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30th Sep 2013, 12:25
I was at a social event when i overheard a young Lady, whom flies with a Manchester based Airline, tell her friends that on a recent flight she was on, hot drinks were not served because the staff could not be bothered.

If true, this is a terrible attitude. Any one else been denied hot drinks for no apperant reason?

NB - No there was no turbulence,
Boilers working correctly

30th Sep 2013, 12:44
Scurrilous title-tattle I suspect. There may well have been a very good reason why there were no hot drinks. Sometimes the attitude of the customer pre-empts the facts.

Agaricus bisporus
1st Oct 2013, 09:22
there was no turbulence So none forecast either - you've checked?

denied hot drinks for no apperant reason

Quite. No "apperant" (sic) reason.

Perhaps before slagging off Professional crew a full appraisal of the facts might be in order?
And this woman suffered, what, exactly, by not receiving a hot drink? On a scale of one to ten this scores - maybe point one?

get a life!

1st Oct 2013, 11:06
I read it as the young lady in question flies on that airline as an employee - which puts a different light on the matter.

1st Oct 2013, 11:52
Whatever the reason it's not the end of the world.

1st Oct 2013, 15:05
It's amazing how you overheard this but yet seem
so certain about facts such as no turbulence etc.

2nd Oct 2013, 07:13
If true, this is a terrible attitude. Any one else been denied hot drinks for no apperant reason?
If true, I couldn't agree more, and as a crew member, it is depressing to hear somebody discussing a job that they are so clearly unsuited for. The good news is that this kind of laziness and stupidity are rarely found - most FA's neither share the attitude, nor boast about it in public.

It's the second part of your statement above that is less comfortable: Uninformed speculation about reasons, or lack of them, for the non-provision of hot beverages is not a good place to be: You can never know for certain what the reason might be.

2nd Oct 2013, 12:15
My, My I seem to have touched a few nerves with my post.

Easyflyer83, I see you are based in Manchester, perhaps a bit too close for comfort, and of course I bow down to the spelling police.

Agaricus bisporus - Quote "Perhaps before slagging off Professional crew a full appraisal of the facts might be in order?" No way is she 'Profession' as I didn't mention a serious incident which she laughed off, as this would have exposed her and the Airline

As someone with a vague knowledge of Aviation i asked a few indirect questions as regards to the serviceability of the water heaters, as I am fully aware that if turbulence is forecast then hot drinks are not served.

Tightslot - Good to hear from a member of a Flight crew with a profession attitude.

2nd Oct 2013, 15:32
I was at a social event when i overheard a young Lady, whom flies with a Manchester based Airline, tell her friends that on a recent flight she was on, hot drinks were not served because the staff could not be bothered

If the crew were not serving hot drinks at an appropriate time they would in fact be "bothered" repeatedly by requests for same. The order of service is planned at the crew pre-flight briefing. That order can be modified or curtailed based on many other factors, some of which may not be apparent until the flight commences. In many airlines "hot drinks" are a revenue stream, and part of the crews remuneration may be based upon the level of those sales.

The world is not immune from people with "terrible attitudes" and if this was an example of poor or unacceptable service that you had actually suffered then I could understand your complaint. On the other hand something that you "overheard" at a social event, would seem to be far removed from that.

People outside of their work environments (whether they are wise to do so or not,) might well talk to others (and particularly friends) with a bravado, overstated or understated style, or in a manner that they might never do at work or in their "professional" lives. In fact this is just hearsay, and you have no idea whether it happened or not. It is amusing that this overheard remark was accompanied by a technical appraisal of the galley equipment and the atmospheric forecasts.

The lesson to be learned here is to be wary of talking to your friends on social occasions, because you never know who might be eavesdropping on your conversation.

2nd Oct 2013, 21:06
I can't help wondering what the flight crew attitude would be if told they couldn't have tea or coffee - especially if it was case of CC couldn't be bothered! It's mutiny and make them walk the plank?

3rd Oct 2013, 21:08

19th Oct 2013, 02:44
Gosh, a whole flight with no hot drink, how barbaric. And how long was this life-critical amenity denied? An hour or two? Utterly deadful.

Can we have a collection for the poor dear and send them a kettle?

19th Oct 2013, 06:15
Well said Grounded. I haven't had a cup on an aircraft unless its come out of a flask which I saw filled.

Lord Spandex Masher
19th Oct 2013, 08:13
...Boilers working correctly

No they weren't!

Piltdown Man
26th Oct 2013, 19:52
No hot drinks could mean:

1. The aircraft has a water problem.
2. The boiler/s have a problem.
3. There is an electrical problem.
4. It's not part of the scheduled service.
5. Someone has forgotten the tea/coffee/milk etc.
6. It's forecast to be turbulent.
7. Something else went wrong...