View Full Version : North Korea's 65th:

Ocean Person
9th Sep 2013, 06:43
I have just watched the excellent HK Phoenix TV lengthy coverage of North Korea's 65th anniversary celebrations. A spectacular mind boggling show depicting their military elite and the daily life of the people. Who knows--- just perhaps their Juche (amour-propre) policy has something going for it.


Mullah Lite
9th Sep 2013, 07:18
I get that same warm fuzzy feeling when I read CX World.

9th Sep 2013, 08:36
Why don't you move there then?

You might just increase the IQ levels of both countries. :ugh:

It's called the Will Rogers phenomenon.....:ok:

Will Rogers phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Rogers_phenomenon)

Sam Ting Wong
9th Sep 2013, 08:54
I am so happy I am not living in North Korea. Just imagine having to wear these ridiculous hats.

9th Sep 2013, 09:28
Ahhh, yes ... North Korea. Isn't that the place where asylum seekers regularly rock up on their shores by the boatload? - to gain access to their highly sought-after lifestyle, living conditions, welfare handouts, and job and wealth-accumulation opportunities?? :)

Oh, hang on ... no, sorry, I'm getting confused with another country, somewhere else ... :ugh: :rolleyes:

Captain Dart
9th Sep 2013, 09:38
Mods, please delete this thread which is irrelevant to aviation in the Fragrant Harbor.

This Ocean Person pops up when government-sponsored events occur in totalitarian China or North Korea, or when anyone slags off the PLA.

I could start a thread about the recent democratic elections in my country, where the people, dissatisfied with their government's performance, have peacefully replaced the governing party with an alternative, but I'll desist.

Steve the Pirate
9th Sep 2013, 13:07



Captain Dart
10th Sep 2013, 01:48
...paid propagandist or troll comes to mind. A lot of military, internal security and Party apparatchiks' rice bowls threatened in these places if democracy ever takes hold :hmm:.

10th Sep 2013, 12:25
O.P Indeed, what a fascinating show. You must have had a sore throat from yelling out praises and chapped hands from clapping during that 'wild ass TV show'! The people must be proud of their 'dear leader' and everything he stands for - McDonalds, Dennis Rodman, pornography, nukes, basketball and bestiality :ok:
He would make a great addition to the house of Swire.