View Full Version : FOrget B737 P2F upsize to B777

5th Oct 2013, 10:43
i just came across this..

Before it was Indonesia and B737 schemes. Now its Bangladesh..

only god gift aviation superior license can apply... JAA and EASA:}

Our client Airlines has asked for candidates looking to self fund a Line Training on the B777 aircraft. 500 hours of actual flying time on the aircraft. Cost of the program is Euros 65,000.00.:mad:

Only JAA/EASA Licences accepted. Valid and current Type Rating.

Willing to start immediately.

5th Oct 2013, 13:29
Does that include the type rating?

My god just what I have been waiting for. My chance to pay my way into a wide body!!!

Such a bargain price too. I bet there will be people jumping over each other for this excellent opportunity.

Where do I sign?

5th Oct 2013, 13:47
Next step....Airlines will ask you to buy your own aircraft
Way to go Biman ! Welcome to the world of pilot wh:mad:ring :mad::mad::mad:

5th Oct 2013, 14:53
It looks like they want people with Valid 777 TR right? and then cough 65K euro,
These recruiter's are real amoeba's. I guess they cant make a living selling
Mobile phones at the shopping mall's.

5th Oct 2013, 18:00
Crazy, it's just crazy.