View Full Version : Can I be an airline pilot if I have a nut allergy

22nd Sep 2013, 18:39
Hi, I would like to become an airline pilot but I am worried that my nut allergy will prohibit me from obtaining my class 1 medical required to be a pilot. If anyone has any advice that would be very helpful, thanks

22nd Sep 2013, 18:42
Well as we get paid in peanuts I would not recommend it...

22nd Sep 2013, 19:24
You could phone the medics at Gatwick; they're usually very helpful.

22nd Sep 2013, 21:17

Note box 104 which would require a YES tick and perhaps a brief, even ambiguous, explanation.
The very first thing you should do is to get the Class I medical certificate and then worry about the training.
If you ever in the years to come were to proceed to a command, you'll find that the avoidance of nuts in the cockpit would be likely to be well nigh impossible in tomorrow's processed and programmed pilots.