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View Full Version : Question regarding my ATPL

8th Dec 2013, 23:47
Hello everyone,

I'm 17 and I'm at an aviation academy doing an ATPL Course, its currently my 3rd month.

I've heard that you don't get your ATPL till you're 21? If that's the case what will my future prospects be like, since when I finish I'll be 20 at the most, and 21 is the requirement for an ATPL.

Is it easier to get a job as a young Pilot, and is there room for military aviation? I'm in Europe and the license is EASA.

Scott C
9th Dec 2013, 01:24
A CPL/MEIR + MCC & JOC (I think) = fATPL

This 'frozen' ATPL still means you can apply for jobs, but doesn't actually become a true ATPL until you have logged 1500 hours, of which a certain number must be on aircraft where I believe it's Multi-crew and weighs over a certain amount.

I hope this helps.

9th Dec 2013, 02:26
When you look for your first job, with only 200 hours (give or take), you will only have a commercial license. You can apply for a job with your commercial license.

You won't have your ATPL until you have 1500 hours and you are 21 years old. An ATPL allows you fly as a Captain, but you probably won't serve as Captain until many thousands of hours later.