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22nd Dec 2013, 20:31
Anyone on the 777 know where the rosters are????we got them on the 21st last month:ugh:

23rd Dec 2013, 03:03
For once I'm happy they are still fiddling with them. At least it will not spoil X-mas!
The leave allocation already had its impact on a lot of us, so let's wait until the 26th to get the roster beating.

Merry Christmas to you all and be the spirits of planning with you for once. :ok:

23rd Dec 2013, 03:13
Yep, that's a good point!

23rd Dec 2013, 04:44
As a general rule, the rosters are released 7 days before the end of the month. If that day happens to fall on a Friday, Saturday or religious holiday, the roster will be released one or two days earlier. This was the case last month. Expect to see your roster on the afternoon of the 24th Dec. All the best.

23rd Dec 2013, 05:08
they need time to pick the cherries aka my JFK, this time not training but management

23rd Dec 2013, 05:48
The GR2s received theirs yesterday....reminding us once again our position on the totem pole.



23rd Dec 2013, 06:00
The cherries are picked even before your roster was built... Training roster is usually complete by the 5th.

23rd Dec 2013, 06:30
Training roster is usually complete by the 5th.

Kinda sorta.

They let us monitor the build, but it changes constantly. We then can't see it for the week leading up to publication and what is then rostered can be completely different. I've (knowing the risk) booked travel based on the "Sneak peek", only to have a duty put in the middle of a group of days off once the roster came out.

Bear in mind, our bidding closes on the 15th- the month BEFORE (i.e six weeks before the actual rostered month we're bidding for- bids close 15th December for the FEBRUARY roster.), so if we don't have some idea what's happening in the next month, we don't know what is happening leading up to the month we're bidding for.

23rd Dec 2013, 06:48
:) Wiz
Wasn't trying to brag about how early we see a roster.. More to say that if a line pilots roster was manually changed, it was not trainings cherry picking...

Edit: Sorry, wrong smiley...

23rd Dec 2013, 07:03
No sweat, WGU!

23rd Dec 2013, 07:27
On topic, sort of....

The last couple of months bidding closed on the 13th, but swap freeze started on the 10th. It there any reason for freezing swaps before bidding even closed? What am I missing here?

23rd Dec 2013, 07:35

Christ on a bike....?!?!

In the 8 years since I left NOTHING has changed!!!

I've just done my first flight for 3 weeks, I've got Chrimbo & New Year off, my next flight is a LGW daystop on Jan 19th & my roster goes up to Feb 9th.

Couple that with 400 hrs TT, home every night, HMRC giving 40% Tax Relief on my personal pension contributions, the Company paying 20% of my £81K/Annum salary into my pension in exchange for me taking a 12% pay cut with the added option of taking a 20% pay cut to have Nov-Mar off completely, with no overnight flights & the fact that I'm home every night I DO work by 2am, I can see why you guys are whinging...

Does Emirates still stand for

English Managed, Indian Rosterers, Aussie Trainers, Everybody Shafted...?

Merry Christmas, Guys... Inshallah...😜

23rd Dec 2013, 08:03
@ what goes up

exactly, that why I said this time management took my flight instead of training

23rd Dec 2013, 10:45
They're out BTW

everything I wanted. (Except the 90+ hours!) ....shame on me for moaning



23rd Dec 2013, 10:53
No they are not, at least not mine.

23rd Dec 2013, 11:10
Be careful gents…

My Jan roster just arrived… Too bad it was my Jan 2013 roster. Looked a little bit odd I thought. Apparently someone sent out last Jan's roster in error. At least in my case. :ugh:

23rd Dec 2013, 11:15
The correct rosters are up on the portal though…

Top bid group and got nothing I wanted. Not even the right direction if ya know what I mean. Who do you contact to figure out why your roster is ****e? :mad:

Is there CRS guys we can email/talk to.. to see what the issue was?

23rd Dec 2013, 11:43
DADDY-OH who do you work for sounds great.
PM me if you want to.

23rd Dec 2013, 12:15
Please let us know where we can send the C V, thx.

Avid Aviator
23rd Dec 2013, 13:20
Wiz: bids close 15th December for the FEBRUARY roster
Did you mean Jan roster?
We're bidding 6 weeks out, not 10.

23rd Dec 2013, 15:53
Daddy-oh used to post as Pontious. Back in 2004 he wrote the following on this forum about EK:

I've been here 18 months and I love it! Nobody comes to EK from the UK for the Bunce. It's a question of quality of life. I came here to get away from crappy weather, tax, crappy promotion prospects, tax, a crappy government, tax, crappy services, tax, miserable b******s on late trains, tax, road rage,tax, the whordes of juvenile delinquents of a jilted generation, tax, same old Med and Caribbean routes, tax, same old routine, tax, whinging b******s, tax oh and dwindling pensions. Enuff said.

How many UK charter airlines have you worked for since leaving EK 8 years ago? How many went bust? These are genuine questions for D-O.

But it does sound like a great job for someone with low overheads.

23rd Dec 2013, 17:15
Positivity! Always happy. Although constantly changing jobs suggests otherwise. Why leave EK during the good times when you 'loved it'?

Honest question as I'm considering doing the opposite for the reasons quoted above. I gather EK is a different beast 8 years later on.

23rd Dec 2013, 17:36
The Idler

Ahh. The naïveté of youth. When was that? 2004? 2005? You forgot to mention I left due to compassionate reasons.

To answer your question, 2.
Excel was a Charter outfit. I left it in 2006, about a year before it went bust.

If you mean FlyGlobespan, that was 'Scheduled IT' & I was with it when it went down in Dec 2009.

My current employer is Scheduled. It made £27 million 2011-12 & £40 million 2012-13 so it's fairly secure.

23rd Dec 2013, 17:57
Compassionate reasons? This is what you wrote 8 months later in mid 2005. The thread was about EK vs Ryanair.

Decent money, home every night, able to spend more time with the family, easily make 'Last Orders' at your local watering hole, COMMAND, good craic at work, friendlier working enviroment, easy accessibilty of top quality porn....oops!, safe(r) roads, as for tax, you'll probably be making more in sector pay to offset against income tax, EUROPE, greenery, no long overnight flights, no jet lag or feeling permanently knackered, fun at work...spending the best part of the last 18 months looking at what my friends back in charter and Lo cost have in terms of quality of life, money, pension schemes, promotion opportunities...they are just some of the reasons I'm leaving.

Jet2 now huh.

23rd Dec 2013, 18:11
Did you mean Jan roster?
We're bidding 6 weeks out, not 10.

No, I meant Feb roster. 15th December till 1st January is 2 weeks.

Trainers bids for February close 15th December.

23rd Dec 2013, 19:37
Don't know about how bidding works for the trainers but for us mere mortal line guys the bidding for Feb hasn't even opened yet, but will close somewhere about the 11th or 12th of Jan. I make that 3 weeks before the roster is published and I think it is pretty standard everywhere.

Bid satisfaction is another matter entirely.

23rd Dec 2013, 21:15
the idler & xulu

My compassionate reasons were exactly that- MY REASONS.

And none of your respective f*****g business's.

I'll finish by saying that the death of a loved one makes you realise what's important, really important in life.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Avid Aviator
24th Dec 2013, 02:58
Thanks Wiz. I never realised Feb bidding closed on 15th Dec, even for trainers.
I wouldn't have thought Feb pairings would be final that far out.

24th Dec 2013, 07:05
top bid in Jan...got absolutly f*ck all what I bid for. what a joke.

Mr Angry from Purley
24th Dec 2013, 14:56
Not advertising just replying to a question Daddy O

24th Dec 2013, 19:38
DADDY-OH's new airline...
