View Full Version : Discount on Flight Training

3rd May 2002, 14:31
I work for BAe and have found out that I'm entitled to discounts off Rover & MG cars. This started me thinking about BAes' training facility in Spain and so I contacted Mary-Jo (marketing for the school I believe) about six months ago and she wasn't aware of any discount available to BAe employees.

Anyone know anything more? I would have thought that if you can get £1000s discount on cars that you may be able to get some money off flight training. Would like to contact soneone else within BAe about this to see if I can wangle a discount but not sure who to contact. Any ideas?

3rd May 2002, 15:23
I work for BAE too, but I'm afraid I have never seen or heard of getting any discounts with Jerez. If you work at Warton though they have a flying club for employees, which is where I did my PPL.