View Full Version : A Humble Thank you

Ancient Observer
7th Nov 2013, 16:55
A Humble Thank you

As I have said before, my brain is not pc shaped. I have trouble telling a bit from a Gb. (Isn't Gb a country?)

Anyway, the point of this posting is to say a Great Big Humble Thank you to those with some Know-how who contribute on this site.

We really do benefit from your helpful advice. And the expression of different opinions.


(Apple really are just soooooo expensive, and don't pay taxes)

Saab Dastard
7th Nov 2013, 19:00

Thanks for posting that - I'm sure that everyone who contributes here appreciates your sentiments.


The Piano Man
7th Nov 2013, 19:33
Well said AO couldn't have put it better myself, this is the first place I come when I need advice and there are always kind people "in the know" that are willing to share their knowledge...

Thanks guys

8th Nov 2013, 09:51
Yes a big thanks to everyone who has contributed and helped. It becomes so much more pleasurable coming into this section......no 'my airports bigger and better than yours' stuff......long may the section thrive.

8th Nov 2013, 11:11
I agree. The "wheat to chaff" ratio here is extremely high. It's the place I come for reliable answers.

Heartfelt thanks to our knowledgeable brethren.

8th Nov 2013, 11:25
Yes, a very good 'signal to noise' ratio here indeed.Thanks.

8th Nov 2013, 11:29

Now, does anyone know about Exchange 2013 virtual directory redirects? or should I still keep awaiting the Microsoft PSS call :}

8th Nov 2013, 16:16
Well ain't that sweet.... still doesn't mean we'll touch your XP questions with a bargepole after April 2014 though. :cool:

As for ...

does anyone know about Exchange 2013 virtual directory redirects?

Nope, and sounds like a pretty nasty area of configuration. :yuk: PSS are normally fairly good.....especially if you call them at the right time of day where Redmond answers the phone.

8th Nov 2013, 20:02
Nope, and sounds like a pretty nasty area of configuration. :yuk: PSS are normally fairly good.....especially if you call them at the right time of day where Redmond answers the phone.

Just my luck - I called them at midday and was given an 8hr callback SLA.....and nobody rang. I'm just in the middle of call number 2 and after giving them an earful it appears I might have to wait another 8 hours!