View Full Version : Dxb ground controller

10th Nov 2013, 14:51
So disappointed in this guy! Nov 9th, Lufthansa turns onto stand just a little early. Ground Starts screaming at the guy asking what he is doing. Pilot replies and apologizes for what ever he thinks he might have done only to hear that atc has all ready filed a report. All that in 2 min. What are they spring loaded to hang anyone they can. Loosen up, up their. I'm sure the air is a little thinner 50 meters up but come on now just calm down. Not saying all are this way but this guy needs to get a clue!

10th Nov 2013, 16:20
Had the same thing when my FO and the ground controller simultaneously transmitted....the controller yelled at us telling us to listen up before transmitting...when I read back the clearances he had given to two previous aircraft he should have had a clue we were in fact listening out before attempting to contact him....maybe he needs a trip back to wherever in Aus he came from...

10th Nov 2013, 19:14
I have no idea who the ATCO was but if it was a Lufthansa aircraft turning onto stand early then I would guess he was taxiing on to F6, F7 or F8 and when you say he turned onto stand a little bit early, what I suspect actually happened was he took the crossover from K onto Z without clearance to do so.

This may not seem like a big deal, but if, for example, we have cleared an aircraft to taxi to stand F6 via K, we expect that to happen and we can then push from F7 or F8 without worry. By taking the crossover without clearance, it then straight away creates a confliction that shouldn't have been there.

BA also have a habit of taking the crossover without clearance.

10th Nov 2013, 19:27

This may not seem like a big deal, but if, for example, we have cleared an aircraft to taxi to stand F6 via K, we expect that to happen and we can then push from F7 or F8 without worry. By taking the crossover without clearance, it then straight away creates a confliction that shouldn't have been there.

BA also have a habit of taking the crossover without clearance.

The surely the clearance should be given as perhaps " jet 123, cleared to F6 via Kilo....caution big jet 231 about to push from F8"

you see what I did there? I proactively removed the potential for conflict :ok:
We are all under pressure when it's busy, but seriously? you guys know the traps as much as us guys based locally, non local operators need to be treated a little more diligently, IF this incident is as you describe.

10th Nov 2013, 22:16

I do see what you've done there. As I said, I don't know the exact phraseology the ATCO used.

What I do know is that I say 'via K taxi stand.......'. I make no mention of Z2 or Z4 crossover, why would I? If i want them to take the crossover i'll say 'via K, Z2 and Z, taxi stand......' And yet occasionally some pilots take it on themselves to take the crossover without being given the instruction to do so.

If the crew were downwind abeam a 10mile final and the radar ATCO gave just a descent clearance, would the crew then take it on themselves to make a base turn to save a bit of time? Of course not, so why should it be any different on the ground?

If the pilots follow the instructions they're given, there should be no problem. If uncertainty exists as to what the ATCO means, then ask.


Although we may keep an extra beady eye on certain airlines or airlineskis, it's fair to say that we wouldn't tend to expect issues like this from the likes of Lufty, BA, KLM etc.

12th Nov 2013, 07:15
Controllers should not yell and scream - very unprofessional

12th Nov 2013, 07:36
Yep, send him up to Germany or England, where controllers never get emotional on the radio, there objective is to move airplanes as smoothly as possible and nothing is allowed to make that more difficult

12th Nov 2013, 11:27
Absolutely the most ARROGANT controllers (some of them) I have ever come across.
I don't even understand the attitude.
Jet airways pilot got yelled at and literally insulted for 20 seconds the other day for re reading the clearance without his call sign. Though I understand it makes a difference, it isn't a correct read back, no need for the attitude at all.
That's one of the MANY unnecessary arguments I've heard.

Got thrashed at myself on my first flights.
Let them know that we ALL start some where. It's okay for someone to be slow when he's a newbie, or not get the clearance right the first or even the second time.
Surprised these guys still haven't been forced to change their attitude tbh.

13th Nov 2013, 07:10
CadetPilot...Go to KJFK if you want attitude :hmm:


13th Nov 2013, 08:19
Think the point is, you now don't need to go to JFK for attitude, we can get it here in DXB :ugh:

Sheikh Your Bootie
13th Nov 2013, 09:34
Absolutely! I used to think JFK was the worst ground/approach controllers, extremely arrogant and rude, for no good reason other than some don't understand rapid fire New York speak first time.
This Oz controller in DXB(droll monotone voice), is really getting a bad name amongst the pilots. We all know its busy, we don't always get things right the first time (probably been flying 16 hours). Some crews believe it or not are not based in DXB, so have patience with them. Navigating on the ground can be the most stressful part of any flight! If we get it wrong, tell us in a polite non condescending way, and we will thank you. Otherwise we will think you are an ass.

SyB :zzz:

13th Nov 2013, 09:49
Otherwise we will think you are an ass.

Speak for yourself Sheiky...I've decided he is an ass, particularly after listening to him chew out a CX flight for not correctly reading back a 7 item taxi clearance:ugh: I thought 3 items was ICAO standard

I think he must be related to the other Oz nob on the airways around here that works the BAH frequencies, who the other night decided to chew out a flight which was Re-routed, his line was "you guys fly that route everyday you should KNOW where point ***** is"
He got his comeuppance a few minutes later when a Lufty flight was being handed over to the next sector, who advised him that approx 5 mins previously his transmissions were coming in broken, he asked "near which point were the transmissions weak?" the reply given in a very clipped accent "you are here every zee day...you figure it out...chers" :D:D:D

13th Nov 2013, 10:03
Oh! I understand the one you speak of :yuk:

Always sounds like his wife has just moved back in with him! ;)

Copped a spray from him a few months ago when the FO asked how long the delay for push was going to be.

"The definition of standby is blah blah blah. When l say standby blah blah blah..." :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Used to be a bloke who worked the northern NSW coast frequency just like him years ago. Maybe one and the same.


Black Pudding
13th Nov 2013, 11:03
God help this **** wit if he ever speaks to me in such a manner.

13th Nov 2013, 12:36
So JAA RULE...you wanna be rapper. Re-read my post. I never said I was yelled at. I felt sorry for the Crew in front of us that turned into soon. I couldn't believe how quick to pull the trigger on writing a report these guys were. I couldn't have been more than 2 min and the report was apparently filed. I generally have no issues with ATC. I just try to play the game and get along. As for Counseling I guess I get the number from you! Seem to know all about it.

14th Nov 2013, 07:03
fitting in nicely with the culture here JAARule :ok:

14th Nov 2013, 14:27
I bet there was NO report filed. Why would he bother??

Some of you xenophobic cretins like Falcon, Laker, etc need to get a life. Well done, all but anonymously identifying an individual like that and sticking it to him publicly because you have a poorly-concealed issue with his nationality. What a bunch of whining, bitching little girls. You guys are pathetic.

Anyway having said that, this airport is a melting pot of some of the worst habits from LOTS of countries, in the tower AND in the air. Let's stick it to the yanks, shall we? Why can't they use correct terminology? I could go on...

I heard an *****can guy yelling at pilots several times to stop saying "Blocked" whenever he was over-transmitted and an **ish guy yelling at everyone in general broadcast to pay attention on ARR frequency (fair enough too as every second transmission to ek is simply missed) but didn't need to get on here to tell the world.

Maybe Lufthansa should get on here to make their own complaint.

14th Nov 2013, 17:47
Some of you xenophobic cretins like Falcon, Laker, etc need to get a life. Well done, all but anonymously identifying an individual like that and sticking it to him publicly because you have a poorly-concealed issue with his nationality. What a bunch of whining, bitching little girls. You guys are pathetic.

If by that Bunk you are suggesting I harbour a prejudicial attitude towards Australia and all those that hail from there, you'd be wrong, given that I was born in and spent the first 7 years of my existence in central New South Wales......
(I'll be expecting an apology thanks very much for your assumption)
My acerbic comments directed at certain individuals who's nationality co-incidentally happens to be perhaps similar to yours, or mine for that matter, are based entirely on their unprofessional and contemptuous style of communication that reflects poorly on us all.
Now you might say that it's merely a cultural difference or one of those funny nuance things that we can explain away with the benefit of a bit more diversity training, but then again I'd suggest that it's more likely that their communication style is just plain old rude.
So Bunk if I could sum up how I feel when I hear people spoken at in that style, when I see trainers not training, or when I hear stories of some Luddite acting as if their hard yards in a clapped out C206 in PNG makes them better than anyone else....and the common denominator is that they are from where I'm from..I feel embarrassed, don't you?

14th Nov 2013, 18:53
This guy knows who he is.

There is technique in being a controller. That is being precise on instruction and the masterful identification of who the controller is. The latter being most important.

Too many times in this region when there is a lot of traffic there is a breakdown of the above.

But when there is a controller who holds it together, uses nous, and is professional in his/her manner, then everyone appreciates it. Even when a lot of the guys he/she is dealing with are dumbasses.

So go for it Oz guy! Rise above and show who is the ultimate controller!

The alternative is to wallow in your sad-tower and pay out on everyone below you. As you have done since you got here.
Including if your mother in-law has moved into your digs- Permanently!

If you don't improve she is coming to stay:E


15th Nov 2013, 04:53
'Straya! Fuk yeah!

16th Nov 2013, 18:48
Plazbot 'Straya! Fuk yeah!

arrr well....shame about the rugby eh. Send this guy to baggers and we can teach patience.......especially on enroute where at times we tell ppl to 'stop tx'. Poor bugger he has been hung out to dry. ATCO's are generally thinking about 40 moves ahead of the game and when the 'plan' doesn't go to 'plan' because someone didn't do what they were supposed to do then the 'plan' goes to pieces. ATCO's will respond in different ways..some will get angry and annoyed and make this known over the RT others will stay calm and just move on and work it out and that's the way we are. We all make mistakes man..........

16th Nov 2013, 19:10
We finally had a decent show against the Irish tonight. Things looking up.

As for ATC R/T dressing downs, I personally try and keep everything ICAO standard but at 4am through BUBIN on my 5th 'confirm' request from some sub continental carrier I lose my **** too :\

16th Nov 2013, 21:15
Are You 100% sure about the Nationality of the "nob"in Bahrain the other night?

17th Nov 2013, 05:02
Yes rule, I'm positive, he reminds me of a droll Ray Meagher :hmm: