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Frank Arouet
24th Dec 2013, 04:57
A few minutes to go, but assuming nothing happens, I'll be gracious enough to wish everyone, friends and enemies, a great Christmas.

Eat drink and be merry you bastards.

24th Dec 2013, 05:23
'Merci Buckets' Frank.......

And ALL the VERY BEST to YOU also.....

24th Dec 2013, 05:46
If I could just be frank for a moment... No, on second thoughts, I won't subject you to that. :p

Merry Christmas! :ok:

24th Dec 2013, 05:57
Santa | Notice issued to pilots (http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/santa/2013/12/19/notice-issued-to-pilots/)

It’s no secret that Santa is Airservices top priority on Christmas Eve! Despite his magical sleigh and team of reindeer, Santa only has a limited time to deliver his valuable cargo (toys for all you boys and girls) and needs Airservices help.

Hope the jolly fat man stays clear of Bankstown then, lest there be a FOI waiting there looking to ping him for scratched paint on the sleigh :E

24th Dec 2013, 06:15
CactusJack? Any misinformed rants?

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

24th Dec 2013, 06:35
CactusJack? Any misinformed rants?
I am more than happy to oblige you tmpfffffffff, about what in particular??
Your little declining airline perhaps? Maybe a comment about your 30 year old Dashies? Your BIG plans to hit the RPT market big time?
Oh dear, so many laughs, so little time :ok:
But regardless, Merry Xmas! ( now can you please go and polish the Bentley, there's a good chap :ok:)

24th Dec 2013, 06:37
Lovely sentiment Frank;) Merry Christmas to you too... and all prooners.

Howard Hughes
24th Dec 2013, 06:45
No faxes here, so Merry Christmas to you Frank and Prooners one and all! :ok:

24th Dec 2013, 07:19
I hope you and your families all have a great Xmas. With a bit of luck you won't be working tomorrow. (For once in many years I'm not). That makes Mrs. TID happy. And we all know how important it is to keep the leader of the opposition happy :D

Thank you one and all for your contributions over the past year, and let's hope 2014 is rewarding and prosperous for all of us :)

Regards from TID.

24th Dec 2013, 08:10
May the fat man in red suit be kind to each of you and for 2014 may we all be kind to each other.

Lets hope we still have 2 airlines at the end of 2014 !!!!!!!!!!

24th Dec 2013, 08:18
Oh (ho ho ) it's been a difficult year. What with sponsorship depending on censorship; (gross) across the board, humourless restrictions on freedom of expression and the sense of humour police having Christmas at home for once; (be still my overactive sympathy glands). Despite all this, there were plans to bring you all an extravaganza of Willyleaks stories to put in your Christmas stocking; alas, all shelf-ware now, dumped in the tidy bin of outrageous fortune.

There was, in no particular order:-

The tale of the CDP Santa – grounded. Apparently he was alleged to be unable to define exactly what colour Rudolph's red nose was. This extends into a human factors interest side bar, where OH&S tried to stop production at the North Pole Toy Factory (NPTF). They found the CDP elves were also unable to read the RED/ GREEN labels on the paint tins. Not to worry, a Greens Senate committee decided that any colour toys in this war ravaged world would be welcome.

The adventure of the migrating pot plants.

A rather amusing, revamped version of the 12 days of Christmas.

The important inclusion of the month of March into the new, reformed Julian calendar.

But most missed will be the tall tale of the Gobbledock and his return to the houseboat from Montreal on board the new, Santa Composite Sled (SCS Mark II) rumoured to have all glass, new age automatics; and, a nice little foot-warmer.

Anyway, must not to labour the blunt end of a pointed argument – Cheers you lot, it's been great fun, so grab, in no particular order, a squeeze, a pension, a cigar and a bottle of YOUR favourite attitude adjuster and try (now that your home) to enjoy the day; and DO NOT complain about aircraft noise tomorrow, some have a living to earn and like to make sure the 'young' ones get to stay home with their younger children. Me, (shucks) I just love aircraft noise. Bring it on.

You know who you are: – so Merry Christmas, one and (nearly) all.

Jack Ranga
24th Dec 2013, 08:49
Good onya Frank :ok: Happy Christmas mate!

Ascend Charlie
24th Dec 2013, 09:12
Just enjoyed a Xmas Eve sunset on Coolum beach with some good friends, some beers, some fresh prawns and oysters, bickies and cheese, and a romp in the surf with the pooches. Can't beat this place for a wonderful climate.

Ho ho ho, we wish you a merry Xmas and a carton of beer.:ok:

24th Dec 2013, 10:04
Santa's Sleigh has been around for quite a wile now, getting some hours on it over all these years, im surprised CASA hasn't mandated a seat cushion change yet.

24th Dec 2013, 10:57
Santa's sleigh currently listed on the North Pole AOC. TICK
Santa's sleigh compliant with the relevant regulatory parts. TICK
Santa's sleigh free of NCN's. TICK
Santa's sleigh running on time with no TIBA issues. TICK
Santa's sack (trough) full of goodies for all the good kiddies and even the naughty Inspectors. TICK
Santa had adequate rest and sharing command duties with Gobbledock. TICK

It's been a year of tendentious blogging, robust discussions, piss takes, serious issues and the odd shanty. But all aside have a jolly good Xmas everybody, looking forward to playing again in the new year. Indeed, safe skies for all :ok:

It would appear that all systems are go........

24th Dec 2013, 22:40
But has his sleigh had a recent disensection? That may be the only thing holding him back

25th Dec 2013, 21:29
CJ: Santa's sleigh currently listed on the North Pole AOC. TICK
Santa's sleigh compliant with the relevant regulatory parts. TICK
Santa's sleigh free of NCN's. TICK
Santa's sleigh running on time with no TIBA issues. TICK
Santa's sack (trough) full of goodies for all the good kiddies and even the naughty Inspectors. TICK
Santa had adequate rest and sharing command duties with Gobbledock. TICKWell it seems that Santa has passed through our neck of the woods unscathed :D and not locked up by the FF SS minions...:rolleyes:

Come to think of it there wasn't much chance of that as FF are all on hols and Santa's AOC is classified as Airwork at best...:E

However I'd be a bit worried :bored: if I were Santa because the rumour is that there is various incriminating poohtube vids showing extreme low level manoeuvres and one or two u/s items that need to be checked off the FAA approved MEL list:


We all know how FF love their cases with circumstantial evidence, various doctored poohtube vids, hearsay witness statements bs..bs..etc..etc..:yuk::yuk: guaranteed to totally bamboozle an AAT Preso or two!!

Hmm..:confused:...maybe it is a positive sign that Grinch Herr Skull has decided this year not to instigate the FF SS Xmas SCN 16:59 fax...or maybe not??:ugh::ugh:

Speaking of Grinches and in the spirit of Xmas, perhaps Grinch Joyce could learn from this Airline promo vid, & guaranteed to warm the hearts and provide a smile in the lead up to the New Year...:D:

[YOUTUBE]WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving - YouTube

Hmm..not long till the start of the Boxing day test...yeehah!:ok:

26th Dec 2013, 00:44
And a mi mi mi Merry Xmas from the ATSBeaker!
