View Full Version : HELP! Antibiotics and viruses.

Loose rivets
27th Aug 2013, 21:17
I know they don't kill viruses, but do they have a detrimental affect on the immune system, to the extent a virus can really take hold when it was on its way out?

I'm in the UK largely because of my daughter's wedding, a huge affair with me taking her down the isle. I went to the rehearsal last weekend, and her kids - yep, she's getting married years after this relationship started - her kids fairly sprayed me with their sneezes. I haven't seen a germ in two years and was wide open.

Felt like crap, but there was time to get better for the wedding - until I begged an antibiotic from the nurse practitioner. The logic was I was getting green grot from my lungs, and I wanted to avoid a secondary infection. I took the first one today.

Within an hour, the virus really hit me again. The whole nine yards.

Was it just chance, or did one Clarithromycin stuff my immune system to such an extent the virus could make a comeback?

27th Aug 2013, 22:46
It's about fifty/fifty whether it's a virus or a bacteria. If it's a virus, then you're likely to get better with time. If it's a bacteria, then......you're likely to get better with time.

If the NP has done her/his job properly, then she/he has given you "worsening" advice. (Safety netting.) Look out for breathlessness, chest pain, worsening symptoms etc. It's normal to feel crap, it's your body's way of letting you rest to recover itself.

Clarithromycin, short term, is unlikely to affect your immune system, it's the drug of choice for your symptoms.

The important thing is that you are fit for your daughters wedding on the day. The antibiotic is unlikely to make a sudden difference, we're not allowed to give specific advice here, but it may be worth taking to your NP/Pharmacist about dosing up on rest,fluids and simple analgesia:)

Loose rivets
27th Aug 2013, 22:52
Thanks for that. I'm so stressed out at the moment I think it's having a detrimental effect.

The AB I hope will ward off a secondary infection, but it was just the sudden worsening of the cold symptoms that made me wonder.

Funny, my son routinely publishes on Stress and the Immune system, but his work is too complicated to be of use to the layman.

27th Aug 2013, 23:02
It's a stressful time, but to be honest, the congregation won't be to bothered with you !

Put it all in a box till then, and enjoy yourself on the day.....we want to know all about it, pictures and all :)

28th Aug 2013, 10:08
I always find that if I go anywhere near booze while getting better it can have a huge effect on the length of time feeling :mad:.

I know there won't be any reason but I find a good hot curry of the spinach type with side dishes seems to speed things up. It could be because its so mineral rich etc or the spices do something to your metabolism but it seems to work for me.

28th Aug 2013, 19:07
Loose Rivets

Gingernut is on the ball. Antibiotics wont worsen a bacterial infection, nor make it better.

However if you really are producing green sputum from the lungs (as opposed to snot from your nose or sinuses trickling down and then being coughed up - sorry chaps if you are reading this whilst eating!) then I doubt it is viral and likely to be bacterial.

If you continue to produce it and continue to feel unwell you should see a real doctor and someone should listen to your chest! A true chest infection needs medical supervision

Hope you are much better soon!

Loose rivets
28th Aug 2013, 19:40
Thank you Radgirl.

Yes, the lady at the practice was very professional. Listened to my reasonably clear lungs, but took in the big picture of post-viral bacteriological infection and the wedding.

I was much improved today, and indeed walked a mile and a half to a serious fire at Walton's Naze. At some stage I visited with the same friend - refusing to enter his home, but sitting in the garden. I was again beset with a nasty setback. Pollen? Grass? No, I've concluded I'm allergic to my friend.:p

40 hours and counting.

29th Aug 2013, 01:57
Quite few years back I contracted pneumonia. Went to the doc who prescribed some sort of general antibiotic. Many days later with no improvement I went back to the doc. He was away on holiday and so his replacement looked me over. One thing different he did was to take a sample and analysis of the "nasty chest stuff". From the results he prescribed an antibiotic that attacked the specific bacteria that was causing the problem. Within days I recuperated rapidly. Lesson learnt; I never accept a general antibiotic that cures everything now without closely questioning the reason. By the way, that was in Canada not Brazil where antibiotics tend to be prescribed for anything slightly abnormal.

29th Aug 2013, 06:21
you should see a real doctor:p

Letting nurses prescribe? Next they'll be letting the stewardess fly the plane.

29th Aug 2013, 22:20
Radgirl...I'm intrigued by your comment that an antibiotic won't make a bacterial infection better. Typo?

31st Aug 2013, 22:59

Just checking you are paying attention

Should be viral not bacterial

Radiation rotting my brain

Loose rivets
1st Sep 2013, 19:29
Went to the wedding, 'twas in Hampstead. Totally wonderful. Then, entire mass taxied to St Paul's, well to a nightclub just south of there, where they danced until three. Us oldies were taxied to our houses or hotels.

However, me legs went funny. Doing the garden like a 20 year-old backfired on me. I got pricks which turned to spots which turned to a quarter of my legs looking like they'd been boiled alongside a lobster. It was the blue bits which made me call reception. A lovely girl, trained in first aid, came and bandaged me legs. So concerned was I that I would contaminate the sheets that I asked for a plastic bag, and spent the night with me feet sticking out through holes in the bottom.

Colchester hospital on the way home where a lovely triage nurse examined me very carefully and prescribed an antibiotic cream that had an anti-inflammatory mixed with it. One is sitting here in me knickers on an old uniform shirt to protect the chairs. Funny old life.

2nd Sep 2013, 08:31
Loose Rivets, off thread, a bit, but many thanks for starting my day with a belly full of laffs ! Deep joy. Someone asked for Wedding photos but can I have one of you, in yer knickers, sitting on an old uniform shirt ? I would place that inside my garden shed & muse before heading off to the garden with a coping saw & a pair of scissors ! Oh, I too get pricks in the garden but that's another story ! Actually, not too far off thread. A good laff, healthy attitude and embracing this new adventure (ageing process) is often better than any anti-biotic.

2nd Sep 2013, 14:17
My late father (a GP) once said that he could cure a cold in 7 days; left to itself it went away in a week .....

Loose rivets
2nd Sep 2013, 19:58
but can I have one of you, in yer knickers, sitting on an old uniform shirt ?

Ooooh, don't know about that. People are queuing up for photos of me in me knickers. :p

Now I'm released from the jaws of the black dog, I'm off to JB.

2nd Sep 2013, 20:29
it's probably the safest bet:p

Loose rivets
4th Sep 2013, 15:19
Oooooo errrrrrr:uhoh:

Well I'm just back from a trip to the home town of Walton on the Naze. I took my ugly legs with me and showed them to the doctor. He gave me a double course of double strength anti-biotic. Sometimes the layman's gut feelings aren't hypochondria after all. That, or he was just trying to get rid of me.:rolleyes: