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View Full Version : Instrument rating renewal overseas - CAAP 5.14-1 (0)

training wheels
25th Nov 2013, 22:49
Renewing an MECIR overseas under the provisions of CAAP 5.14-1(0) (www.casa.gov.au/download/CAAPs/ops/5_14_1.pdf‎) seems like a good idea if you're heading to the US to do a type rating. You can effectively kill three birds with one stone by;

1. Doing a new type rating,
2. Getting an FAA ATP (based on your CASA ATPL) and
3. Renewing an expired CASA MECIR.

Has anyone done this before? The costs is almost the same if I was to do a jet type rating in the US, compared with renewing an expired MECIR in a piston twin.

26th Nov 2013, 00:04
If your MECIR has been expired for greater than 12 months, it cannot be renewed in an overseas sim. I renew my MECIR regularly overseas. PM me with specific questions if you like. Once you've been through the process once, it is easier from then on...