View Full Version : I have always hated Apple but this takes the biscuit.

Espada III
23rd Nov 2013, 23:16
Brief synopsis.

New Samsung G4 not working because I dropped it (doh!). Will take a week for repair.

Uses mini SIM so only spare phone in the house which also uses the same size SIM is an old iPhone 4. Turn it on and need passcode (no-one has used the phone other than me and I did not set a passcode up). Cannot access iPhone via iTunes because the Home button not working.

Result - stuffed.

Any ideas before I throw it in the bin and buy a spare phone that does use a Mini SIM?

24th Nov 2013, 02:48
Are you sure it's not asking for the PIN (not sure of the correct term) built into the SIM? It's usually printed on the credit card sized card that you break the SIM out of.

24th Nov 2013, 03:05
Forget carrying a mobile phone.

( that's the best advice you'll get this year )

Even at age 21 my parents had no phone at home, and I engaged in hoped for pre-marital sexual encounters with girl friends produced by parents with telephones, by standing outside the nearest red telephone box and jiggling my two pennies ( and I mean pennies) at the inconsiderate barstewards that kept me waiting in the rain.

I survived. ( and was occasionally successful in my quests )

Loose rivets
24th Nov 2013, 04:10
Yes, yes, yes . . . but would your pennies vibrate if you didn't get lucky?

24th Nov 2013, 08:19
Can't access iTunes . Dodgy cable or docking port. New home button, maybe upto 100 bucks to fix both???

Espada III
24th Nov 2013, 10:24
Forget carrying a mobile phone.

Not if I want to survive in business

Guest 112233
24th Nov 2013, 10:48
There is an old Music Hall song: called "Keep your hand on your Ha'penny" - Now I know its origination.


Espada III
24th Nov 2013, 11:17
Sorted it.

Had to 'Find my Phone'. Then wipe the phone and start all over again. After trying and failing to remember my iTunes password.

Let this be warning. Never drop your Samsung!

24th Nov 2013, 15:30
Let this be warning. Never drop your Samsung!

No. This thread is a classic example of trying to pin the blame on Apple for something that's not their fault.

If you setup a code on your phone or SIM then its not Apple's fault, its yours. The fact you forgot you did so at some point in the distant past is also not Apple's fault, its yours.

Completely un-necessary Apple bashing.

24th Nov 2013, 18:11
I've never hated Apple, but am growing concerned (slowly ;) ) by the ever encroaching 'closed-system' that all but insist the user abide by seemingly ever stricter controls. The latest wheeze is the need to use one's Apple ID if one wishes to see a Genius in-store regarding an issue with soft or hardware. Now I realise that it's always been a free service, and a damned fine one for the most part, but it was non-binding in terms of divulging identity. Naturally an e-mail address was needed, but apart from having the machine scanned etc that was it. Now it appears that the tracking of customers through various avenues is the aim, which I find a shame.


Loose rivets
25th Nov 2013, 00:28
but apart from having the machine scanned etc that was it.

Why does reading that make me snigger? Sniggering is juvenile, but one is apt to do that when nice folk trust other humans.

25th Nov 2013, 02:47
The latest wheeze is the need to use one's Apple ID if one wishes to see a Genius in-store regarding an issue with soft or hardware.

I think you're reading too much into it with your tin foil hat on your head.

I suspect the purpose is more genuine, one example could be that it is related to a trouble ticket type system ... i.e. it allows them to track the status of current and previous issues you've discussed with a Genius....so it enables them to pick up where you left off, and also enables them to provide you with consistent service across different Genius staff and across different Apple Store properties.

Any tracking issue might not be altogether negative, as it enables a company the size of Apple to track common issues across geographic regions and other factors, which may help them isolate particular faults or improve products in the future.

You have to put yourself in their shoes. They are a large company, with millions of customers, and they want to deliver quality efficient service, and using Apple ID is no doubt one cog in a large wheel of things they do in order to try to achieve this.

To be honest, you should be more worried about tracking and monitoring when you pull out the credit card from your wallet to pay for things around the world. Or your mobile phone operator being able to track your every move every time you turn on your phone (irrespective of phone manufacturer !).

I don't see any evidence of them sharing the details externally, nor do I see any evidence of them exploiting it for marketing.

25th Nov 2013, 05:43
No. This thread is a classic example of trying to pin the blame on Apple for something that's not their fault.

Agreed you can't blame Apple for this. These days you can set up a code on anything and then it's up to you to remember it. I have a Sony Xperia Z1 which I hate and admit I'm going to sell it once the 6 months are up so I can unlock it. The phone is different passwords, one for the sim and the other for the phone.

iTunes passwords are essential as you are dealing with purchases. They are there to protect you from scams, cloning etc otherwise your credit card account would be fleeced!

My own view is Android on phones is full of unnecessary bloatware which in a lot of cases requires passwords. Also Google require you to match up all your gmail accounts for games social media which to me is an added security threat.

25th Nov 2013, 07:31
I think you're reading too much into it with your tin foil hat on your head.

You might be onto something there mr mixture ;) From Apple's standpoint the tallying of various business sides makes sense, but to change from a relatively anonymous process for the customer to one that only works with pre-identification is a jump, no ? I appreciated the ease and quickness with which computer dullards such as myself were helped and sent on their way by Apple, real American customer service. Most of my visits were to rectify some six-fingered clumsiness rather than the nightmares that occur regularly with other OS's. The few times I needed a new part (famous battery issue) the latop was scanned etc for ID, but otherwise it was an anonymous pleasure. Things have changed, the appointments are harder than hell to get within a week, such is the popularity of Cupertino's products in the last few years.

It has been mentioned that due to Chinese appointment hoarding (and then reselling appointments to frustrated customers!) the previous system was no longer viable and here we are.


25th Nov 2013, 11:49

Well you've always got PPRuNe for your anonymous self-pleasuring. :E

I guess you could always try this approach to getting an anonymous appointment ....