View Full Version : Norwegian EFB

23rd Nov 2013, 22:25
I just received an email containing a small video about Nowegian's 737 operation.

I was particularly interested on their use of the EFB, however after watching it, some doubts did arise.

Hopefully I can get some help from you and try to answer these questions.

1) How do they download the f-PLN onto their EFBs?

2) How is the EFB update performed?

3) Are the 2 EFBs always on the aircraft or are they picked up at dispatch?

4) Are the EFBs connected with ACARS or just to the wireless network?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

24th Nov 2013, 08:17
1) and 2) They use 3G to download FPs and updates.
3) On the A/C
4) Neither

24th Nov 2013, 16:48
Thank you Sellect.

Short and concise.