View Full Version : Harmonisation of regulations

10th May 2002, 07:03
Tis no secret that the JSP 318 is being re-written and all regs are being harmonised across the 3 services (UK). As a frontliner watching the developments it is comical to watch to say the least.

Take NVG for instance. The joint meetings get the 3 services together and come up with some 'best practices' and then away they go and implement them to their single service chaps. Only it would appear that the Army go ahead and change paperwork, the RAF wont agree to anything that changes their way of doing things and the Navy just refuse to do anything as they don't really recognise the JHC.

Has no one got the guts to bang some heads together and decide which way it is going? Committees are fine, but someone has to actually make a decision. It all comes live on Jan 1 chaps, just get on with it and make some painful decisions and lets move on.

10th May 2002, 07:15
Is this going to be another AAC/RN/RAF slanging match with a different subject to comment on? We could just cut and post the old slaggings from past forums. NO-ONE is innocent in the JHC fiasco and I agree that we should bang some heads and get it sorted, however PLEASE do not say that one service is innocent and the others are to blame. In recent years they have all adopted the 'bury head syndrome' at some time or other.
Rant over, hope it gets sorted!

The Apprentice
10th May 2002, 07:39
Oh what joy,

Just look at the difference in terminology for flying from a to b tactically and you will have an eye opener..........

I am most glad I am not invloved in sorting that one out......doh !!!!!!!!!

10th May 2002, 20:05
Take for instance the weather limits. All three services have different limits and the 'committee' want one, probably COCISS. At present all three systems work for the 3 services so why try and compress all 3 into one? Why not have all 3 and allow units to choose which their crews should operate with. All 3 have merit so why make experienced crews work to stringent limits, or worse, make inexperienced/low competency pilots fly to COCISS? Allow all 3 and make them fit the terrain, operation, training, qualifications etc.

Let the instrument rating system play its part, and/or other qualifications if necessary. Let the authoriser/flt comd/sqn boss play his part.

Some best practice just is not necessary.

The real problem is that too many are involved in the process. Choose your players, empower them to make decisions and lets get on with it!

Jay - I am absolutely impartial darling, and I agree all 3 services. Take a look at the NVG harmonisation saga so far though. The Navy veto recces. The airfarce can't accept another services rules and the Army have their QHI changing their aircews qualifications after every meeting. I would just like JHC PLC to get its act together and make some rules that ALL its units get behind instead of each station/unit/desk/command having the power of veto just because they 'dont like it'. We are the military, someone make a decision!

N R D Kay
10th May 2002, 21:13

No offence but, do you know what you are on about? Have you been to the meetings. Are they really like that? Surely, trying to provide the Johnny Grunt with the same output no matter what colour uniform is flying the machine is the real aim.

Neil Kay

Tilt and Gain
10th May 2002, 22:18
Joining low and left...

But ...

If these rules are going to apply to rotary, heavy and fast jet (including the FLIR and TFR chaps) they're going to have to be fairly cunning. And very well thought out.


11th May 2002, 17:29
Good lord no, I am not allowed to attend meetings, officers only old chap. Is it anything to do with providing J Grunt with a better service?

I bet the chaps at the meetings are working jolly hard. I bet it is all very depressing to find that things agreed at harmonisation meetings are then changed, altered, refused when taken back to the big boys at the single service ivory towers.

Are we going to get less regulations/rules? I doubt it. Is it all going to be a pile of work for supervisers? You bet.

Will J Grunt get a better service? Yeah right.

Give Staff Officers a networked computer and this is the outcome.