View Full Version : Prop aeroplane circling manchester

j4ckos mate
4th Jul 2013, 20:14
Has anyone else seen this?

its been circling very high above manchester for 45 minutes, it looks to be what i recall to be an islander when i was a spotter

ive seen it many times and its not on theplane finder App.
any ideas anyone?

4th Jul 2013, 20:51
They're watching you :suspect: Be mindful of being a good citizen and don't use any naughty words when phoning your friends ;)

It does this all the time, perhaps it's that there are no clouds over 'Manny' today ?


4th Jul 2013, 21:02
There's been something similar over London for the past two weeks, only saw it today and it looked like it was approaching LCY but just continued to circle over Southwark, near the Shard and Tower Bridge.



4th Jul 2013, 21:02
This bud?


4th Jul 2013, 21:39
There's been similar activity over London for about 40 years.

4th Jul 2013, 22:18
Yep I saw the same looking plane turning to the north from the river approx 8nm west of LCY this evening around 5pm. Assumed it may be a go around but seemed a bit far away. It was probably less than 2000ft agl.

4th Jul 2013, 23:30
Dornier 228. MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries) used to operate a couple.

Scott C
4th Jul 2013, 23:57
That first picture looks like G-MIND one of RVL's Cessna 404's. Based at East Midlands.

Photograph of Aircraft G-MIND (http://www.caa.co.uk/applicationmodules/ginfo/ginfo_photo.aspx?regmark=G-MIND&imgname=G-MIND001&imgtype=jpg)

I did say looks like... but it isn't :p It's the wrong type of aircraft and the paint job is slightly different.

Could this be it?:


5th Jul 2013, 06:05
I'm staying just south of Manchester chorlton cum hardy and saw a Turbo Islander last night running parallel to the M62 about 250-300 feet about 20:00 going west. I'm assuming its Army unless the police are running one? I heard that some forces use them? It was defo an Islander I worked on them years ago and this had twin wheel fixed u/c

5th Jul 2013, 06:35

From halwise's post, this aircraft's registration tells you who this aircraft belongs to :ok:

Btw, 'darn sarf' there are several light twins that criss-cross the London area, some keeping an eye on things, some doing surveys and now and then the atmospheric research plane sniffing for various things in the fetid air of the capital :}


5th Jul 2013, 09:30
Google Search Here (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=G-GMPB&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb#client=firefox-a&hs=2o3&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB%3Aofficial&channel=fflb&sclient=psy-ab&q=G-GMPB+circling&oq=G-GMPB+circling&gs_l=serp.3...19424.21052.0.21771. 0....0...1c.1.19.psy-ab.1yVJMiEvYao&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.d2k&fp=839d9582418924f5&biw=1366&bih=651)

Circles over the Greater Manchester area every day and night monitoring communications and various other things.

5th Jul 2013, 14:56
Your answers here:

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility Home Page (http://arsf.nerc.ac.uk/index.asp?cookieConsent=A)

j4ckos mate
5th Jul 2013, 15:13
Its not the police one, seen that may times before,
its far to high for that, its obviously doing "other work":oh:
i reckon its taking pictures to compare for the upcoming hosepipe ban:ok:
thanks anyway.

5th Jul 2013, 16:42
Its not the police one, seen that may times before, its far to high for that, its obviously doing "other work"You could have told us that in your first post, but then that would have spoiled all the fun. :O

If it's (a) an Islander, (b) not the GMP one and (c) high up (~FL100?), then whose it is and what it's doing a bit of a no-brainer. Spooky, eh?

5th Jul 2013, 19:51
Thanks all, I think it isthe NERC. Need to reinstate my night rating so I can go & find out

5th Jul 2013, 19:52
Maybe an request under FOI would be cheaper

6th Jul 2013, 08:55
It's definitely the Police Islander G-GMPB, there's been nothing else doing that sort of work in the area recently

6th Jul 2013, 19:28
Sorry - commenting about the wrong date