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View Full Version : CPL A WITH IR ???

24th Aug 2013, 21:15
why when i choose the cpl (A) online studies subject there is only the vfr com questions???
what i have to do if i wan t the cpl (A) course with (iR) ????
i have to give the Cpl (A) exams first and after separate the (IR) COURSE???
Thank s for your time !!!!

24th Aug 2013, 22:00
If you want to do a CPL, you need to do the CPL exams. If you want to do an IR, you need to do the IR exams. If you want to do both, you have two options. You can either do the CPL exams plus the IR exams, or you can do the ATPL exams. This gives you three years in which to do the practical training and pass the CPL and IR tests. In the longer term, once the further requirements are met, you can apply for the full ATPL. If you do the sets of exams separately, I would imagine you can take longer to do it all, but you will be limited to CPL + IR.

25th Aug 2013, 13:15
so...I must take the cpl theory 13 exams and after that the (ir) theory 5 exams???
or the 13 exams for cpl plus the ifr comm total (14 exams)?????
that was my question.Sorry if i was miss understandable....
Thank you for your time!!!!!!

25th Aug 2013, 13:41
Yes you have to do both, CPL and IR exams (13+5)..

25th Aug 2013, 16:38
OR do 14 ATPL exams, which will give you both CPL and IR. You do the sums!!!!