View Full Version : US Forces Demonstrate Cultural Insensitivity Again

26th Dec 2013, 01:30
The USAF has had to apologize to Afghani Muslims for offending them by including non-Halal food items in Air Drops conducted in a "Win the Hearts" Operation.

When will we learn?

Air Force Apologizes For ?Tasteless? Christmas Ham Drop In Afghanistan (http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/12/afghanistan-christmas-ham/)

26th Dec 2013, 02:21
Sorry:(, but after I stopped p!ssing myself laughing, you are indeed correct, major fail, and you would have to wonder how such and obvious b@llsup could happen.

The sad thing is, the extremist mullahs will take it as some deliberate act:( and try to stir things up.

Thelma Viaduct
26th Dec 2013, 02:27
As opposed to dropping bombs/cruise missiles at weddings and the like???

I suppose you could call it progress.

26th Dec 2013, 07:36
No doubt some simple people will think that this spoof Armed Forces news website reports true events.....:hmm:

26th Dec 2013, 08:22
Sad thing is (and I know this will make me controversial for knowing this), Muhammed did tell the People that if you are hungry, Allah will understand if you eat food that is not halal. He knows when you are starving and need to do something to live...It's actually quite a flexible book, more so than Leviticus!

Standing back and waiting for the assault now...

26th Dec 2013, 08:26
What an excellent newssite, and with such refreshingly honest articles! That article about the USAF being found guilty of a conspiracy to recruit all the hot chicks, just reinforces what we always suspected!! :suspect: :E :p

Pontius Navigator
26th Dec 2013, 09:12
It's actually quite a flexible book, more so than Leviticus!

Which may be the problem. Delete all the bits you don't like.

Reminds me of a story many years ago, only the names changed to protect the guilty.


Paddy on an overseas flight buys a can of beans. They are hugely expensive. Paddy sees a market opportunity here and goes and tests the market. He asks Seamus, an Asian shop keeper if he would like to make a killing with baked beans.

A deal is struck.

Next trip Paddy visits Seamus with 3 big cases of beans. Asks for the money

"Oh dear, oh dear, not the beans with pork sausage."

26th Dec 2013, 09:13
No doubt some simple people will think that this spoof Armed Forces news website reports true events.....:hmm:

Indeed, otherwise we'd probably already know about: "General Mattis Crosses Potomac With 100,000 Troops; President, Senate Flee City"

26th Dec 2013, 09:31
...That article about the USAF being found guilty of a conspiracy to recruit all the hot chicks, just reinforces what we always suspected!!

Too true; why aren't we told about such outrages by the mainstream media? However, I'm more concerned about the article describing the unexplained explosion of a US Air Force colonel at a weekly staff meeting (link (http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/10/shocking-report-air-force-colonel-explodes/)). No one seems to have considered the possibility of 'rear echelon fragging' by resentful subordinates.

Alternatively, this tragedy could have been the result of an innocent prank going horribly wrong. I well remember rolling the contents of an N5 thunderflash into the foil paper liner of a cigarette packet and taping it underneath the table where our Chief of Staff (Mess Pres) sat at the Christmas lunch. I detonated it with an F77 'puffer' wired to a battery in my pocket just as he banged his gavel before delivering his annual 'state of the nation' speech whereupon he disappeared in a cloud of white smoke. The following year, he invited the guest of honour to sit in his chair.

Do you think I should inform the appropriate authorities of my suspicions?

26th Dec 2013, 09:36
I wouldn't say it was tasteless, I bet it was rather tasty ham :) I wonder if they got a few beers to go with it.

Lima Juliet
26th Dec 2013, 09:54
Gingerbread! Gingerbread! :D

26th Dec 2013, 10:31
No doubt some simple people will think that this spoof Armed Forces news website reports true events

That'll teach me for not clicking on the link:{

Mr C Hinecap
26th Dec 2013, 10:44
But did SASless post it intentionally or will there be the sound of a bicycle being ridden in reverse?
I vote for the bicycle.

26th Dec 2013, 10:51
Would the chap on who the consignment was dropped be called Amed?

26th Dec 2013, 11:03
Great spoof this.

Serious Note. USAF used to run an "Operation Christmas Drop" where they would put out a DCI (or what ever they were called in the US) in the months leading to Christmas, calling for units to make surplus airdrop kit available. they would then do a round robin dropping gifts to remote islands. I think mainly in the Far East (Philippians ??)

Not sure if this still operates. I think it was the guys at Ft Lee who co-ordinated it.

For those who cared to open the link. the smart ones will recognise the load as weapons containers. Lots of EDM. Note one of the containers poking out through the side of the harness! perhaps the containers were full of sausage!!

26th Dec 2013, 11:13
I would put money on SASless having posted the link believing it was true! He is probably hiding under a desert stone, scratching around for scorpions, embarrassed to show his face again ....... poor chap! :D

26th Dec 2013, 11:40
Whats more sad, its the sought of stuff up thats believable.:p

26th Dec 2013, 13:19
RH.....I love the web site.....they do some really great work! Sadly sometimes it is awfully close to the truth!:ok:

Rarely does such post not catch a few folks off guard!

Lyneham Lad
26th Dec 2013, 14:27
So how come the Christmas Eve US coup d'etat (http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/12/general-mattis-crosses-potomac-100000-troops-president-senate-flee-city/) has been kept out of the UK media? I think we should be told! Damn D Notices are at it again...

26th Dec 2013, 14:34
thinks- why didn't they publish a report that AK-47s and RPGs were made my lubricating machines and all moving parts with pig fat- maybe all fighting would cease!
Worked for the sepoy rebellion!:)

26th Dec 2013, 14:44
There are so many good ones to pick from....it makes life complicated sometimes!

I loved this one as well.....so much truth in a few short paragraphs.

Lieutenant Promises 'Not To Screw Up' In First Address To Wrong Platoon (http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/10/2nd-lt-promises-screw-first-address-wrong-platoon/)

26th Dec 2013, 18:34
Silly question but if you had an air drop............how would you know the meat was not Halal ?

Pontius Navigator
26th Dec 2013, 19:15
In UK we have to eat halal beef, pork and lamb with no choice. However last week one of our food markets, with a Jewish history, said that muslim shop assistants would not have to serve pork products or alcohol.

Imagine, you reach the head of the queue, your basket is almost checked and she discovers a pork chop.

Well such was the outcry from Christian pig eaters threatening to boycott the stores that the company did an immediate volte face.

And you can't make it up.

26th Dec 2013, 19:41
Spoofs aside, anyone ever see the US SF chappie (face not shown) a year or so ago on liveleak "lubricating" all the tips of his rounds with Spam as he loaded his mags, whilst pointing out that whoever copped these was not going to heaven.

Mr C Hinecap
26th Dec 2013, 19:45
And you can't make it up.

No. But you could get aboard the Daily Mail Outrage Charabang and go totally overboard about a single issue that had not caused any problems up until that one time.

Which is far worse than making it up.

Pontius Navigator
26th Dec 2013, 20:04
Mr C, true, however remember the BA own goals over Christian crosses?

Anyway, what the Daily Snail prints one day was either in the Torygraph the day before or will be the day after.

While we are fairly ambivalent omnivores I think not a few of us object to being made to eat food prepared to suit the cultural requirements of another religion. It would be only a short step to prohibit pork products in military food packs.

Mr C Hinecap
26th Dec 2013, 20:55
It would be only a short step to prohibit pork products in military food packs.

Given the current range includes Halal, Sikh, Hindu and vegetarian menus, I fear you may have missed the Outrage Bus this time.
Don't worry - there will be another one along soon for you to flag down. :ok:

26th Dec 2013, 21:42
Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum. I cannot decide if today I am living in an episode of Monty Python or the ******* Twilight Zone.
If there was just ONE western leader who had a pair (Maggie excepted).

27th Dec 2013, 11:05
I rather thought the game was given away in the last 2 paragraphs of the article! Lovely! Private eye meets National Enquirer! :D

The B Word
27th Dec 2013, 15:43
Surah 5:5 of the Koran: "The food of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] is lawful for you as your food is lawful for them." Don't forget that the bible outlaws pork and carrion within it.

Luckily I'm agnostic and so bangers and bacon for me in the morning! :ok:

Religion - the world would be a better place without it. It's caused more wars since the beginning of civilisation and many innocent people have been killed in its name (women burned as witches and children blown up in the name of jihad are classic examples of religious atrocities).

Dawkins, anyone?

The B Word

27th Dec 2013, 20:37
And I'll bet the Americans didn't get all that meat back either.

27th Dec 2013, 22:21
Religion - the world would be a better place without it. It's caused more wars since the beginning of civilisation and many innocent people have been killed in its name (women burned as witches and children blown up in the name of jihad are classic examples of religious atrocities).

If it wasn't for religion we would still be tribal savages. I think the last two world wars has put to death (pardon pun) that myth. The vast majority of savagery thought time has been purely for territory gain.

p.s I'm an Atheist.

27th Dec 2013, 22:47

I'm intrigued to know the source of your assertion that halal pork is being consumed in the UK, it's certainly a niche food product!


27th Dec 2013, 23:15
Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum. I cannot decide if today I am living in an episode of Monty Python or the ******* Twilight Zone.
If there was just ONE western leader who had a pair (Maggie excepted).

Are you actually commenting on the spoof article? Or one of the comments here? Or did you mean to post in reply to a ranting Richard Littlejohn article somewhere else on the web? It's not clear.

28th Dec 2013, 00:00
Perhaps instead of dropping bombs.....we should be dropping Bacon Sandwiches....perhaps we might convert a few of the Rascals to our way of thinking if we did!

Mr C Hinecap
28th Dec 2013, 01:19
sasless. You are a one man mirth machine. :(

Lima Juliet
28th Dec 2013, 09:15
If it wasn't for religion we would still be tribal savages.

I would argue that if it wasn't for the Enlightenment, Science and the Scietific Method we would still be tribal savages delusionally believing in a non-existent deity. Religious belief and faith has been in decline for at least 70 years in this country; it's about time the rest of the world woke up. The only problem is, if society doesn't have a set of rules to follow (like a moral culture) then it can decline into an unruly mob - I've seen this happening in the UK over the past couple of years where the Great British unwashed seem to be proving that they are incapable of being civil to each other without some form of cultural regime hanging over them. So let's pick the best of all the religious guidance (like not stealing from each other, etc...), turn our back on the hocus-pocus nonsense (like insisting on eating only things that have had their throats cut inhumanely whilst having the name of god bellowed in their ear) and get on with life.

In my humble opinion of course!

LJ :ok:

Roland Pulfrew
28th Dec 2013, 09:36
Religious belief and faith has been in decline for at least 70 years in this country

As, arguably, has the whole of western society - perhaps the 2 are inextricably linked.

Religious belief and faith has been in decline for at least 70 years in this country

Apart from Islam, the fastest growing religion in the west; maybe because it still sticks by its ideals, rules and regulations (whether we agree with them or not) unlike Christianity?

The only problem is, if society doesn't have a set of rules to follow (like a moral culture) then it can decline into an unruly mob

Hmmm, that applies to lots of parts of the western world.

Pontius Navigator
28th Dec 2013, 10:48

I'm intrigued to know the source of your assertion that halal pork is being consumed in the UK, it's certainly a niche food product!


Joke, I slipped that in to see if anyone noticed.

I must say though that one Hindu family I stayed with in India bought minced beef from a Christian butcher and then served up Spag Bol, a dish they had come to relish when serving with the RAF in Singapore.

28th Dec 2013, 11:07
If 'they' change the rules to allow 'Halal bacon sandwiches' and 'Halal Pork Spare Ribs' then I'll convert - problem solved.

It just requires a little flexibility . . .

Pontius Navigator
28th Dec 2013, 12:32
If 'they' change the rules to allow 'Halal bacon sandwiches' and 'Halal Port Spare Ribs' then I'll convert - problem solved.

It just requires a little flexibility . . .

You've never been to Turkey then :) They have 'bacon' sandwiches and they are very realistic. Didn't dare ask what animal however.

28th Dec 2013, 12:33
The only problem is, if society doesn't have a set of rules to follow (like a moral culture) then it can decline into an unruly mob

Like Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, and a few other places in the Non-Western World too.

Pontius Navigator
28th Dec 2013, 13:12
I don't think for one moment you can suggest that Pakistan, Syria or Nigeria do not have a set of rules like moral culture. What is true is that their rules are different from 'our' rules.

One country allows its citizens to carry guns - another does not allow car washing or grass cutting on a Sunday - another limits the hours you may shop on a Sunday.

These are all 'rules' that are enforced in one way or another.

28th Dec 2013, 14:37
A certain Sultanate's airline once had an arab ground engineer who possessed a suitably worded stamp that he used on his bottles of Chivas to mark them as halal to import them into the "Abode" ;)

28th Dec 2013, 15:18
PN....I am going by the presence of "unruly Mobs"....as that was the standard being used to judge. Pakistan surely has to qualify for that if that is the standard being used to frame the argument.

Anything over that and you are trying to put words in my mouth.

Lima Juliet
28th Dec 2013, 16:13

Apart from Islam, the fastest growing religion in the west; maybe because it still sticks by its ideals, rules and regulations (whether we agree with them or not) unlike Christianity?

Maybe because the number of practicing Christians is in sharp decline and being replaced by a larger number of practicing Muslims coming to live in the West? Unfortunately, the Enlightenment hasn't reached the world of Islam and anyone speaking out about religion gets dispatched pretty quickly - sounds like the Spanish Inquisition all over again!

Anyway, back on topic, if MRE is dropped out the back of the Herc/C17 and if you happen to be starving then the good book will allow you to eat it, Halal or no Halal.


Pontius Navigator
28th Dec 2013, 16:47
SASLess, me put words in your mouth? Never.

Seriously though, you may be surprised to know that MOB is actually a semi-legal term in that part of the world. I would venture to suggest that Mob is a function of population numbers whereas in less populous areas Crowd suffices.

'Mob' would appear to be a very large number of people where there is both few CCTV cameras and insufficient resources to monitor those that exist.

When I was in India there were two instances. One where we had to use a different road, a 'mob' had closed the road after a bus ran over a child. What they really wanted was a large sum in compensation.

The other was reported where someone had been 'hacked to death by the mob.' This was also code for saying that no assailants would be identified as it was done by an amorphous body.