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21st Oct 2013, 21:23
Rare footage of the ?Red Delta? Avro 707 | Hush-Kit (http://hushkit.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/rare-footage-of-the-red-delta-avro-707/)

Genghis the Engineer
22nd Oct 2013, 15:52
I was taught never to wear a straight tie near aeroplanes - too much potential to get them caught in bits of mechanism.


Allan Lupton
25th Oct 2013, 08:53
or in a machine shop for the same reason!

Pity AVRO didn't patent the type number and get royalty payments from the Seattle lot!

Shaggy Sheep Driver
25th Oct 2013, 09:40
That aeroplane's in the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester now. Indeed the opening shots were filmed there.

26th Oct 2013, 09:34
I was taught never to wear a straight tie near aeroplanes - too much potential to get them caught in bits of mechanism.

GDuring my long engagement as a technician in Her Majesty's Royal Air Force, woe betide you if you were caught without your tie. In summer, during "shirt-sleeve order", we were permitted to tuck them in between the second and third shirt buttons from the top. We were excused wearing headgear on the Line though. Jet engines don't like eating them.

26th Oct 2013, 09:51
Of course, Mr Falk would fly Vulcans in the same rig; 770 at Farnborough, for example.