View Full Version : FLYDUBAI

25th Aug 2013, 20:55
Hi there!

Does somebody know if there is housing allowance at FlyDubai?

What about school allowance?

If not, 15000 usd monthly looks short!

Someone from FlyDubai to get feedback and update?

Best Regards

25th Aug 2013, 21:02
There's a thread here already that answers all your questions. Give it a good read, well worth it...



Old King Coal
25th Aug 2013, 21:47
There fact that there is a great big thread (http://www.pprune.org/middle-east/335052-flight-deck-positions-flydubai-master-thread-merged.html), running for over 5 years (& 96 pages), providing an almost chronological history of all things flydubai, and yet some are either too inept or too lazy to locate and / or read that same thread, might speak volumes about them?!

27th Aug 2013, 21:17
I think it says more about you. Why don't you just answer the guy instead of telling him to read through 96 pages of a 5 year old thread?

27th Aug 2013, 21:28
Hey! manaAdaSystem

Don't worry, with that attitude of OKC I can realize that FZ is not the place to GO

27th Aug 2013, 21:57
Lol! So you can tell whether a specific airline would be a good career move for you based on the comment of one of their pilots? Lmao! Nice...

Anyways, read the thread, it's really a good read. It's not 5 years old, it was started 5 years ago, not the same thing. You'll learn a lot.

Sin acritud.