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View Full Version : EK B777 Freighter VS The Philippines Disaster

14th Nov 2013, 04:32
Hi All

I was just wondering if the Management on the top floor at Head Quarters would consider sending one of their freighter via the Philippines en route to Hong Kong.

There are collections going on around town, for food and blankets etc, to help with disaster relief, I just read that it will take up to 45 days to get there.

The freighter goes empty on a daily basis DXB-HKG, the philippines are not a million miles from Hong Kong, there would be increase in fuel burn, but a drop in the ocean of EK's daily burn.

The PR from the good will would be immense, and qatar would be soon to do the same.

It would look good for DXB getting the EXPO.

We also have many Pilipino colleagues here, who have have helped build Dubai and EK, we could give something back.

Cheers ENOS

14th Nov 2013, 04:34
What an opportunity ...

14th Nov 2013, 05:45

Great idea. Why not drop a quick email to JA or AS or phone direct and ask that very question? Little will be achieved posting here.

sheiken around
14th Nov 2013, 05:48
Apparently, mother nature forgot one dinosaur....

Idiot !!

14th Nov 2013, 06:20
WOW :sad:

Charitable idea turns into vitriolic condemnation. And from a frog no less! :ugh:

Check out your own back yard. But, but... before you do...what are you doing for this or any charity STEXUP?


14th Nov 2013, 06:36
Stexup. What poor taste. Look at those poor hungry kids on the news. They have lost everything. Their parents, siblings, homes and belongings. Have a heart, mate! :mad::ugh:

14th Nov 2013, 06:38
Looks like they have already re-assigned a HKG freighter or two via Cebu on the reserve rosters at least and at the moment. :ok:


Sheikh Your Bootie
14th Nov 2013, 06:46
I think some have already been to Cebu. Just had confirmed 777Fis in Cebu right now! :ok::ok:

SyB :zzz:

14th Nov 2013, 07:05
SYB - Can confirm EK 777F in Cebu as I've just seen it on sky news live now

14th Nov 2013, 07:19
Great news that the 777F is in Cebu.:ok::ok: STEXUP, go away.:ugh::ugh:

14th Nov 2013, 08:47
STEXUP... Hanno riaprono la gabbia per te...? Che peccato...:sad:

I hope the relieve to the Philippines comes quickly

14th Nov 2013, 09:56
Have no maid you troll. This is about providing help for people suffering and not to show off your superior raceism and stupidity...

14th Nov 2013, 10:15
Moderator - STEXUP is losing plot here, comments are out of order.

Need to Know Basis
14th Nov 2013, 12:00
Be gentle with SEXTUP or whatever it claims to be. It is always hysterical to have the Nutter point of view.

14th Nov 2013, 14:45
In all fairness sextup may have a point. If global warming and climate change are real then carbon dioxide emissions are to blame for a lot of bad news and a lot more to come and these guys down the road are pumping black gold out of the ground as fast as they can whip the filipino rig workers.

Possibly not the best place to air the view however if you read it carefully sextup is nursing a certain well-camouflaged and slightly shallow but nonetheless compassionate empathy with our filipino brother slaves. It does seem hypocritical to send blankets and other disaster relief to places from where the dollar-a-day labourers are sourced who are then worked to the bone here. Give the local filipino labourers a pay rise and it will work it's way back to the families who need it.

Stex, my own maid is also a generally lowly-paid filipina but she gets the occasional "bonus" so I'm hoping not to be damned, eternally or otherwise. Not much cash but the crap job she does is worth every "fill"......

14th Nov 2013, 17:05
So sorry, can't send you relief goods because of the carbon footprint ---

Nice one, tell that to the people who have nothing left but the shirts on their backs...

Sure, there's issues in that respect that need adressing, and sure, there will be officials in the receiving country who will be 'difficult' , because they only care about their own 'wellbeing', but this isn't the time and this isn't the place to ride the high horse of morality...

As one writer once put it : Eating first, ehtics second.