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View Full Version : Bitter & Twisted --- Why???

8th May 2002, 12:04
I am a newbie to the industry myself (my father and grandfather were both involved in the 1989 Strike, and before you ask no they were not SCABS).... My question to you all is why are you all so bitter towards each other ??? (I know their are quite a few people on this board who are good guys and answer posts with informative information) If i asked this board what it is like to work for CX, i would be hounded by the union members who would remind me that i would be branded a scab for the rest of my life if i took up employment with them...

Maybe it is time to get along with people instead of trying to brand EVERYTHING.... Unfortantly S**T happens sometimes, however cant we get along with our lives and get along with each other.... I actually thought that safety was our number 1 concern. However it seems to me that "WE" are the number 1 concern at the moment. It is NOT safe to have the Capt & F/O of an Aircraft not communicating properley because one of them is a SCAB... I thought we were actually meant to be Professional, how wrong i was.

To all the decent guys on here, i am not having a go at you, please dont take it that way... But it seems like we cant even have a decent conversation, because the UNION guys are so determined at making life hell. Maybe you should have a look at the Australian & NZ board, we seem to be able to conduct decent converstations with each other...

Alpha Leader
8th May 2002, 13:26

Nice words and thoughts, but the real world is, alas, different.

I do recall, though, that there was once a very bitter airline industry dispute in Australia (well before the internet came within reach of the everyday bloke) and I would venture the guess that if PPRuNe had been around then, the invective and vitriol would have perhaps been even more severe than what you read in the Fragrant Harbour forum.

A more recent event in Australia was the MUA dispute (ca. 1998) and the scenes shown on TV were rather ugly, with MUA members (now that is one heck of a privileged lot) verbally and physically attacking self-employed truckies trying to earn a crust.

The more you think about it, the more you realize that the concept of unions is something that should have gone out with the last century.

8th May 2002, 14:41
I disagree in every way. An employer gets the union it deserves.

Abusive Employer = Disgruntled Union

You cannot seriously be advocating a return to the "sweatshop" conditions of the industrial revolution?

Alpha Leader
8th May 2002, 22:55


I believe that flight deck work areas are uniform in their layout throughout fleets of the same a/c type worldwide, that flightdeck crews are not locked into their work areas, and that they are not confined to living on the shop floor, and that they do not end up owing their employer any money at the end of the month.

8th May 2002, 23:05
Good to see that you're in the office early, AL. The "sweatshop" conditions I referred to were wrt the lack of representation, termination on a whim and imposition of draconian "rules" requiring acceptance or termination. By the way, we ARE locked into our work areas (or don't you read NTC's?) and many of our younger (married) NJ's aren't making it on their salaries. Perhaps you should pop down to the "B" scale bar in DB and talk to a few.

Alpha Leader
9th May 2002, 01:10

First, I'm sorry I did not realize that you are the one impersonating 411A, so forgive my error in spelling in my earlier reply.

Second, I really think anyone working a sweatshop anywhere in the world would be more than happy to swap places with a B-scaler at CX.

Third: If conditions at CX are really that bad, why is it that a ban has been put in place (regardless of its success or lack thereof) to try and scare away the obviously numerous applicants?

Now why don't you go away and get another (and hopefully more imaginative) User ID.

9th May 2002, 01:46
1. Quite alright.
2. 9-11
3. 9-11
4. To P*SS off 411A (I can't take his constant barrage of negativism)

hvy 18 wheeler
9th May 2002, 02:24
Alpha leader:
You mention that your immediate family had ben involved in the ugly days of '89, '90. Well if this is fact, I must ask you if you are an employee of CX? If you are then you will know that it will take apporx 10 years realistically for you to progress to captain on A330 or the B777, so if you had a father etc... from the dispute days why didn't you get him to ring up J.R%by the new boss of virgin blue. I have some mates who's dads lost thier jobs in '89 and the questions asked to them in their interviews were, what was your dads name, who did he fly for and when do you want to start. All of my mates are now captains vith virgin blue, all of them are in their early 30's and although they don't make the dosh of a "B" scaler or even an "A" scaler they are quite happy with their employer, the women in the back are quite hot and definately not like the olympic flame( go all around the world and never go out) and they all live in Oz where 99.9% of them wanted to fly anyway.
Sh^t man, I wish I had that sort of purchasing power.:eek: