View Full Version : New GMA letter.

19th Nov 2013, 09:35
Just a heads up. Got a new letter from the GMA in the inbox. Some interesting reading. Seems to have a much better attitude than her predecessors, which has been confirmed by more than one person who is working with her regularly. Maybe things are gonna get better??!! :hmm:


broadband circuit
19th Nov 2013, 10:16
Maybe things are gonna get better??!!

Couldn't have gotten any worse. We're starting from a pretty much rock-bottom benchmark following the last incumbent.

Didacts and Narpets
19th Nov 2013, 11:11
-of getting fooled again. What has happened is that she has been successful in stopping your voted in contract compliance. Remember, she works for them and NOT for you! She was hired for a reason. Both CX and KA have had promises made before only to be let down, this has happened a number of times.

Talk is cheap and until she actually does something, which I don't believe she has, I would not trust another CX manager at all. Two letters now but no action. At 112 days, what has she been able to accomplish actually?

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have both been to this circus before and know what it's all about. Tricks, slight of hand, clowns etc. are all used to stun and amuse. I stopped buying anything any manager from these companies say any more.

I am really interested in the Paris base issue. Why, because of what may happen to many of my ex colleagues in Manchester. Oh, wait, they all get trained in the right seat now! That sounds like a great deal does it not??? Was any of this mentioned in the letter? How about your SHP or bypass pay? See where I am going with this.

She may be just another magician using neat tricks, like bases and new rostering systems, to sucker you in. No details of course.

Good luck. I hate to be a cynic but I just ain't buying it.

19th Nov 2013, 11:20
I'm with you D & N. Perhaps it is a bit of the beaten dog getting a pet!! :}


19th Nov 2013, 18:08
She has been hired to improve communications with the Pilot Body, to give us what we want in terms of pay, and to address, positively, the list of outstanding issues the AOA has had on file for years. :ugh:

In these days of serving Business Class passengers Salt and Pepper in plastic sachets, do you honestly think we will see an improvement to whatever it is that puts a smile on our face - whether it be pay, improved rosters, less work etc etc.

Arfur Dent
19th Nov 2013, 19:20
She'll learn. Strategy is way above her pay grade (huge as it is) and nothing meaningful will be given away by her or any underling sitting up there. They simply do not have the authority and will do as they are instructed by Swire House and London. Simple as that so don't hold your breath.
How bloody predictable............

19th Nov 2013, 21:27
It is truly distressing to believe that anyone thinks anything will change under the new governance. Come on guys and Gals how many times can you be kicked before you realise the promise of that juicy bone is not coming!!!!
Smoke and mirrors and drag it out. CX trademark. :ugh:

19th Nov 2013, 23:55
20% and no giveaways on productivity.

20th Nov 2013, 01:52
I believe SK is back in the front seat on Cx side in neg yesterday! :mad:

Is she unable to roll up her sleaves and correct the wrongs.

Certainly getting him back is not going to cut it.
He'll be protecting the mistakes from the past..

Let's take the gloves off and stop wasting our time with small talk.

buzz box
20th Nov 2013, 02:23
I assume her main priority is to delay any industrial action till after christmas and CNY. Scheduling meetings to talk about what they will discuss in the next meeting is effective!

Sam Ting Wong
20th Nov 2013, 08:20
Sounds like you have a crush on her, ol' monkey :}

20th Nov 2013, 09:20
If SK is really back, then that is a slap in the face and tells us much about their real intent.

20th Nov 2013, 09:29
Just rumor, or was SK truly on their side of the table at the negotiations? Things cannot move positively with him around. I thought we were rid of him?


21st Nov 2013, 03:23

Airbus Ted
21st Nov 2013, 04:10
There is ALWAYS a reason for them behaving like this.

21st Nov 2013, 06:54
Why do I get the feeling this will all end in tears?

Arfur Dent
21st Nov 2013, 06:56
Still we have people working on G days. Still we have people volunteering to try out new Sim profiles free of charge. Still we have people willing to "help out"!
What would you do if you managed a disparate, self interested bunch like us?? Take the piss ALL THE TIME!
Why are we not all doing CC already? I do.

Airbus Ted
21st Nov 2013, 15:57
All just smoke and mirrors to distract from the new FTLS and rostering practices. (Clearly an unpleasant rostering deal is on the way if they are introducing it after the Christmas / Chinese New Year peak).

Like the rest, I just don't buy the nice guy (girl) act.

Sam Ting Wong
22nd Nov 2013, 07:46
Please stop the gossip and rumour now, let's talk about the important things.

So, how is she looking? Is she hot??

24th Nov 2013, 11:44

27th Nov 2013, 05:40
I have only seen her once, it was at staff travel. She was told to wait until after the flight close before they can issue her an economy seat on an open flight. Oh no, sorry, that was my family.

Didacts and Narpets
1st Dec 2013, 02:30
It appears that you are all about to learn how to properly identify a Wolf in Sheeps clothing.:=

1st Dec 2013, 03:02

No doubt you are correct. Perhaps we will prove to be a wolf with teeth. I'm ready. Are you? CC over Christmas and CNY doesn't sound bad to me. The roster could not get any worse.


1st Dec 2013, 09:00
Unfortunately, it seems the GC is dragging it's heels in getting any information out to us. The last updates could have been a blank email with a signature on it. In my experience with unions from working elsewhere, they are all in bed with the companies and self serving anyways. My 2 cents.

Didacts and Narpets
1st Dec 2013, 10:35
Is it me or did CX manage to get through a rather large U.S., where traffic is strong, holiday? I am wondering when a line in the sand is indeed a line in the sand. If you had read my previous post, I said that this may happen. Ok, ok, I'll say it again, she (The Dragon Lady) works for them. She IS one of them!

How the AOA spins this, like perhaps say, "Obama Care", will truly be funny to read as it has always been!

Seriously, I think you guys/gals need to rise up!:\

4th Dec 2013, 04:32
A couple, (meaning 2 in my understanding of the word), weeks have past and still no word on bases....

They just keep dangling the carrot...