View Full Version : Ferry to South Africa

27th Aug 2013, 08:34
I am considering the purchase of Cessna 206H in the UK. What guidance, risks, suggestions vz ferrying the plane to SA. As rule of thumb, what would the Ferry industry charge (estimate) me to do such a flight?
Any experience with East v West coast routing?

27th Aug 2013, 21:47
Hi there. Your biggest issues in going eastwards or westwards are security (flying thru war zones), overflight and landing permissions from Africa's notorious bureaucracy AND getting a reliable supply of AVgas assuming it is a normal 206 and not a turbine version.

Many routes look okay until you find out that Avgas is just not available in capital cities. And international airports for love or money. Had a friend who ferried a turbo 210 last year from Europe and even with a fair amount of money, help and pre planning he had some serious hassles to deal with enroute thru Egypt, down the Nile via East Africa etc. supposedly reliable fuel stores were not. And airports were a major test of patience and resilience. Get advice on where fuel is first and then plan your route. And help from clearance experts and companies are a must. Africa is not a place to try and smile your way thru paperwork.... Jails are not to be risked.

Start with fuel and work from there. It's not easy but possible.

unstable load
28th Aug 2013, 07:11
Strip it down, stick it in a sea-can and collect in Durban or Cape Town.

Solid Rust Twotter
28th Aug 2013, 08:38
What he said.

28th Aug 2013, 16:19
Awww!! Come on guys?!! If you've got the time, the energy and the inclination.. what better experience (good and bad) than to fly a plane on a long ferry flight!! Definitely one for the memoires and to tell the grandkids if nothing else!!!

So if you're going to be brave and relish the challenge, a few more thoughts... I don't know the west route, but down the eastern side of the Dark Continent...

Egypt - avgas was available, but even so was seriously hit and miss in either Cairo, Luxor or Aswan - but with current circumstances who knows what its like now.
Somalia - no avgas and definitely NOT worth a visit under any circumstances.
Sudan & Ethiopia - no avgas - except through missionary organisations. Like gold dust.
East Africa - depending on location avgas is generally available.
Malawi - avgas in Blantyre.
Mozambique - not much, if at all.
Zimbabwe - there are GA planes, so avgas is around, but not sure how reliable the suppplies are.
Botswana - avgas around.
South Africa - plenty.

Hope that helps...

29th Aug 2013, 18:17
I don't think that it's such a hard task !
just you need strong planning and trusted contacts
I can tell you that I have worked on 2-3 ferry flights on this route from Europe to East / South Africa, some even flew to S. Africa for pleasure from Ireland and back !
it's not rocket science !

AVGAS is available in Egypt all the year long at 3 Airports !
North Sudan you need the right contacts which I have, they bring the AVGAS from a small city 200 KMs away from KRT from the companies that do crop dusting

South Sudan / Juba, I have contacts who can ship it in barrels from Uganda

Kenya, it's available again with the right contacts

Further south it's easier !

I think it would be a nice adventure , if you are the kind of person who likes to go on adventures, the golden rule, Get the right contacts and always bargain and negotiate on prices !

30th Aug 2013, 19:09
Mozambique also not a problem, just done the trip twice and BP seems to be on top of their supply nowadays. AVGAS available in Pemba, Nampula (through MAF for big $$$), Beira, Vilanculos, Maputo. Best experience I had in a long time, however call in before and ask for Liters remaining.
On your route Tanzania has AVGAS in Arusha, Dodoma, Dar
Kenya has AVGAS at least in Nairobi and Mombasa as well as a few others I believe.

31st Aug 2013, 03:58
There's Avgas in HAAB for sure.

31st Aug 2013, 09:06
Ferrying is a good option

There are two real routes to consider east and west.
West, you can go through Spain, to the Canaries, Accra, Ondangwa to SA.
East, you can go through France and Italy to Crete,, Luxor, Nairobi, Malawi, to SA.

Either way the longest legs between fuel stops is about 1600 nm so you will need to tank the aircraft. One 150 gal tank would probably do it nicely. My preference would be for the western routing as it will be a little shorter, a bit cheaper and you et to miss Egypt at the moment. Avgas prices vary wildly and you can pay up to about $5 per little (Iraklion is quite pricy as I recall).

You will need overflight clearances which have a validity window so some good planning will help make things go smoothly. Cananies, Dakar, Accra and Ondangs are all nice stops. You will need a Sat phone and a raft, I would recommend borrowing rather than buying. The trip can be done without HF which makes it easier.

Depending on your experience and qualifications consider taking someone with you. A pilot with ferry experience will make things go smoother and teach you a lot along the way.

You are welcome to PM me if you need any advice. I have done several piston ferries and have flown both routes. If it goes ahead I hope you will post about your adventure.

Best of luck.

2nd Sep 2013, 14:00
All very good advice - I will be flying with another Pilot.

Thank you and keep your fingers crossed for a happy flight when it happens.

5th Sep 2013, 09:22
We're doing this trip at the moment, in a C182; and covering both West and East sides. Happy to answer any questions. I'd advise going to the smallest airports you can, they are much cheaper and easier to negotiate. Accra, which someone mentioned, was one of the biggest hassles, and the most expensive stops, so far. Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, or maybe Cotonou in Benin, have both been much better.

Website with trip info at katamarino.co.uk - Adventure Flying Resources (http://www.katamarino.co.uk)

6th Sep 2013, 03:53
Definitely by East Side...some years ago we delivered a C182 from Faro to Maun and it was pretty nice ;)

17th Sep 2013, 15:39
I have been told there is nothing available - do you have a contact for me to secure Avgas in HAAB.

Agaricus bisporus
17th Sep 2013, 21:40
I don't think AVGAS has been available commercially in Addis in decades but Ethiopian Airlines used to run a fleet of piston training aircraft there and so had their own supply - so unless they've done away with their training fleet there must be some there - though how easy it would be to persuade them to part with some is another matter.

AVGAS in Djibouti and Asmara perhaps? Port Sudan? Lokichoggio?

2nd Oct 2013, 17:08
I have a contact or two who could advise on fuel; PM me for details.

17th Oct 2013, 14:05
Hi there!!... in one month I'm due to fly a C210 from italy to Tanzania... Any help, suggestion, direction, contact ( for the fuel )... is greatly appreciated... Many thanks in advance

21st Oct 2013, 09:12
We've used MH Aviation in Joburg for our recent ferry. They did the routing for us (based on range and avgas availability) and set up everything from hotels to clearances to fuel. Walk in the park.


21st Oct 2013, 15:08
We can arrange avgas at egypt at many stations

sudan it is also available at hsss but need pre-arrangements

at hdam it is founded in 200 liter drum 1200 usd/per drum

at tanzania avgas founded at htda

at kenya it can be arranged at hknw

also available at malawi at fwki

at haab no way ethiopian airlines is no more provide avgas

for more help please pm

Teddy Robinson
21st Oct 2013, 17:59
for what it's worth, on the occasions we have conducted ferry flights we always use an agent such as the one mentioned above to arrange the overflight landing and fuel issues, and were very satisfied with the results.
As a cautionary tale, a friend of mine flew a similar aircraft down the west coast route DIY and had a shedload of hassle from officialdom, and lack of AVGAS, all I can add to that is AVOID NIGERIA AT ALL COSTS !! .. agent or no agent.

21st Oct 2013, 20:11
Best thing to do is get a good large tank and make sure you have all the visas for all countries Congo will not issue visas at the border i know they nearly jailed me and if I had not been with a high profile guy it would have cost me 5000 Euros
Best thing to do is get an expereinced ferry Pilto dont do it your self unless you have desert expereince and low viz also and a good IFR pilot in case GPS and anything else fail
Ferrying is fun but many expereinced Pilots have lostb their lives doing it

21st Oct 2013, 20:13
Get a large ferry tank and less stops