View Full Version : Members of Parliment to be trained by the RAF

7th May 2002, 04:57
From my local rag

An article from Diane Moran (el presidente party) that selected members of the House are to have a shortened flying course to experience the training given to you guys and she was one of the selected. Photo shows here in cockpit of fighter showing what she might look like, they couldn't even use a Brit plane used an F16.....

Wouldn't this money be better used by giving you better flying suits, saving the Shar fleet et-al???

Personally I think this is a total waste of the tax payers money that I didn't vote them in for this.

In support of u guys

VEEPS :mad: :mad:

7th May 2002, 13:12
The money would be better spent showing tax payers where their money is going.

Put my name at the top of the list, maybe I'll get 'discovered' :D

7th May 2002, 14:10
Hang on a second here - I have spoken in the past to Gerry Steinberg MP who was the recipient of a week in the services a few years ago, that was with the aim of promoting awareness of the military's real needs and what should be corrected.

Despite the fact that flying training may be a little OTT, have we got any independent verification that this is in fact what is happening, because to be honest a couple of freebies in a fighter or even a short course on a Tutor would not incur hugely outrageous marginal costs. The benefits to the RAF are significant - Gerry Steinberg was on the Public Accounts Committee which produced the report last year on the Chinook crash, being highly critical of the MoD, and highly in line with what has been said on this site with the regard to that disaster.

What is needed is more contact such as this, and we should be grateful, not critical that a semi-independent audit in a way is taking place. There is a captive audience potential, and I assure you that most non-frontbenchers are perfectly willing to hear things other than the party line.

The fact the paper got her in an F-16 suggests to me that they don't have a clue what the real nature of the training will be.

7th May 2002, 16:13
Right that's it i'm losing my rag now!!!!!! (no pun)

This government has got to go. The sooner we get rid of el president and his crownies, most of the ministers have criminal records for CND activities, the better.

Any one want to join me in a military coup? The muppets could run the country better!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Sloppy Link
7th May 2002, 16:35
Question: Is this thread related to the "Good Spoofs" thread?

7th May 2002, 18:05
Military "acquaintance" courses for MPs have been in existence for many years. I remember a parliamentary group visiting the station where I was serving in the early 1970s . The group included a young Scottish MP with red hair, a beard and a level of understanding of defence matters more appropriate to the Students' Union than the House of Commons. He later became Foreign Secretary. I don't think the "course" did much good.


Dan Winterland
7th May 2002, 18:05
This isn't new, it's been happening for years. MPs from each persuasion are given flights in various military types to give them an idea of what Military flying is all about.

I flew Terry Lloyd (MP Lab. Salford) some years ago and what a jolly nice chap he was. (We went on a tour of soon to be closed collieries). After the flight, he listened intently to our views.

IMHO, the whole exercise was worthwhile. The military need more exposure like this.

7th May 2002, 19:46
Will try to scan into forum but Mizz Moran says she is looking forward to going all the way to a fighter flight Ive seen the photos, seen better looking Wraf's in the Fri Nite Bop
