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21st Nov 2013, 00:26
Ok so hi IM new here and want to fly solo around the world in a few years I am 18.

I have my ppl
Command instrument rating
Night vrf rating
Multi engine endorsement
Retractable undercarriage endorsement
And I have around 400 hours logged.
I fly my own piper pa-30 twin comanche that I would also use around the world.

Just a few questions.
Am I entitled to fly around the world on this license once I obviously get a lot more experience.
I have a Aussie/UK passports so I shouldn't need visas for most places right?
How much would you think to get a ferry tank installed and also tip tanks.


23rd Nov 2013, 12:56

First up, best of luck with your round the world endeavour. A massive achievement if you're able to do it and most importantly a very good look for your CV.

A couple of points I'd give a bit of thought to before leaving; Have you considered a turbine conversion for your Piper pa-30 twin comanche? Its just that Avgas is fast running out and it's far easier to get your hands on JetA1, especially at many non-English speaking airports. Its not hard to get the conversion done, you can even do it yourself, but I'd look into getting it done professionally if you've not had much experience with it before. I'd say budget no more than $1200 for the conversion.

Regarding your query on visa's, I've not done a world circumnavigation myself but given you have both Aussie & UK passports I shouldn't expect too many issues. As long as you have a valid Facebook account you're generally ok getting in and out of most countries. (As long as you have a reasonably recent profile picture.)

A PPL is fine for a world circumnavigation; You're allowed to do it with a GFPT, providing you stay within 500nm of land.

Can I ask what altitude you're intending to fly at? I only ask because I have a friend who is a 747 captain and he tells me they fly at around 30,000ft so I'd definitely avoid that where-ever possible. Alternatively, ring the airlines the morning of your departure and check for flights in your area and what altitude they might be flying at.

In my opinion, ferry tanks are a waste of money. If you have a quick look on Google Earth you'll see that there should be fuel stops available every 300nm or so, even on the smaller islands. Its well worth stopping every couple of hours even if its just to grab a cuppa and stretch your legs, so just plan on regular fuel stops rather than installing expensive and smelly ferry tanks. Same goes for wing-tip tanks.

Most importantly, enjoy the experience and take a heap of photos. When are you setting off?

cowl flaps
23rd Nov 2013, 15:07
dreamer84, you can't be the full quid.!

23rd Nov 2013, 16:19
I think Poes law is at plat here!

cowl flaps
23rd Nov 2013, 18:28
Poe's law, or ********'s law.