View Full Version : V-Bombers

23rd Jul 2013, 17:18
Did national service in Aldershot, top end of Queen's Avenue
(we used the Queen's Hotel for De-mob parties) 1957 - 59 and in the days when there was an annual Air Show at Farnborough.
One day was called outside to see the sky literally filled with con trails. We were told that the total V-Bomber force was doing a show of strength to the visiting rulers (2 I think) of the USSR.
Can anyone actually verify this for me? It was one hell of a sight.

23rd Jul 2013, 18:35
I attended that air show. I cannot recall the precise details but the fly-by consisted of Vulcans, Victors, Valiants and Canberras. They were all at high level contrailing and it was quite a sight.

24th Jul 2013, 18:25

Image at following links

bomber command | pdf archive | aviation traders | 1957 | 1341 | Flight Archive (http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1957/1957%20-%201341.html)

miles student | 1957 | 1339 | Flight Archive (http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1957/1957%20-%201339.html)

Noah Zark.
24th Jul 2013, 20:37
Now, THEM'S what I call chemtrails!

24th Jul 2013, 20:43
Blimey, seen that pic before, wondered what was going on! Wish I could have seen the flypast...

25th Jul 2013, 08:55
I was in my back garden at my home in Chesham, Bucks when this occured. First we saw one, then two, then many many more to the south east of us all heading roughly north west.

30th Jul 2013, 20:41
I was at Farnborough when this happened. Someone told me that the Government had the courtesy to tell the Russians it was a demonstration and not to worry. Mind you, if they were heading North West, one hopes the Americans were also tipped off.