View Full Version : ECOGEN Skittled by RAF

tony draper
2nd May 2002, 17:16
The company that wanted to build a wind farm in the low flying area of Keilder have had their appeal thrown out.
The RAF objected on the grounds it would interfere with the radar on low flying aircraft.
We had a thread on this last year I think.
So, alas no tilting at windmills chaps. :rolleyes:

2nd May 2002, 18:37
Mmmmm......Seems that if you were a high ranking officer and you got 'wind' of this then you would have said Yes. Reason being that you could have been given shares in this company just for getting them the go-ahead.
That way you could also route all the low flying traffic to whizz by low and fast. This would create more turbelence and drive the wind mills faster. Thus more power created equalling higher company value. Therefore more cash for the high ranker. Fancy letting a chance like this pass you by!!!

2nd May 2002, 23:52
The local airport gives the warning (very paraphrased) 'You are now entering an area of radar clutter caused by a windfarm, late or no warning of traffic'.
Maybe it has to do with the MTI?
Then again, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing- and I profess to only a little knowledge of the subject!