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30th Nov 2013, 03:07
....hard to believe this from the same country that builds Boeing's and walked on the moon....:

People Of Walmart (Sexy and I Know It) Video | Break.com (http://www.break.com/video/people-of-walmart-sexy-and-i-know-it-2304982)

30th Nov 2013, 07:08
Oh dear.

(Reluctantly leans back on armchair, wearily opens bag of popcorn)

30th Nov 2013, 07:51
I have my doubt also.

The escape velocity of the earth is 11.2km/s

The escape velocity of the moon is 2.4km/s

Where is the fuel kept in the video linked to below? I know a basic way to look at it and that it is going into orbit not escaping the gravity completely but to put a small satellite into earth orbit takes A LOT of fuel. Even if only 1/10th were needed on the moon due to no atmosphere and less gravity it does not seem like the ship they occupy is big enough to carry the fuel. Also why no visible exhaust, flames, fumes, smoke?

Am sure someone far smarter than me can explain it, honestly would love to know.

Last Humans on the Moon - YouTube

30th Nov 2013, 08:18
Isn't energy proportional to speed squared? 11.2 squared is 125.44 and 2.4 squared is 5.76 which is 1/21st of the energy required. I'm sure it's a lot more complex than this but you get the idea!

30th Nov 2013, 08:22
Lunar Module (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Lunar_Module).

Ascent module thrust to weight ratio is 2.124, delta V is 2200 m/s and if I misremember incorrectly you can attain lunar orbit with a delta V of around 1700 m/s. The link gives you all the numbers to work it out to your own satisfaction.

Cpt. Underpants
30th Nov 2013, 10:09

No flames, fumes or smoke because the propellant is not solid fuel and the lack of atmosphere on the moon

(just like the Gay Bar, where you will also notice no flames, fumes or smoke)

30th Nov 2013, 11:23
Oh dear, I don't believe people still think it did not happen. It was the height of the Cold War, the USSR would have been watching the whole thing inch by inch. If they thought something was up, the would have been singing from the rooftops, the propaganda would have been priceless. Or, wait, where they paid off to be in the whole cover up as well? Give me strength.:ugh::ugh:

Comfy chair..check.

G and T...check

Bar Snack..check

This might be fun.

30th Nov 2013, 12:56
Perhaps they were fighting over the tin foil for making their protective hats ?

1st Dec 2013, 06:35
S Joes's reality may be a little less real than most :ugh: