View Full Version : No Fuel available at OR Tambo

13th Oct 2013, 11:58
Eyewitness News: Passengers stranded at OR Tambo (http://ewn.co.za/2013/10/13/Passengers-stranded-at-OR-Tambo)

14th Oct 2013, 06:38
Same sort of thing that apparently happened at FALA a while ago when 'someone' stole the cabling that provided the power that operated the ILS system?
Planes take off after OR Tambo cable theft - Crime & Courts | IOL News | IOL.co.za (http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/planes-take-off-after-or-tambo-cable-theft-1.1591330#.UluQXxZVq2w)
Certain groups of marauders, on whose rum nationalities on is not allowed to speculate too far, do the same sort of thing in the UK. Perhaps when caught, they should be put to work turning the treadmill that moves the armatures on the windmills that are scattered all over Britain's beauty spots.