2014, 13:35
I know this is t'internet where any freak, whacko and deluded tub-thumper can say his say but suggesting soapy Tone to be a "war criminal" is simply ridiculous, and comparing him to Nazi war criminals beggars belief. If he did get involved in rendition (and what if he did) any "criminality" of the act is on a level with a parking violation compared to what the Nazis did.

Get a sense of proportion, for God's sake.

No, I couldn't stand the man and Brown even less but we need to understand that politics sometimes deviousness, often involves secrecy and may sometimes, especially in times of war, involve downright chicanery. But let's not start calling "war criminal" for the normal exigencies of the service.

5th Jan 2014, 13:52
So what level of criminal activity do you class as 'acceptable' from a politician? You say 'so what' about rendition. Some of these people who were sent 'the other way' will be tortured or dead. But they are just terrorists, aren't they? They deserve it, don't they?
As wrong as our laws are, they are still our laws and people in authority MUST abide by them. Misleading and misrepresenting WMD reports were used to justify a WAR for gods sake!!
A genuine question that is going way off thread, is rendition illegal, as they don't get due legal process??
This could be relevant to the thread, Korea are brutal murders and admit it, Western countries don't have people killed, do they?

air pig
5th Jan 2014, 14:44

I know this is t'internet where any freak, whacko and deluded tub-thumper can say his say but suggesting soapy Tone to be a "war criminal" is simply ridiculous, and comparing him to Nazi war criminals beggars belief. If he did get involved in rendition (and what if he did) any "criminality" of the act is on a level with a parking violation compared to what the Nazis did.

Get a sense of proportion, for God's sake.

No, I couldn't stand the man and Brown even less but we need to understand that politics sometimes deviousness, often involves secrecy and may sometimes, especially in times of war, involve downright chicanery. But let's not start calling "war criminal" for the normal exigencies of the service.

Ab, we were not at war though, we were acting through the No Fly zones under a UN mandate, no more no less. Show me a Declaration of War, you cannot because it does not exist, so the accusation of waging aggressive war stands. This is illegal under UN Law. Blair and Bush stand accused in the eyes of the world, more importantly what if one of your relatives was rendered to the USA without due process of law, I bet you'd be screaming from the rooftops about it being illegal, and unfair.

Blair lied to go to war when even the UN Weapons Inspectors said they could find no evidence of WMD, but to return to the theme of the thread, it is reported that NK have kidnapped foreign nationals for nefarious purposes, committed crimes against his own population but unless they attack South Korea the world will do nothing, in fact will help him by giving aid as the UK does because he has WMD .Oh before you ask, it maybe deployable using unconventional means such as a freight container, lose the documents whilst it's aboard various container vessels a few times and it's not impossible for it to arrive at Tilbury or the East River and go bang.

What the Nazi's (Germans) did, started with their own countryman with the opening of the 'wild' Kz such a Columbia Haus in Berlin in 1933/4 and then formulated into the Dachau model of a Kz in 1934 with the arresting of trade unionists and communists, later leading to persecuting of the Jewish population of Germany and Austria culminating in Kristalnacht in November 1938. The world knew what was happening but did very little. There was even UK government papers in Parliament about what was going on, but we and the world did nothing and even enforced the Balfour declaration. This the position we are at now with NK.

Agaricus bisporus
5th Jan 2014, 15:06
Blair lied to go to war when even the UN Weapons Inspectors said they could find no evidence of WMD

Blimey! How confused are you? Didn't the weapons inspectors make that statement after the conflict, not before? In which case it has little if any bearing on the decision to act against what was, at the start of the conflict, a known fact. Unless poor Tone (in this instance) is accused of failing to achieve to 20-20 hindsight. OK, he overdid the 45 minutes but, but not the known and proven existence of the weapons.

Saddam had nerve gas. We know because he'd used it on several occasions. Proven without doubt. We know he had hordes of Scuds that could deliver it against Israel, as he had promised to do on numerous occasions. Proven without doubt.

Never in the history of warfare (afaik) has someone with a devastating capability such as that chosen to dispose of it secretly in the face of an inevitable, and inevitably futile conflict. So, without that 20-20 vision Bliar stands accused of failing to use, how tha heck could he or any of the Western Allies have anticipated him to do this? Yet he did. As the facts show. And had he been told a the last minute that Saddams WMD had mysteriously "disappeared" would anyone have believed he had disposed of them, rather than just hidden them? No, of course not. Intel like that would have been laughed out of existence for being so preposterously and obviously wrong. Yet that is what happened. We'll find out one day where they went. (Jordan is my guess).

And as to whingeing about rendition, has every conflict not seen underhand and murky activities?

Have we got so politically (in)correct that we must put terrorist or military threats in the hands of the fukken CPS and social workers when action needs to be taken against them NOW? So what if some of them got hurt? Prefer hundreds of our boys to die instead because you so wanted to wrap the enemy commanders in cotton wool that you left them be instead of playing it a bit rough?

God help us!

air pig
5th Jan 2014, 15:24
You have a very skewed view in my humble opinion. before GW1 Saddam and his government were warned by James Baker the US Secretary of State, through the UN that any use of WMDs would provoke a massive overwhelming response that would destroy Iraq. Remember during the Iran Iraq war that chemical weapons had been deployed and used, just as in Halylabja with the use of blister and nerve agents. So the history was there.

There is already president for the arrest of ex heads of state within the UK. Ordered by the UK courts on a warrant from Spain and supported by Straw. Found to be unfit to plead.

Pinochet arrested in London | World news | theguardian.com (http://www.theguardian.com/world/1998/oct/18/pinochet.chile)

The arrest of Augusto Pinochet: ten years on | openDemocracy (http://www.opendemocracy.net/article/the-arrest-of-augusto-pinochet-ten-years-on)

Tipi Livni, the Israeli Foreign Affairs minister did not come to the UK after it was put that she could be arrested despite diplomatic immunity.

Rendition, you have not answered the question, if one of your family was rendered to the US, would you scream and shout or stay silent. Why in your view have we not taken action against the NK regime.

Agaricus bisporus
5th Jan 2014, 16:10
You cannot expect to be taken seriously if your sense of proportion is so chronically imbalanced that you see fit to compare Blair with Pinochet.

If a soldier pinches a Mars Bar from the NAAFI in wartime does that make it a "war crime"? By your "logic" I imagine it does.

I'm not going to persist in an intellectual battle with an unarmed man.


air pig
5th Jan 2014, 16:43
You sir, have merely proved one thing, you have an unsustainable argument and a lack of respect for the law and the laws and usages of war. You have not replied to the question of rendition if it was applied to a member of your family. Would you be on the left of the political spectrum as this is the only way you can present your view.

Theft from the NAFFi would be dealt with under military law, but to try to conflate that with the responsibility of politicians is to my mind facile and lacks intellectual rigour.

5th Jan 2014, 19:01
As I remember it Hans Blix indicated pretty clearly that there were no WMD in Iraq prior to GW2

5th Jan 2014, 19:12
Prefer hundreds of our boys to die instead because you so wanted to wrap the enemy commanders in cotton wool that you left them be instead of playing it a bit rough?

That's a ridiculous argument. 'A bit rough'? A recipe for descent into anarchy....

Was My Lai 'A bit rough'?

5th Jan 2014, 20:35
We treat enemy prisoners iaw international law. To do otherwise is a crime

Daf Hucker
5th Jan 2014, 21:02
As I remember it Hans Blix indicated pretty clearly that there were no WMD in Iraq prior to GW2 ............ and we're back to North Korea (so wonley)


air pig
5th Jan 2014, 21:06
I suspect a previous poster, yes Ab, you I mean, has little knowledg or concept of either the Hague or Geneva conventions regarding the Laws and Usages of War or the judgements and actions following the Nuremberg Trials incorporated into international law under the UN.

The torture convention was incorporated into UK law in 1998, allowing people who have committed or suborned torture worldwide to be prosecuted in the UK. To go back to Blair, if he knew that rendition was happening and some of the people who were rendered to states who openly torture prisoners and MI6 officers knew that it was happening or had been informed of it and they did nothing, they are culpable along with their political masters, ie Blair and whoever was Foreign Secretary at the time.

We have just an RM Commando sentenced to 10 years for murder under British Military Law for a 'war crime' ie executing a prisoner, a breech of the Geneva Convention which requires all reasonable care to be taken of a prisoner.

air pig
5th Jan 2014, 21:10
As I said previously, NK until he steps over the line into SK, transport a nuclear weapon and detonates it or the Chinese really do get hacked off with him and they maybe on a short fuse with the Japan situation. He is going to sit there, slaughter people at a whim and the world will do NOTHING. Full stop, period.

Bring on the next dictator please.

27th Jan 2014, 19:51
He' at it again, not happy with topping the beloved Uncle, he's now topped the Women, Children, Grand Kids and even the odd ambassador, just to make sure he got them all and to stave off a mutiny from that side of the family.

Words fail me

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un 'executes the family of his uncle Jang Song-Thaek' | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2546506/North-Korean-leader-Kim-Jong-Un-executes-family-uncle-Jang-Song-Thaek.html)

Interested Passenger
27th Jan 2014, 20:28
He has almost turned Team America: World Police into a documentary.

imagine the scene
Death Squad Leader "are you sure sir"
DSL "ok sir"



28th Jan 2014, 01:19
Who did Blair have arbitrarily executed in front of UK government officials?

Er... Aletheia (Goddess of Truth)

Dodgy Dossier would be but one example

28th Jan 2014, 06:04
Good answer - she was foully murdered.

But aren't we naive expecting our leaders to tell the truth?

28th Jan 2014, 08:22
Athena is also a potential victim, certainly when she had her wisdom hat on.